Home » Agenda Item 8: Contributions by the Commission to the work of the Economic and Social Council, in line with General Assembly resolution 68/1

Agenda Item 8: Contributions by the Commission to the work of the Economic and Social Council, in line with General Assembly resolution 68/1

Documents to be considered:
– E/CN.7/2016/CRP.1
– E/CN.15/2016/CRP.1

Chair: Theme is implementing the post 2015 development agenda, and moving from commitments to results. CND might wish to identify the SDGs that are closest related and relevant to its mandate. Might want to change the standing agenda items to make an explicit reference to the SDGs. Secretariate prepared a conference room paper mapping out our relevant mandates and overlap with SDGs.

UNODC: Reiterate importance of linkages between mandate of CND and 2030 agenda. Regarding SDG 3, 3.5 relates to strengthening prevention and treatment, 3.3 relates to HIV, 3.8 relates to universal health coverage, and 3B relates to access to medicines. SDG 5 is about empowering women and girls, promoting access to justice for women and girls, and reducing violence against women and girls. SDG 6, 8, and 10 can be combined in the context of alternative development, food insecurity, sustainable agriculture, and economic growth in communities. SDG 10 relates to illicit financial flows and asset monitoring. SDG 15 relates to prevention and promotion of territorial forests, land degradation, and biodiversity loss, and thus connects to alternative development programs. Most important is SDG 16 regarding vulnerability, and includes the fact that we need to deal with root causes causing vulnerability, such as by limiting opportunities for impunity and lawlessness. 16.7 and 16.A.1 are of great importance for what we stand for. SDG 17 relates to improved process coherence and multi-stakeholder partnerships.

USA: The United States welcomes the efforts of the ECOSOC. Public health and justice organisation need to coordinate better, as shown in UNGASS preparations. The WHO provides valuable research and recommendations. UNAIDS provides a perspective on a sub-sect of drug users. The CND should work to develop new and creative ways to involve relevant bodies and broaden the scope of its operations, including side events. The CND, along with the INCB and UNODC, should help member states to implement SDGs alongside international treaty obligations. UNODC should help member states monitor and evaluate progress against goal 16. Thank you chair.

CND Board: We are fully in line with what has been said.

Chair: This concludes discussion of Item 8. We will suspend this meeting until 12.45pm.


Chair: An agreement could not be reached on the Adu Dhabi declaration. This meeting is suspended until further notice. Please refer to the screens found around the building to find out the reconvened time.

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