Home » UNGASS Special Segment Day 1 – Statement by China

UNGASS Special Segment Day 1 – Statement by China

China believes that the UNGASS Board will continue to actively carry out its work so UNGASS will provide due guidance to our work. China also support CND strengthening its communication with the President of the GA to lay a good foundation for the success of UNGASS. As was published in the INCB annual report, the world drug situation remains precarious. UNGASS is an important milestone in drug policy development.
Hope preparatory process will take place within the mandates of the relevant GA resolutions. In our preparatory discussions, we will no doubt touch on multi-dimensional issues and the challenges from various perspectives. Regardless of what we discuss, we should adhere to the three UN drug conventions. In the spirit of the three conventions and the 2009 Political Declaration and Plan of Action, the efforts to deal with drug problem will require not only strengthening international law enforcement and judicial bodies, but also to consider the health and human rights objectives.

As indicated by the three conventions, states have the right to freely determine the appropriate punishment in line with the principle of proportionality. The sovereign right should be fully respected. Any proposals going against this will be inappropriate in the preparatory process or at the UNGASS.

We should be open and inclusive. Welcome civil society and NGOs to be part of this process.

New psychoactive substances is a common challenge faced by all regions in the world. Ketamine is a place in point in the statement made by Namibia and Jordan. Both have emphasized the necessity and urgency to control ketamine. China fully shares such a view and precisely due to such a concern, China made a proposal to include ketamine under schedule four. China believes that a balanced approach should be fully implemented by curbing illicit trafficking and use of ketamine while at the same time ensuring that no undue control will be averted on the normal use. Schedule four allows this. Such as issue needs to be dealt with at the international level as national level alone is insufficient. Ketamine significantly impacts China and its risk is continuing. As indicated by INCB, national measures to control ketamine are not enough. We need international control to curb the diversion and abuse to adopt a serious approach and share the common responsibility.

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