Home » CND Intersessional Meeting – 8 September 2016

CND Intersessional Meeting – 8 September 2016

Chair. Does the meeting wish to adopt the agenda as it stands? I see no comments so the agenda is adopted.

  1. Contributions to the work of the Economic and Social Council

Chair. I briefed the ECOSOC on the outcome of the 59th session of the CND during the commission’s meeting in NY in July. The ECOSOC approved the provisional agenda for the 60th session and studied the 59th session report.

CND’s contribution to ECOSOC on implementing the development agenda where member states emphasized the work of the commission on the SDGs and to the high level political forum with the 2016 theme ‘ensuring no one is left behind’.

We welcome the ECOSOC work around the SDGs. The GA adopted resolution 8/res/70/299. The Commission should aim to increase its efforts to work together with other Commissions of ECOSOC.

CND Secretary. As you already mention, GA resolution 70/1 and 70/299 includes indeed increased cooperation with other ECOSOC commissions, including that on the status of women. I had the opportunity to discuss with the Secretary on the Status of Women how to increase cooperation with Vienna. One idea included having an event at the time of the reconvened session during which CSW and other commissions including UNODC to help the CND mainstream gender into its work. This is also in line with the support the CND is meant the provide to support member states with SDG 5. We could also see how its own work can be made visible during the meeting of the Commission on the Status of Women.

Chair. In the same resolution, member states established the following themes: 2017 – poverty; 2018 – transformation into resilient societies; 2019 – inclusiveness and equality. In 2017, goals 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 14 will be reviewed in depth. Particular emphasis in March was focused on goal 3. But also the other targets are of relevance, including target 5 on women equality, this features prominently in the UNGASS outcome document. We will continue to keep this in mind to contribute meaningfully.

Mexico. I want to thank the Secretariat on this initiative to increase cooperation with the CSW. Gender is a key priority for Mexico and we look forward to work in this regard.


  1. Follow up to the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem

Chair. I stressed the importance of implementing the practical recommendations included in the UNGASS outcome document. We resolved to take steps and recognise the CND as having the leading role in global drug control matters. As per discussions of the extended bureau meeting, the bureau approved the agenda for implementing the outcome document. Proposal key points:

  • Holding an additional day during the CND reconvened on 30th November, taking stock of UNGASS and discussion the way forward. We should hold this meeting in an open ended manner. Does the commission agree to this proposal? I see no objection, thank you.
  • Holding in the period leading to the reconvened a series of intersessional meeting to discuss the implementation of the 7 chapters of the UNGASS document. UN entities, international and regional organisations and NGOs will be invited to join this meeting. Preliminary dates are outlined in the tentative timeline made available today.
  • Continue organising special events and side events including lunchtime discussions and other outreach activities as was done in preparations for the UNGASS. Do you agree? Thank you, it is decided.
  • To ensure continuity and benefit from expensive experience from the UNGASS prep process, we propose to invite former Vice Chair from Portugal to support the bureau and the CND as a facilitator for the remaining of the 59th Session period. I see no objection.

Amb Moitinha, Portugal. I am pleased to support the Bureau and CND. I hope we can continue to work in an open and transparent manner as we did during UNGASS. I am ready to discuss with you the 7 chapters of the UNGASS outcome document. It will be an opportunity to share experiences, activities and lessons learned to help us implement the UNGASS outcome document. I encourage you to come and contribute to the meetings. I am looking forward to continuing working with all of you in the period ahead.

Chair. I want to mention that HONLEAS and the Sub-Commission on Traffic in the Middle East will be held in Oct-Nov 2016. The Secretariat has undertaken efforts to help subsidiary bodies to implement the UNGASS outcome document. The subsidiary bodies will hold post-UNGASS working groups to implement the document including mainstreaming a gender perspective, and specific needs of children and youth with regard to the world drug problem. I now open the floor for discussions.

Slovakia, on behalf of the EU. At this first CND meeting after UNGASS, I express the gratitude of the EU for the good work of you Chairman, and Amb Shamaa and other members of the Board, Mr. Fedotov and the UNODC Secretariat. The UNGASS was a successful meeting. The outcome document outlines key priorities in health and human rights. Language on proportionate sentencing and alternatives to incarceration, promotion of measures for access to controlled substances for medical purposes, call for enhanced coordination between CND/UNODC/other UN agencies including WHO, UNAIDS, etc., bringing in the economic context and the SDGs. We welcome the fact that this was done within the 3 UN drug control conventions. International cooperation should also be strengthened. From a human rights perspective, the priority should be the abolition of the death penalty, as well as other practices not in line with the principles of democracy, human rights, rule of law and fundamental freedoms. The implementation of the outcome doc is an important step. We also welcome the participation of civil society in the lead up to 2019.

Pakistan. We welcome the UNGASS outcomes. It is timely to collectively see how best to implement the outcomes of the UNGASS. We are satisfied with the consensus outcome, which offers good recommendations to implement the 2009 political declaration goals. It also provides key information to fight the global evil of drugs. Pakistan is of the view that the implementation of the outcome document requires more international cooperation. An overarching aim would be to address and counter the WDP in accordance with the 3 drug control conventions, reinforcing the existing balance and integrated approach to the WDP. We want to see the CND continue its leading role in the follow up to the UNGASS. It would be useful to inscribe a follow up agenda item in the agenda of the reconvened CND, as well as on the implementation of the 2009 political declaration and plan of action. This discussion must also serve to identify the capacity building needs of the countries. The discussion under the new subitems should have a thematic nature to lead the discussions, focusing on demand, supply and international cooperation. We also want to emphasise that UNODC has a critical role in partnership with other relevant UN entities to assist states in implementing the recommendations of UNGASS 2016. These are preliminary thoughts, we look forward to hear views from others.

Guatemala. I have listened closely to the proposals made so far. The UNGASS provided a historic opportunity to recognise the need to rebalance the prohibitive approach and move towards a health approach. We welcome the statement from the Portuguese ambassador. In his national capacity, he has the expertise and experience to guide us in this process. On the timeline for the intersessionals, we welcome the format and wish that this will reflect the cross cutting themes that are included in the UNGASS outcome document. We also need to consider what is going to be done with the information that will be collated during these CND intersessionals. We also welcome an additional day on the CND reconvened to reflect on the recommendations of the document, and identify challenges. We also welcome the adoption of the resolution by the GA on the 2030 agenda for development. Guatemala will be working hard to attain these goals and will inform you of progress.

Mexico. This is the first time I am participating at CND, it is a pleasure to be here. I underscore Mexico’s spirit of cooperation in the follow up to UNGASS 2016. I welcome the proposal from today to follow up on what was agreed upon in NY. This shows us the spirit of commitment to give rise to constructive dialogue on how to improve our policies, especially looking towards development, human rights, health, etc. I want to praise the work of the permanent rep of Portugal. We welcome the decision for Portugal to chair the discussions on the UNGASS. This dialogue should be part of the CND’s regular work, there is no need for an additional mandate. What is expected of member states – Mexico has convened follow up discussions to reflect on UNGASS, I am happy to share. We also want to know how the discussions of the intersessionals will be used. I am sure this will also be useful for the GA.

Ecuador. I want to thank you for the information you provided, and thank the Secretariat for organising the meeting. With regards to the UNGASS and the adoption of the outcome doc, we now need to follow up on the recommendations. The UNGASS has been a true reflection of the failure to address sustainable development, rule of law, traditional practices. It could be said that there was general consensus on priorities for development, although these will need to be adapted to each country. It is a possibility to open up the political space to pursue new solutions, which can be used by countries to mitigate the impacts on development. I want to go back to the UNGASS outcome doc, which mentions that efforts to achieve development and combat drugs go hand in hand. This should be part of our national drug policies and programmes, which should be balanced. We could therefore identify new ways forward focusing on the 2030 agenda, taking into account the flexibility for state parties to decide on how to implement the conventions according to their needs. UNGASS led to these important debates. I welcome all initiatives to help implement the recommendations of UNGASS. We welcome the nomination of Portugal to conduct consultations in the follow up to the UNGASS. I hope the extended bureau will not create an extended mandate, we need to use CND for this.

UK. We align with the statement made by the EU. We thank the chair for presenting the proposal for the extended bureau which we support, this will help us maintain the momentum created by the UNGASS. We welcome the continued leadership from Portugal. We urge all member states to implement the recommendations of the outcome doc. The substantive recommendations can help implement a balanced approach towards drugs. The follow up will help us identify gaps in the lead up to 2019. We also welcome work on NPS. We are well placed to work in the UK on this issue and welcome the session planned for 27 October and encourage you to read the UNODC report on NPS and UNGASS. We look forward to working with everybody in this process.

USA. We welcome the new CND intersessional in October to focus on the recommendations of the UNGASS outcome document, thanks also to the Portuguese ambassador to play the role of the moderator. The Reconvened meeting on 30 Nov will also be useful. The USA plans to come to these meetings with specific examples of how we are implementing the UNGASS recommendations at national level and in cooperation with other partners. The more specific the info, the more effectively we can help each other implement the UNAGSS recommendations. We also encourage UNODC to use the intersessionals to increase its partnership with other UN agencies. We welcome the work done with the CSW. The USA continues to support the leading role of CND, and reaffirms the treaty mandated role of WHO and the INCB. We also want to enhance the collaboration within the whole UN family. For example, the CND could formally issue invitations to all UN entities to CND to increase collaboration, and CND could engage in the meetings of other UN agencies. The USA also support NGO cooperation, in particular in discussions on the implementation of UNGASS recommendations as they are working on the ground, especially for health programmes.

Switzerland. We appreciate this opportunity to discuss the UNGASS recommendations. We are committed to share information on national implementation. Follow up was already established at the previous UNGASS through annual reports by member states and analysis in the UNODC WDR. This did support the process for many years now. In 2010, an expert group streamlined and updated these annual questionnaires in line with the 2009 political declaration. The CND then approved these new questionnaires. UNODC was requested to carry out the process. Time has come for UNODC to review these annual questionnaires. The UNGASS outcome document does include information requesting member states to provide more data on criminal justice, access to essential medicines, etc. As for the CND, according to the outcome doc, there are a number of recommendations relating to CND: it should receive info from member states and be used as a forum for sharing experiences and information concerning domestic practices including on proportionality; reviewing existing guidelines and developing new ones in collaboration with other UN entities; informed and coordinated scheduling decisions with cooperation with other UN entities; increase its cooperation with relevant UN entities, UNODC and INCB should also update the CND on strengthened cooperation with WHO and other UN entities; CND is encouraged to contribute to the follow up on the 2030 agenda. We trust that these recommendations will be taken into account when the CND sets up its agenda for upcoming meetings.

On the agenda of the intersessional meetings, we want to make a procedural point – could you provide a few annotations for each agenda item, circulating in advance to facilitate preparations of delegations and facilitate more fruitful discussions. The reporting by member states on their post UNGASS follow up should continue through questionnaires. The meetings should not be a substitute for these annual reports. Do we have reliable and objective data, indicators or other methods available to track progress and monitor trends in drug policy? Or do we need to further develop such indicators? At the start of the discussions of each of the 7 chapters, it would be useful to hear from UN agencies and the scientific sector to give us data and statistical gaps and challenges on key issues they are facing. The CND has long recognised the need to improve statistics and collating data. It is time for the CND to review and refine data collection and review/tracking progress.

Colombia. I want to thank you for convening this meeting and for the reports on CND contributions to ECOSOC on item 3. Colombia is one of the countries that promoted the UNGASS. It has been a milestone since 2009 and we need to continue to make progress. The debate has just begun. The discussions should now be taking UNGASS as the basis. It is time to work, bring diverging positions and put together a new consensus on the development agenda. This should be part of the CND agenda and that of other UN agencies. This requires national involvement and exchange of experiences. We welcome the meetings in October facilitated by the Portuguese Ambassador. To make best use of these meetings, we must know how we will deal with the information and experience emanating from the meetings, and how the info will be linked to the special segment on 30th November. We thank the bureau for informing us on the expected format. To conclude, I thank the chairman once again. Colombia is keen to contribute to these discussions and take on board the proposals from new speakers, including that of Switzerland to improve collection systems and measuring tools.

Cuba. We want to join in those delegations that have praised the work of UNGASS. As has been reflected in the outcome doc, the CND has the prime responsibility to combat the WRD. So we welcome the planned meetings. Pakistan made positive suggestions to keep the UNGASS on the CND agenda and welcome the Portuguese Ambassador as moderator. We are sure that the experience of UNGASS will ensure that he is balanced and objective.

Russia. It is with great satisfaction that we welcome the UNGASS outcome document. What is essential hear is that we managed to transform the Vienna consensus into a NY agreement on how to combat the transnational drug threat on the basis of the 3 UN drug control conventions. This is proof of the effectiveness of the CND and its capacity to close ranks and show a united front to threats to stability and security. I thank the CND Bureau who prepared the UNGASS and Amb Shamaa who creatively found ways forward on the issue. We have to act quickly now without breaks or interruption as the world drug threat never gives up. We are concerned by NPS which changed the whole drug panorama and we need to consider the dark net and the huge online drug market. We hope CND will show as much responsibility in dealing with the comprehensive issues it encounters. Combatting drugs requires national policies but we also need a collective effort within the principle of common and shared responsibility. CND is the main brains behind combatting drugs and we hope we will contribute to the implementation of the UNGASS outcome document. Thank you for organising the work for the coming year under the leadership of the Portuguese Ambassador. Our hope is to have a world free of drugs, our delegation is fully committed to this goals.

Norway. Welcome back, and welcome to all the newcomers. We thank the CND for its important facilitation, and we express our gratitude to Ambassador Shamaa for all his work, it was a huge achievement and efforts. We owe it to all of us to carry this work forward. I also want to thank the Secretariat for preparing an extended agenda for the fall. The purpose of the thematic discussion is to push the implementation forward, lessons learned and improve the world drug policy, based on science and statistics, and use this in a manner to fulfil the SDGs. This is not only about substance, however, but also how we work together. The comprehensiveness, inclusiveness and transparency and confidence building is very important – we need to continue to think of how we include other UN organisations and relevant partners. I want to thank here NGOs and academia for their important contributions and their work. We also value the focus on gender and youth, and we should make increased efforts to target organised crime and the main actors in the market. We look forward to remaining engaged in this regard.

Peru. I want to congratulate you and your team, as well as the Secretariat for work accomplished, and to the Portuguese Ambassador. During this process, we reiterated our commitment to furthering our work on drug policy in a balanced manner. This is reflected in the outcome doc. We want to restate our belief that drug policy should be based on the 3 UN drug control conventions. They are the cornerstone of the drug control system. We think that instruments and tools available starting with the drug control treaties and other tools such as the 2009 political declaration, the 2014 JMS and the 2016 outcome document, should be used. Now that we have started the implementation process, the CND should be the primary body responsible for tackling the problem. We also convey the important role of the INCB as an independent body. We will continue our commitment to fight the drug problem through an integrated, balanced and comprehensive approach putting the human being at the centre. We will share lessons learned and experiences on the implementation of the UNGASS recommendations.

Austria. We align with the statement of the EU and its member states. We are the host country of UNODC and we appreciate its commitment and leadership in fighting crime and drugs. We appreciate the excellent work of the CND and its chair, the UNGASS Board, UNODC and Secretariat. CND has proved to be the competent body for preparations for the UNGASS. The outcome doc is a key document in the lead up to 2019. Under the trust of CND, the document should be used to forge our actions for 2019 and the post 2019 process. CND will convene its 60th session in March 2017. CND continues to be the appropriate body for the implementation of the UNGASS outcome document and monitoring of results. We look forward to discussions on these issues.

Netherlands. We align our statement with that of the EU. We thank you for your work towards the successful UNGASS. The process enabled us to have a lively debate on international drug policy. This is reflected in the outcome doc. It is the beginning of a new approach towards the world drug problem, including improved access to essential medicines, sentencing, alternatives to incarceration, improved cooperation between UN agencies. But we need to recognise that challenges remain. Not all practices have been recognised in the final outcome document. We are grateful that you conveyed this meeting today. This will contribute to a well-shaped process and to positive results, as well as proper implementation of the UNGASS recommendations provided that this is an open process with participation of NGOs and UN agencies’ involvement in the coming months. The process should be open, transparent and oriented to the well-being of individuals. We are committed to the implementation of the UNGASS outcomes and look forward to the discussions.

Panama. The follow up to UNGASS is an opportunity to reconsider the WDP to consider the best possible options. We have noted the decision of the UNGA on 29 July on the SDGs and want to restate our national commitment to the implementation of the UNGASS process. On the UNGA resolution, we will be reviewing 2 key SDG indicators. But in 2019 we will also be assessing SDG 16 on peaceful and inclusive societies – this is most important for the context here in Vienna. We will commemorate also additional work on the 10 years of the political declaration and plan of action, as well as the 5 years of the high level review. We must make efforts to have the necessary information and indicators to allow us to develop evidence-based approaches. We must discuss indicators at our events, in light of the SDGs. With regards to the complexity of these issues, there is a need to forge a broad and inclusive process including UN agencies, NGOs and academia to fuel our contributions and analysis with their contributions. Finally, we want to thank you for launching this dialogue process. We welcome the proposals you have made as chair, and welcome the Ambassador from Portugal as facilitator.

Indonesia. UNGASS has reached a milestone with the adoption of the UNGASS outcome document. Appreciation goes to the CND, UNGASS Board for their leading role. The emphasis should now be on member states to share good practices and information, with the 3 UN drug control conventions as the cornerstone. We therefore welcome the CND intersessionals on the implementation of the UNGASS recommendations and welcome the role of the Portuguese Ambassador.

Argentina. I am pleased to see you on the podium today and thanks to the Secretariat. I am grateful for the information you provided on your work with ECOSOC. I welcome the adoption of the UNGASS outcome document following extensive deliberations. It strikes a good balance reflecting the important and complex issues that make up the WDP were discussed. We also welcome the Bureau’s proposal for further meetings and the format proposed. This will allow states to be supported in the implementation of the recommendations. We welcome information exchange on how the recommendations were implemented at national level. We do want to know how the information will be retained and implemented.

Egypt. I too welcome all of you in the room. We look forward to fruitful cooperation in a positive spirit, building upon a successful session. I also want to reaffirm our satisfaction in being able to share our work, and pay tribute to the role played by the CND. I also thank the Bureau. The outcome document provides fresh impetus to motivate us to step up efforts in this area. It includes tangible recommendations. We must now make further efforts to implement these recommendations. I want to express Egypt’s satisfaction with the programme of work between now and the reconvened session to best capitalise on the various chapters included in the outcome document. I welcome the role of facilitator of the Portuguese Ambassador. Furthermore, I want to emphasize a number of national points: We reaffirm that the objective of the document on the terms of references of resolution 59/8 was to develop a concise document to support the implementation of the 2009 political declaration. The outcome document does not create a new regime. The UN drug conventions continue to constitute the cornerstone of the regime, as well as non-interference in the affairs of a sovereign state. Thirdly, we aim at reducing demand and supply, as well as contributing to security. We also highlight the need for all states to take all measures to implement the entirety of the UN conventions on drugs and the 2009 political declarations. Using the drug conventions is enough so long as they are adequately implemented. Fifth, the main objective of the UNGASS served to enhance international cooperation to counter the world drug problem based on shared responsibility, technical assistance, etc. We call on all member states to provide support and assistance to strengthen cooperation given the important role of international cooperation and shared responsibility. Sixth, with regards to proportionate penalty, the specificities of the legal regimes of our member states should be respected without discrimination – member states should determine by themselves on which penalties to impose for serious crimes such as drugs.  To conclude, Egypt, like many other speakers, highlights the central role of the CND on drug control and maintains that the CND should remain tasked with this role.

China. We have listened the views of previous speakers. We want to echo the statements from Egypt, Pakistan and the USA. We believe that the UNGASS outcome document will provide a very important guidance for our fight against drugs for a long time. After UNGASS, our urgent task is to implement the document recommendations in practice and actions. We should therefore not create new documents or recommendations, we are just implementing the document. Focus should be placed on the implementation of the UNGASS document. We have the following views. First, our review should be comprehensive and balanced. We should implement the spirit of the UNGASS document and give attention to all aspects of drug related issues. Our considerations on all aspects of these issues should be comprehensive and balanced. On human rights, we should both give focus on human rights of minority people but also those of the majority. We should not only focus on individual rights, but also on the rights and benefits of people and society. We should not focus our attention only on the 3 drug conventions as the pillars of our work, but also the right of all countries to implement the conventions to implement the conventions based on their history, culture and legal systems, in particular for criminal law. Secondly, our review should be focused on urgent issues. For example, at present some countries are now adopting policies to legalise drugs, which is against the 3 conventions. Others have problems with insufficient supplies. Still other countries abuse prescribed drugs and NPS. Thirdly, we welcome civil society and academia and welcome their participation. At the same time, any discussions should be within the range of member states because only we, member states, are the main actors to execute the implementation work. Fourthly, some countries have mentioned indicators for reviews. Setting up any indicators should be something we must be careful about and requires serious scientific study. Fifthly, the meetings in October are the beginning to discuss the implementation of the UNGASS outcome document. This work will become our focus for the next few years. We support CND in playing the leading role in this regard. CND should cooperate with member states on how it can implement the outcome document. Finally, China welcomes the Ambassador of Portugal in leading this process. We hope countries will join hands in carrying out this meaningful and active work.

Singapore. I join others in complementing you for your work. We also recall the work of the CND and the UNGASS Board. I welcome the Portuguese Ambassador for his role in facilitating the upcoming intersessionals. The UNGASS outcome document is a significant milestone in tackling the world drug problem. It provides a menu of recommendations to enhance effectiveness to achieve a society free of drugs. This will be done through the principles of respect and the sovereignty of member states. We support the statements made by China, Egypt, Pakistan and the USA.

Iran. I want to say that the negotiation and discussion have been done already. There is no need to review and discuss more. We had a lot of discussions, and all views have been agreed in the document. Time is now for action and implementation. We support the implementation of the document and all other documents we’ve already agreed. The CND has a specific, leading role, in consultation with all others – but the decisions are at the hands of the governments. There are many different situations but we have the rules and the documents. So we should now work together on the road towards 2019. In the next 3-5 years, we should share experiences in implementation. I am sure all countries will try to do their best.

Secretariat. I understand that civil society has asked for the floor. But I want to say something beforehand. There was a lot of request for UNODC to take actions here. I will share these remarks with others within UNODC on these matters. I also want to reassure and reiterate that according to rules of procedure, the UN entities, regional organisations and NGOs are receiving a written invitation. This will continue in the future.

Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs. I welcome the opportunity to address you today. We are an organisation with a global membership with balanced representation of NGOs. We engaged in the Civil Society Task Force. A survey conducted by the CSTF showed us that it was important to continue supporting NGOs from developing countries. We want the culture of mutual respect and engagement to continue. Freedom and rule of law are outlined in the UN charter. The VNGOC will organise technical briefings at regional level for governments to highlight best practices and lessons learned, appropriate policy responses. We will replicate these meetings at national level as well through our VNGOC members. We hope to present the first of short film festivals during the CND reconvened to show experiences of affected communities, with rounds of discussions. We will share this with you.

The marketplace was developed by UNODC and Russia to enhance organisations cooperation on the ground. We launched it at the UNGASS. We hope to conduct trainings and webinars to further connect NGOs at national, regional and international levels. Over time, we hope that the market place will become a source of technical information for governments across the continuum of care – prevention, harm reduction, treatment and care, supply reduction, access to controlled medicines and development. We are now working on developing the tool in other languages. Our IT developer will provide you with a brief description of the marketplace.

The VNGOC joins the UNODC and INCB to issue a statement against the extrajudicial killings of people using or dealing with drugs. In line with the outcome document, the VNGOC does not believe that such an approach is useful and helpful in addressing the WDP.

Dialogue between NGOs and member states will go a long way in effective drug control and that of the SDG agenda.

Presentation of the marketplace. This is an advanced tool to follow progress in drug control implementation on the ground. It allows NGOs working on drugs to communicate through the platform. The marketplace was launched a couple of months ago. It is a work in progress and will be improved towards the end of the year. We have about 100 NGOs registered.

If you want to find NGOs on the marketplace, you can use the search engine that includes a set of different criteria, including geographic areas, as well as thematic areas (e.g. prevention services). Then you are also able to filter the view by NGOs supporting key UN declarations. You can also check out a broad overview of the diversity of services provided by NGOs on the ground. You can also look into research projects. NGOs can post blog updates to communicate to the rest of civil society what they have been doing, how they have been progressing. They can also feed the system some milestones. That way, you can keep track of how a project is progressing. The system is also able to match NGOs working in the same areas of work and providing the same types of services. Finally, the system is a communications device. It’s like on Facebook, it is very easy to send information to other NGOs or people through the platform. It was made with ease of access in mind.

We are planning some interesting updates in the next few months to make it more compatible with mobile devices. We are also planning to publish certain features for donors who will be able to assess how much a project costs and how the cash flows, which projects are supported by which funders or organisations. Finally, we are working at translating the marketplace into any target language to ensure diversity of users throughout the world.

We are still gathering inputs and are looking for constructive criticism and areas for improvement. If you have any comments, please let me know.


  1. Preparations for the reconvened 59th session of the CND

Chair. The reconvened 59th Session would take place from the 30th November to the 2nd December 2016. A post-UNGASS special segment would take place on the 30th. The meeting would be an open ended one. Promoting the participation of all relevant stakeholders. In terms of format, a general debate with the aim of taking stock of the intersessional work, including discussions of thematic segments, and then also of ways forward. Without objections, this is accepted.

Organisational arrangements. The annotated agenda will be made available in due course.

Work meetings, budget and strategic framework. The CND will hold two meetings jointly with the CCPCJ in November to consider financial as well as other organisational matters. The CND will have before it the report of the Executive Director on the implementation of the budget.

Joint meetings of FINGOV. The fourth mandate of the working group will end on the first half of 2017. The CND and the CCPCJ are expected to carry out a thorough review of the working group and consider the extension of its mandate. In the lead-up to this, the working group will discuss within itself the extension of its mandate. FINGOV will bring to the attention of the Commission recommendations for its future work. If the Commission agrees to extend the working group’s mandate, it will make so explicit during the regular segments

On the last day of the reconvened session, the morning session will be devoted to consider the remaining items of the agenda.

The 60th session will be opened as soon as the 59th session closes. The officers will have to be elected from the following regions:

  • Chair – Western Europe & Others.
  • First Vice Chair – Latin America & Caribbean.
  • Second Vice Chair – Africa.
  • Third Vice Chair- Asia Pacific.
  • Rapporteur – Eastern Europe.

The chairs of each group should communicate with the current officers for nominations.

Evandro de Sampaio Didonet (Brazil) and the Ambassador of Nigeria have concluded their postings to Vienna. To continue preparations with a full slate of officers, it is encouraged that the regional groups conduct consultations to replace the departed.

Secretary. The Secretariat received a note verbale from the Permanent Representation of Uruguay, acting as Chair of GRULAC. The Group nominates Vivian Loss Sanmartin (Brazil) to take the role of Second Vice Chair for the remaining period of the 59th session. Formal election will take place at the opening of the reconvened session in December.

Tunisia. Congratulates the chairman and wishes him success. We have received official correspondence from the Nigerian mission expressing their intention to continue their position as First Vice Chair. We await another note from Nigeria specifying the name of the said person.


  1. Preparations for the 60th session of the CND

Chairman. 2017 will be a special year as it marks its 60th session. CND goes diamond. ECOSOC has approved the provisional agenda. The Commission will have to take a number of procedural decisions by the end of the reconvened session including duration. Tentatively: 13 – 17 march with the possibility of extending the session for two days.

Roundtable discussions or a thematic debate. Commission expected to discuss follow up to the UNGASS 2016. Preparations for the 62nd session of the Commission in 2019. How to proceed with preparations for 2019.


  1. Other business

Chair. Recalls that the meetings of the CND subsidiary bodies are soon taking place and make sure governments are accordingly represented. Provisionally: HONLEA Africa (Addis Ababa, 19 – 23 Sept.); HONLEA Latin America (Santiago de Chile, 2 – 7 Oct.); HONLEA Asia (Colombo, 24 – 27 Oct.).

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