Home » CND Plenary – Opening of the Sixtieth Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (Monday, March 13, 2017 – Afternoon)

CND Plenary – Opening of the Sixtieth Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (Monday, March 13, 2017 – Afternoon)

Austria: Austria fully aligns itself with statement of EU and would like to add the following remarks. Given the multi-faced nature of the world drug problem, health, security and human rights, the response needs to be equally holistic. We welcome that the UNGASS Outcome Document placed emphasis on balance, on human rights and harm reduction as well as proportional sentencing. We call for the abolition of the death penalty. We encourage provision of maximum support for users. Crucial step that Outcome Document calls for proportional sentencing. Therapy instead of punishment has been a cornerstone of Austria’s drug policy for decades. The judiciary intends to provide consumers with help, they receive therapy instead of punishment, it is in accordance with international drug policy. Our experience with this has always been positive. One example of new step is our answer to New Psychoactive Substances. Convinced that we need tailor-made solutions, we have a new NPS act. Offences under act are exclusive to suppliers. Act enables law enforcement to act immediately against those who supplied consumers with NPS, unless legitimate purpose for substance was identified. Consumers have usually developed secretive consumption methods, so the act avoids criminalising consumers. We need cooperation internationally, because we cannot  combat NPS effectively only nationally. It should be considered by all to be a health issue. We reiterate a willingness to cooperate internationally, specifically to the challenges posed by NPS and looking at it as a public health requirement. I’d like to thank the Commission for coordinating the international fight against the world drug problem.

Peru: We reaffirm our commitment to three conventions, which are the cornerstone of the international drug control system. Peru is determined to achieve the goals and targets in the 2009 Political Declaration and Plan of Action, 2014 Joint Ministerial System, and 2016 UNGASS Outcome Document. In 2019, we will have made an important step forward in achieving a society with less drug abuse. Peru is drafting a new drug strategy from 2017 to 2021, which aims to preserve health and guarantee human rights and security of Peru and broader international community. Focused on young people, Peruvians, and all of humanity. Comprehensive consultation with all sectors to develop the strategy. Illegal cocaine market continues to be a serious problem for Peru, the rest of Latin America, and the world. Market covers 18 million users around the world. Problematic consumption of this drug is falling. Potential production of cocaine from Colombia, Bolivia, and Peru has remained stable. Paraguay and Argentina have begun to be vulnerable with more trafficking of cocaine base paste. Peru, Bolivia, and Mexico continue to be reference points for illegal trafficking. Impact on consumption of that drug in the region and negative impacts on violence generated by fights between organized drug trafficking groups. Main victims of this are young people. Violence has spread. Peru still has to combat some remaining outliers of Shining Path terrorist organization. According to police, they work closely with drug trafficking organizations and terrorists from elsewhere. They also commit different types of abuse and exhort men, women, and children. We have been able to see the links developed by drug trafficking gangs with other criminal organizations, linked to crimes such as illegal wood trafficking, illicit mining, and human trafficking. We need to work a great deal on borders for the common good. Problem has had a negative impact on state institutions. In recent years, we have seen greater penetration of drug trafficking in political parties. Financial revenues coming from international cartels that commit money laundering in countries with weak oversight systems. Need more experts and technology to deal with that. We need to grant priority to interventions focused on the rule of law with strict respect for human rights. Relevance of continuing to support alternative development that is comprehensive and sustainable. Our experience over the last twenty years has showed added value of alternative development. Peru will continue to support this type of strategy. We are interested in working on our borders. We need to foster all institutional mechanisms to strengthen state capacity to combat money laundering. Trying to address illegal cocaine market, but this needs to be a joint responsibility between producer and consumer countries, as well as those involved in transit. We would like to reiterate our conviction that cooperation is essential to achieve positive results for the world drug problem. This session has the unwavering support of the government and people of Peru to achieve a society that is free of drugs. Side event tomorrow that we are co-hosting with Thailand and Germany on alternative development.

Russia: We welcome the chair. Your country is well known for the philosophy of hygge, harmony and appreciating the beauty of life, we believe this could help us get the better of the international drug problem. Opportunity to sketch future goals. As last year’s UNGASS confirmed, the three conventions are our guiding light, the cornerstone of drug control system. They need to be allowed to fully realise their potential in light of challenges and threats from the evil of drugs. Around a quarter of a billion worldwide have already tried drugs, 1000s of people die from drugs each year. We need to urgently coordinate efforts to push back this growing threat. UNGASS will help us get  closer to the complete elimination of drugs and traffic of drugs by 2019. We reject any attempt to legalise drugs or remove the taboo from them. The health and survival of people should not be subjected to legalisation experiments. The diamond jubilee of the CND is this year and it continues to demonstrate its effectiveness. We believe that each UN body should adhere strictly to trusted mandate and not duplicate efforts. We stand at the front line against transnational crime. In Afghanistan the problem of production is worse now than before. We need to work effectively with Afghanistan in accordance with Paris Pact Initiative to tackle together the Afghan threat. We will continue helping Afghanistan to be better at fighting its problem, through capacity building and other UNODC auspices. We want to mention problem of using illegal drugs proceeds to finance organised crime and terrorism. According to UNODC data, most poppy fields in afghan are owned by the Taliban. ISIS are trying to add narcotics to their arsenal of deadly weapons. Regional cooperation is important for combating world drug problem. On the side-lines we had a thematic event with Sanghai and UNODC which points to the need to prevent drug trafficking because they fund terrorist activities. We need long term solution to combat trafficking and combat demand reduction. We will do this alone and with our international partners.

Full text in Russian

Mexico: At the UNGASS, the President of Mexico affirmed that the system based on prohibition has not managed to reduce production, trafficking, or consumption of drugs in the world. Almost a year later, we are saying that we should accept the new paradigm shift discussed at the UNGASS. Focus on people. Acknowledge role of transnational organized crime. Can’t respond to the problem with the same decades old vision when, despite all our efforts, consumption has not fallen, organized crime has increased its earning, and the age of use has become earlier. A number of countries have approved legislation to regulate cannabis for medical and scientific purposes, with some doing so for recreational purposes. NPS is circulating without control causing more harm than those drugs that the international drug system was designed to control. We have to keep the aspects of the international drug control system that have produced results, and move away from those that have not. Mexico welcomes the UN’s efforts to support countries in the implementation of the UNGASS Outcome Document. Mexico organized thematic debates based on seven thematic areas of UNGASS. We want to include all subjects and relevant stakeholders. Developed a plural dialogue that is action based, with representation from all sectors. Evidence in these debates makes it clear that prohibition approach based on penalties will never be enough. Effectiveness of drug policy should be based on impact they have on people’s lives. Recognize that in the most recent drugs report, UNODC has included the opportunity to align the efforts of CND with the 2030 agenda. Annual report of INCB has a chapter on the issue of women and drug policies. Last week at the statistics commission in New York, they discussed existing challenges. Cooperation between two different UN bodies could improve each other’s work within their specialized areas. Ten points for road ahead: 1) Consolidate the roadmap based on UNGASS to have open, substantive and plural debate before 2019. 2) Advance national recommendation from UNGASS. 3) Flexibility provided by international conventions. 4) Encourage scientific approach. 5) Foster compilation and analysis of data for better monitoring and design of indicators on effectiveness of drug policy. 6) Request that UN agencies raise the profile of progress made at UNGASS. 7) Ensure that international and regional organizations encourage dialogue with civil society, academia, etc. 8) Align international drug policy with efforts to achieve the SDGs. 9) Improve coordination. 10) Promote the gender perspective in drug programs, actions, and policies. 2019 is not just an important deadline, but an opportunity to evolve and show the legitimacy of the multilateral drug regime.

Full text in Spanish

Norway: We are proud of you as chair and are certain that the meeting is in the best hands. This year we celebrate 60th session of CND, but our tackling of the world drug problem goes further back. Norway finds it necessary to stop and see where we’ve succeeded and where we have not. On controversial issues like drug policy our willingness to be flexible is important and commendable. As we head for 2019, we have the opportunity to influence the future. Given we have not met targets, we need to evaluate and make changes when necessary. We need better evaluation and indicators of effective policy. We should look at the Sustainable Development Goals. UNGASS Document is most updated and forward looking drug policy we have. By over-emphasising other documents we risk causing more harm than if we made a change. International debate on drug policy had emphasised health and well being. We like that human rights are closely examined in the UNGASS Outcome Document. We have not got a common language for abolishing the death penalty, though we know it does not deter crime any more than long sentences. We oppose death penalty and will work to abolish it worldwide. People suspected of drug related crimes have right to the principle of ‘innocent until proven guilty’. We agreed on Declaration of Human Rights 70 years ago precisely to stop extra judicial killing. We have not ensured that controlled medicine is available to those in need yet. Norway welcomes input from civil society. We would like a balance in approach and guidance between past written policy and future written policy.

Argentina: Taking an active role in GRULAC. Statement represents the growing role of Latin American and Caribbean countries looking for a common good. Our country has seen an increase in drug consumption and in drug trafficking. Working hard to fulfill commitments of 2009 Political Declaration, 2014 Joint Ministerial Statement, and 2016 UNGASS Outcome Document. We followed the process of fulfilling the recommendations of UNGASS. UNGASS was an opportunity to honestly and sincerely evaluate the progress and setbacks of the world drug policies. International community had fruitful, broad, and unrestricted debate. We welcome the outcome document. We believe it is focused on the principle of common and shared responsibility, full respect for human rights, and includes all dimensions of the world drug problem. We must work towards internationals cooperation to achieve full implementation of treaties, with respect for human rights. Changes in national anti-drug policy. Fight against drug trafficking is now under the ministry of security and federal law enforcement authorities. All decisions should be based on scientific evidence. National study on trends for consuming psychoactive substances. National anti-drug plan developed as a basis for federal consensus and aims to reduce drug demand, work with all countries, etc. This plan prioritizes prevention and we have increased investments. The more we invest in prevention, the less we will have to invest in treatment. Value UNODC’s work. In the past year, we have joined various initiatives coordinated by UNODC. We have revitalized engagement with national bodies that have competency in the drug sphere. Welcome recent visit from INCB. Recommendations were very stimulating for us. Bilateral cooperation has increased. We have launched south-south cooperation projects. Taking an active part in activities using databases and reports by UNODC and INCB. Tools are of paramount importance. We invite all member states to use these tools. Committed to continuing work to constructively participate in multilateral activities to tackle the world drug problem. Invite you to our side event on Wednesday at 1 PM.

Nigeria: We align our self with statement from Africa Group and G77 from China. This session provides another opportunity to share status of implementation of drug control plans. Over 180kg of cannabis seizure, 100k hectares of cannabis destroyed. It is also most common drug by people who access hospital treatment. Our responses include targeted interdiction activities and targeted trafficking at airports. Nigeria calls on Resolution 51/6 and Resolution 51/7 on demand reduction and abuse of cannabis. We want to promote qualitative health and wellbeing especially on African continent which is most vulnerable to cannabis abuse. We have seen purchasing of precursors of precursors, we need to be on top of that. We have sustained implementation of anti-laundering measures. We have improved information sharing through National Investigation Unit. Nigeria is not immune to public health challenges by drug abuse. Our drug demand reduction programme is part of our response to drug use. We are equipping school counsellors with skills in speaking to students involved in use. Medical and scientific access to controlled drugs: in ensuring the availability of these things, we have lots of people working. In order to ensure availability, the data collection is ongoing. We will forward an accurate picture of countries needs to International Narcotics Control Board. Nigeria will continue to watch the trafficking and send over information on it. We look forward on both regional and international levels.


Thank you Madam Chairperson.

Madam Chair, distinguished colleagues,

Since its inception, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs of the UN (CND) has worked hard to forge international consensus and coordinate policies and actions and has thus played an indispensable role in effectively countering the menace of drugs. The 21st century has brought forth the Political Declaration and Plan of Action of 2009, the Joint Ministerial Statement of 2014 and the UNGASS outcome document of 2016. These documents are complementary and mutually reinforcing and reflect the international consensus, hence giving guidance and policy orientation on how to address the drug problem under present-day circumstances.

Over the past year China has stuck to the comprehensive, integrated and balanced counter-drug strategy in addressing the drug issue and participated actively in international cooperation and made positive contributions to the global anti-drug effort. We carried out elaborate youth-oriented drug prevention projects and community-based treatment and rehabilitation projects and strengthened working mechanisms against drug supply, trafficking, manufacturing and on-line vending along with tightened control of precursor chemicals. We conducted close regional and bilateral cooperation and made full use of drug control cooperation mechanisms related to the Mekong river sub-region, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the BRICS and the ASEAN plus China, among others. Through the Safe Mekong Joint Operation and other bilateral joint drug control operations, such as with Vietnam and with Australia respectively, we cracked down on drug-related transnational crimes. Satellite remote sensing techniques for monitoring and the sustainable alternative development strategy have been pursued. We have been tightening control on NPS and, further to scheduling 116 NPSs for control in October 2015, four more fentanyl analogues have been scheduled recently.

Madam Chair,

The ever expanding drug problem is a global scourge that goes far beyond the control effort of any single country. The Chinese government will continue to honour its commitment made at the UNGASS last year by H.E. Mr. Guo Shengkun, State Councilor, Commissioner of the NNCC and Minister of Public Security, to promote the international drug control cause 3 by joining forces with all other countries. In this regard we would like to make the following concrete propositions:

  1. The institutional stability should be maintained and all commitments be realized. We reaffirm the status of the international conventions as the cornerstone, the CND’s leading role for policy making and our objection to weakening or casting in doubt the existing international drug control regime. We should implement in good faith the Political Declaration and Plan of Action of 2009, the Ministerial Statement of 2014 and the outcome document of the 2016 UNGASS.
  2. The correct strategy should be followed in promoting drug-control related international cooperation. We should stick to the scientific evidence-based strategy that adopts a comprehensive, integrated and balanced approach and maintain the authority, stability and inclusiveness of drug control policies. We should pursue international, regional and sub-regional drug control cooperation on the basis of mutual respect, reciprocity and mutual benefit. We are against over-emphasizing in a partial manner one aspect or certain aspects of the drug problem, since no control measure would work if it takes solely a law enforcement approach or health-oriented approach in isolation.
  3. The principle of common and shared responsibility 4 should be adhered to in implementing the sustainable development strategy. Guided by the spirit of cooperation and trust and the awareness of belonging to the community of common destiny, we should go all out to implement the sustainable development strategy, address the drug problem in the context of the 2030 SD Agenda and contribute to the drug control cause. Developed countries should actively provide financial and technical assistance to developing ones, and China, for its part, will help as far as possible other developing countries with capacity building.
  4. We should keep abreast of the times and adopt innovative ideas and actions. It is important to exchange experience and learn from the useful drug-control practices of others so as to be more creative. Countries should optimize their drug control policies and legislation in light of their own circumstances in order to cope with new threats and challenges. Given the different contexts of different countries, one cannot ignore national sovereignty and diversities, even less imposes one’s own national policies on others. The CND, the INCB and the UNODC should honour their responsibilities in good faith, carry out their mandates under the conventions, strengthen the international scheduling and control mechanisms and respond to the challenges posed by NPS, including ketamine, in an effective manner.

Madam Chair,

Let us renew our determination for a drug-free world, push forward the international drug control cause on the basis of common and shared responsibilities, cooperation and mutual benefit and contribute to health, safety and well-being of the humanity.

Thank you, Madam.


Madame Chair,

On behalf of the German Delegation, allow me to warmly congratulate you on your election to the chair of the 60th Commission on Narcotic Drugs. You have our best wishes and our full support. I also want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to address the Commission at its opening session here today.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

”Placing people at the centre“- with all the consequences involved. This is my credo, and this is the concept around which I want to build my statement. Allow me to cite just two examples to illustrate what a people-centred drug policy means for us in Germany. It means help in addition to protection – both indispensable to an equitable drug policy. It used to be that our legal amendments struggled to catch up with the designers of new psychoactive substances. We put an end to that. A new law that bans entire substance groups of NPS is now effective in Germany. Currently, this ban covers synthetic cannabinoids and phenethylamines. As new trends emerge, however, and in the light of new scientific findings, more substance groups can be brought under the ban, and the groups can be broadened or narrowed down.

However, no less vital than keeping people safe, is giving assistance to those who need our help. This includes ensuring proper access to narcotic substances for medical purposes. That is why I felt very strongly about championing the improved supply of cannabis-based medicines. Successfully, as it turned out. A new Act is about to take effect in Germany. It allows seriously ill persons, who have no treatment alternative left, to access cannabis flowers and extracts of standardised quality — on medical prescription and paid entirely by the health insurance funds. Incidentally, this option is fully in line with the Single Convention: medical cannabis yes, recreational cannabis, no.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, ”Placing people at the centre.” This is also our benchmark as regards international drug policy – and not only ours. I am sure that many of you also identify with this statement. This became evident one year ago in New York, when we jointly signed the UNGASS declaration. A document that is much more informed by scientific findings than many declarations before it and that — not least because of this — takes our drug policy a major step forward. Specifically, because – it gives health policy measures a prominent place – it includes extensive harm reduction measures – it stresses the benefits of alternative development strategies and calls for their expansion – and – last but not least – the respect of human rights plays a central role.

In the light of this, ladies and gentlemen, I cannot, and will not, look on quietly while the shared principles and values we reaffirmed last year, in New York, are being trampled underfoot. I cannot stay calm while drug users and small-time dealers are punished with death – without a semblance of due process – or even murdered. With the apparent collusion, or even involvement, of government entities. And this is why I appeal to you: Let us not stand by in silence while people who are only vaguely suspected of being involved in drugs are being killed. In front of their parents, spouses, even their own children. Drug dependence is an illness that calls for treatment. Dealing drugs is a crime that must be brought before a proper court of law. Drug economies are often a result from a lack of development that should be addressed with the toolbox of development co-operation. Nothing justifies a contrary approach!

We all know that the UNGASS outcome document does not involve any directly binding legal commitments. And yet we must abide by it. While our commitment to uphold the values we agreed on last year was not strictly speaking a legal one, it certainly was a political, as well as an ethical and moral commitment. A commitment made by each of us towards the other. Individually, collectively and, most importantly – towards the people in our countries for whose good and benefit we have come together here.

Therefore, I have this to say to you: Anyone in this room who wants to preserve their credibility, should feel bound by what was agreed last year – and walk the walk! While Germany is not perfect, we take this mutual pledge seriously. And we expect others to do the same!

Madame Chair, Ladies and gentlemen, Let us use the coming days to place people at the centre, to ensure that “all people can live in health, dignity and peace, with security and prosperity“ – just as we urged in the UNGASS outcome document. Let us muster the courage to say what needs to be said!

Thank you very much for your attention.

USA: Reiterate the commitments made at UNGASS. Recognize the need for comprehensive and balanced approaches to drug policy. Our focus here and at 2019 needs to be the implementation of recommendations from UNGASS. Government is acutely focused on addressing the challenges of the world drug problem. One of the most serious is the overdose crisis impacting our communities. Most recent data finds that, in the USA alone, more than 33,000 people died due to overdose involving prescription or illicit opioids. 20,000 of those overdose deaths involved heroin or synthetic opioids, including fentanyl. The presence of fentanyl in toxicology screenings is so difficult that we fear these numbers are an underestimation. This has surpassed any other form of accidental death. Dramatic increase in overdose fatalities is not just a USA problem. Report from INCB states that the overdose situation in other countries has “reached crisis levels.” One way we can curb this trend is to increase regulations on two most prevalent precursors used to produce fentanyl, ANPP and NPP. We have put in a request to have this added to the schedules within the 1971 convention. INCB conducted a scientific review and recommended international control of these chemicals. Applaud INCB’s rapid response. Demonstrates that treaties are able to respond nimbly to today’s challenges. International control of these chemicals will not prohibit use of them in medical market. Already put these chemicals under national control and have not seen an impact on legitimate use. This is an important prevention measure as well. We protect the public health of our citizens by denying drug traffickers new markets. We urge you to vote in support of this measure when it comes up for decision in the plenary on Thursday afternoon. In 2015, China took an unprecedented step and controlled 116 new psychoactive substances, and added four more fentanyl analogues, including carfentanil, recently. Applaud China’s leadership in this field. INCB’s rapid response and China’s response are models for how to respond efficiently to the influx of NPS in the market. We have proposed two resolutions. First, one seeking greater coordination across the UN system. Second, as follow on from INCB conference in February on precursors and NPS, we are advocating for increased cooperation on precursor chemicals.

Australia: We welcome consensus achieved last year and this session is important, including implementation of UNGASS and 2009 Plan of Action. Holistic approach needed. Law enforcement vital at reducing supply, we are working in Asia-Pacific group to prevent supply of methamphetamine. We need to ensure adequate treatment for users. Record numbers of arrests is not enough. Health measures are also required. UNGASS addressed problem in comprehensive manner. Tools, measures, partnerships needed at all levels. We cannot interpret conventions in isolation, national law needs to look at them as well as other international obligations. We would encourage broader perspectives to ensure robust approach. Civil society and academia has been invaluable in Australia. The UN agencies need to cooperate more closely. Protect health and welfare for mankind is commendable goal of UNODC. We need to improve access to controlled substances. UNGASS looked at this. We appreciate INCB’s advice on how access to these can be improved. It is possible to overcome complex barriers. Law is best focused on organised crime groups, minor or use based crimes have better solutions. Extra judicial killing is against  written policy. Death penalty is inhumane and completely ineffective. Rapid development of New Psychoactive Substances is serving  as a major challenge for law enforcement and health agencies. Many of these drugs lie outside international control in place at the moment. We are seeking re-election on Commission of Narcotics Drugs this year. We will continue to advocate for balance and evidence and the incorporation of law and health approaches. Australia has been an active supporter of UNODC. We are a top ten donor of the UNODC. We bring Asia-Pacific perspective. We will continue to advocate for better access to controlled medicines for those in need. We look forward to working this week in line with conventions.

Spain: Aligns with statement made by Malta on behalf of EU. Challenge of providing a follow up to UNGASS, without undermining the commitments we made in 2009. These are consistent with basic principles that inspire our policies, including balanced approach to supply and demand reduction, knowledge based on scientific evidence, and health focus based on firm conviction that user should not be persecuted. Elevating the right to life above all other objectives. We are developing a new national anti-drug strategy from 2017 to 2024. It is guided by respect for human rights, consideration of scientific evidence, and notes the comprehensive intersectional nature of drug problem. It will enshrine equal access to services, including using a gender perspective. Women are particularly penalized both in terms of addiction disease and social rejection. Women have delayed access to treatment and are met with greater burden given family responsibilities and gender violence. It is necessary to promote a crosscutting gender perspective. We have a project that takes into account specific needs of women and the obstacles they face. Drug policy of Spain has always been one of consensus. Strategy will focus on coordination among all actors, drug supply control, including special attention to NPS and licit drugs, demand reduction including prevention, harm reduction, treatment, social reinsertion, and working with addict populations, their families and societies at large, treatment of behavioural addictions, education of professionals and society at large, applied research in addictions, coordination and collaboration in international arena, and development. Spain’s early warning system created in 2012 to detect NPS. Reaffirm commitment to COPOLAD program. Already had a series of meetings and produced documents. Side event on Wednesday at 1 PM. Must work jointly with international community. Plan and maintain common efforts. Success will depend on the world we share.

France: France echoes statement from Europe Group made by Malta. This is first session since UNGASS. The UNGASS Outcome Document is a major step forward: a result of open dialogue with research and civil society which is welcomed because scientific input is key; it is innovative and ambitious, highlighting challenges which were not sufficiently looked at before, including human rights. We are unwaveringly against the death penalty. All states who apply this punishment, we call on them to end this. States who engage in extra judicial killing – please end this. The conventions attempt to protect people from drugs, they allow us to come up with adapted responses. France welcomes commitment to seek humanistic interpretations of the conventions. The INCB and UNODC are both committed and we welcome this. Integrated, comprehensive and balanced approach to drug policy. We are seeking re-election to the CND. We are already implementing Outcome Document with emphasis on research. We have revamped policies, peer prevention and psychosocial approaches. Trying to not involve law, instead to influence behaviour. Immense impact of initiative. We have a prevention side-event tomorrow 1.10 in M3. We seek to help most vulnerable by seeking treatment to young people and women. The effectiveness of risk and harm reduction measures being scientifically proven, this policy remains a priority for us. The opening in France, in 2016, of two drug consumption rooms is enshrined in this double approach of health and public safety. We wish to share experience with any country who wishes to learn from us. Attune to numerous consequences as organised crime continues to adapt to responses. We must pursue our co-operation to conventions and ensure we will.

Full statement in French


Dear Madame Chair, Distinguished Delegates, Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to congratulate you, honourable Ambassador, on your election as Chair of this Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs and I would like to assure you our full cooperation in ensuring the success of our work.

It is for me a great honour to address the Commission in its sixtieth anniversary and to underline that Portugal associates itself with the statement made by the European Union.

Madame Chair, it is with great pleasure that we have seen a reorientation in the international drugs policy, since the early 20th century, from punitive enforcement to a public health and human rights approach that enhance the international, national and local response to the world drug problem. Portugal considers the adoption of the UNGASS 2016 outcome document a milestone in the international drug policy development, that it should be the basis of a new approach towards the global drug problem. Indeed, the seven thematic chapters of the outcome document provide a framework that will allow us to move forward a balanced and integrated approach.

We do believe that it is of utmost importance that we focus our efforts in the effective implementation of the operational recommendations that we all agreed upon, in New York, in April 2016. The inclusion of a chapter on human rights in the outcome document opens an opportunity and encourages human rights mechanisms to play a much more assertive role in the current drug policies. Portugal firmly believes that our efforts in addressing the world drug problem should follow a human rights based approach. In that way, it is of major importance to implement at national level the recommendations on this issue of the outcome document and consolidated that recommendations in future discussions on international drugs policy.

Portugal welcomes that the UNGASS outcome document calls for the principle of proportionality in sentencing and alternatives to coercive sanctions for drug law offences and drug-related crime, which means, among other things, the non-imposition of the death penalty for any kind of offences, including for drug related offences. It is our belief that the death penalty is a violation of the basic human right to life and it is a disproportionate and largely counterproductive instrument. Portugal had a pioneering role in the abolition of the death penalty. In that way, I would like to underline our country´s opposition to the death penalty in all circumstances, including for drug-related offences.

We therefore call on all countries that retain the capital punishment, to establish an immediate official moratorium, with a view to its permanent abolition. Still on the topic of proportionality and alternatives to coercive sanctions, allow me to mention, Madame Chair, that Portugal introduced a model of decriminalization at the beginning of this century as part of a broader approach designed to discourage drug use and promote measures directed to public health concerns. Drug use and possession for use remain illegal, although are no longer a criminal offence. If someone is not violent and not causing direct harm to others, we believe that prison is a disproportionate and ineffective way to address drug use, in particular because it often initiates or reinforces a negative cycle of marginalization.

Madame Chair, indeed, decriminalization created a legal framework for implementing policies to reduce the harm caused by drug consumption and to socially reintegrate drug dependent persons, developing targeted and cost-effective interventions. We do believe that the availability and access to evidence-based risk and harm reduction measures is a key factor of our policy, as they have proven effective in improving the health and well-being of drug users and their families. Some positive impacts of these measures are the decreasing trend in the total number of notifications of HIV and AIDS cases associated with drug use since the beginning of the century, as evidenced by the decrease in injecting drug use.

Madame Chair, we welcome the reference made to some risk and harm reduction measures in the UNGASS outcome document and we would encourage other Member States to consider this recommendation as a priority when implementing this document. Portugal firmly believes that the UNGASS outcome document will remain the basis for the current international drugs policy discussion. In that way, it is important to consolidate and to build upon the political commitment agreed last year, ensuring over the coming years a broad implementation of the outcome operational recommendations and seeking further progress beyond the UNGASS consensus.

Madame Chairman, we are ready to continue to share our experience towards the implementation of a more health oriented and human rights based drugs policies, which have proven to have a positive effect on the efforts to achieve the objective of the three international drug conventions for the promotion of the health and welfare of humankind. Thank you.

Saudi Arabia: Current session is being held one year after successful conclusion of UNGASS. The outcome document including comprehensive and integrated operational recommendations is a roadmap which will ultimately lead to a world free of drugs. We need to further make use of partnerships. We are fully committed to recommendations of outcome document, particularly related to supply reduction, money laundering, demand reduction, prevention, treatment and law enforcement. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia reaffirms commitment to the three conventions: the Single Convention as amended in 1971, the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances and the 1988 Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia believes the world drug problem is common concern which necessitates effective cooperation. It has had the pleasure of hosting a recent conference on drug trafficking. The meeting led to effective and comprehensive recommendations, and sheds light on issues of concern to the region. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia places great importance on national efforts to countering drugs. We have been able to dismantle a number of networks, thwarting thousands of smuggling operations and dealing operations. We have seized a lot of heroin, amphetamine and cannabis. Pre-emptive strikes on smuggling operations and the arrest of those involved. On preventive side, all relevant public state holders have collaborated with private sector to further raise awareness through prevention and education on harms of drugs. Thank you for your attention.

Venezuela: Reaffirm the role of the CND as the only normative body for the international control of narcotics and psychotropic substances. CND has fully complied with its mandates. Consequences of drug problem are no less pressing than when we started to create the international system. We are not even close to overcoming this problem. Available statistics reveal that illicit trafficking and drug abuse continue to be a growing challenge. Evidence shows that crime of illicit trafficking has grown in alarming terms. Drug consumption has also increased. This is the result of a drug control policy that has kept for too long a focus on security, the so-called war on drugs. This has damaged the rule of law and violated human rights. Results can still be seen today. The final aim of drug control conventions is far from being achieved. Without a necessary change in drug policies, human and national development will not be achieved. UNGASS Outcome Document is more receptive to the public health problems caused by drugs. This change in orientation has been positively acknowledged by Venezuela. This has been the cornerstone of our policy for many years. Internationally, greater efforts are needed. My delegation has insisted on need to improve our understanding of the causes of the world drug problem to be more effective in the treatment of it.

Poland: Poland fully aligns with the statement of the European Union, and supports the position presented by its representative on the importance of the conclusions of UNGASS 2016. Effective implementation of the recommendations of UNGASS outcome document, which needs to be in the centre of our discussions on international drug policy, is of crucial importance to my country. In line with the position we uphold our long-time opinion of the key role of building response to drugs and drug addiction based on the top priority of the protection of human rights and promotion of the rule of law. We particularly wish to emphasise our general objection to the use of capital punishment also with reference to drug-related crime. We would like to point to the necessity of shaping the response to drugs based on the concept of public health and the necessity of including in the drug policy the needs of drug-dependent individuals through promoting and providing access to harm reduction programmes and in the context of penal policy through the use of punishments proportionally to the crimes committed.

We support all actions that intend to make the international response adequate to the changing trends in the field of drug supply and demand, especially with reference to New Psychoactive Substances and the rising phenomenon of combined use of legal and illegal drugs. Such actions of the international community might provide added value and support measures implemented in particular countries or regions of the world.

By participating in this session of the Commission we would like to share our reflections on the future of the global drug policy.

In a broadly understood drug policy the attention of the international community has recently been focused on the preparation of UNGASS and the search for consensual wording of the outcome document. However, in the negotiation process differences between countries could be noticed, for example on the issue of cannabis (not only in the context of medical cannabis but also its recreational use), the effectiveness and availability of harm reduction programmes or the issue of including in the response of the international community and its specialist agencies the local or regional needs dictated by the cultural diversity, traditions as well as social and economic conditions. Bearing these issues in mind we should more fully appreciate the wording of the final document and over 100 operational recommendations it offers.

While thinking of the effective implementation of the recommendations we should seek to promote those values that we have in common and the ones that make us attach such importance to drug policy in the national and international dimension. Such values include the desire for the provision of health, high-quality life and security to as many citizens as possible. It seems that such values were fully defined in the statement made in New York by the Head of the UNODC, Mr Yuri Fedotov, who said that “the global drug policies must put people first”.

In our understanding it means the need of taking wider perspective on the role in the life of contemporary people and societies, played not only by illegal or chemical substances but addictions in general, including behavioural addictions. The problem of addiction has gone far beyond the traditional users and become a problem which is prevalent in all its forms and intensity in virtually all social groups regardless of their economic, educational, gender or residence status. The world also differs in terms of the assessment of risks presented by addictions. That is why, while never losing sight of the need to combat drug-related crime, we aim to seek effective solutions to the problem of addiction in the health policy, concept of public health, education, access to prevention, reduction of risk factors and respect for universal rights and standards as well as development of self-awareness and responsibility of drug users. Consequently, the drug policy should be more sensitive to the voices of individuals and groups of specific needs such as women, youth, minorities, marginalized groups and individuals of limited to cultural and material goods. In the development and assessment of such actions the voice of civil society should be given priority. They are the people and institutions who are often the closest to the individuals battling with addictions.

In our understanding, drug policy should be founded on the solidarity and support for those who need it most. Drug policy as any other strategy cannot by effective without proper financing.

Another dimension of inequality in the access to evidence-based forms of assistance is the recent trend of limiting, in some regions of the world, access to international funds that support local drug prevention programmes (or the related infectious disease prevention programmes) and attempts to replace them with domestic funds. Undeniably, domestic funds should be increased; however, the process of phasing out the international funds should be conducted with great care in order to eliminate the risk of sudden lack of financial resources to sponsor prevention or treatment programmes.

The understanding and respect for diversity, the solidarity and sharing of the responsibility as well as the promotion of values that are common and undivided seem to all form an approach likely to result in higher effectiveness of the international drug policy.

Cuba: Support the statement made by G77 + China and by GRULAC. Importance of CND as UN’s body to deal with world drug problem. Drug control policies should focus on wellbeing of individual and prevent violence and crime. Drug abuse is a serious public health issue requiring policies that focus on prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, and social integration. Strategies used to counter the world drug problem should take into account the different realities of member states, and full respect for sovereignty. The prevention guaranteed by our programs and zero tolerance towards the problem means that Cuba does not suffer from this scourge as much as other countries. Reaffirm that international cooperation and the exchange of useful information between states based on mutual trust and non-conditionality is essential to tackling the world drug problem and related crimes. Highlight the importance of technical cooperation and assistance from UNODC and regional subsidiary bodies, especially in least developed countries. Ratify the commitment taken on by government in recent summit of CELAC to cooperate fully with our region and the whole of the international community.

Kazakhstan: There is a drug threat and we are aware of seriousness of the threat and on taking international and national measures. Fighting drugs is part of our national policy, and we are focussed on implementation of  UNGASS outcome document. We will work on strengthening security. Permanent members should bring in china, we held a joint event on cooperating on countering problem. Pooling and concentrating efforts on drug threats. We are thankful for UNODC, donors and partner states who have reaffirmed their commitment to principles and conventions. The outcome document is a timely and effective initiative. National policies, Kazakhstan fully supports international anti-drug initiatives and works to strengthen anti-drug programmes. Work here at the CND will make us better at combating drugs internationally.

India: I am honoured to take the floor on behalf of India. At the outset let me congratulate the chair on election. I express sincere compliments to the CND. Let me reiterate our firm commitment to the three conventions. For centuries we have been discharging responsibilities, streamlining our national law to be aligned with conventions particularly the principle of balance. India supports 2009 declaration and Plan of Action. India has been a victim of terrorism funded partly by drugs for decades. Countries such as us should receive particular attention, it has been a matter of concern for us. The drug trade is used to fund anti-country activities. I am happy to inform that we were able to eradicate many more cannabis and opium crops in 2016 than we were in 2015. Regional and and international cooperation is necessary in this area. We have a number of problems to combat. India took a major step by editing uniform rules to make opioids more available in medicine. All stake holders will work towards improving adequate access to controlled medicines. We are aware of the misuse of precursors. I would like to conclude by complimenting the CND, UNODC and international community in working towards addressing the complex world drug problem. We are gratified by UNGASS and  our achievements so far but we have far to go and I am confident that our actions will go towards realising a drug free world.


Madame Chair, Ministers, Heads of Delegation, Distinguished Delegates, and Members of Civil Society:


Canada is pleased to participate in the 60th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.  Through the dialogue and contributions of the many States represented in this forum, we continue to work together to address the new and continuing challenges posed by illegal drug-related activities and the health and social harms that they cause.

Canada remains steadfast in our commitment to work together with the international community, to continue to improve global health, safety, and security.  And we do so with the highest regard for the dignity of humanity, and respect for human rights.

The progress that we made together last year at the UN General Assembly Special Session on the World Drug Problem  (UNGASS) was a milestone in our continuing efforts, and one that we must now strive to implement.

But even as we continue to make progress, significant challenges remain.

Of primary concern to Canada is the rapidly increasing rate of  opioid-related overdose deaths, and the devastating impact this crisis is having on individuals, families and communities.  A record number of Canadians have died from drug overdoses in the past year.

This crisis has been driven by both the overprescribing of opioid medications, and the emergence of substances such as fentanyl and its analogues, which are being illegally imported, and mixed into the illegal drug supply – often without the users’ knowledge.

In response to this opioid crisis, Canada has taken action by developing a comprehensive plan tackling both these aspects of the issue.  Our provincial, territorial and local governments, medical partners, community organizations and volunteers, as well as law enforcement and first responders are working together to save lives.

In addition to new prevention activities, two examples of the numerous actions underway in Canada are the removal of the requirement for a prescription to access Naloxone – an opioid overdose reversing drug, and the November 2016 scheduling of six chemicals used in the production of fentanyl.

Canada now controls both ANPP and NPP, which the CND will consider for scheduling on Thursday.  I’d like to take this opportunity to reiterate that Canada has experienced the harms associated with illegal trafficking in fentanyl firsthand, and we call on the international community to take action to place its precursors under international control as an urgent public health measure.

Canada also continues to move forward with its plan to legalize and strictly regulate access to cannabis – to keep it out of the hands of youth and to keep profits out of the hands of criminals.

In the last year, the Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation completed and made publically available its report on the design of a new system.  This advice is being considered by the Government of Canada as legislation is being developed. As the Minister of Health stated at UNGASS last April, the federal government will introduce legislation this spring.

At the UNGASS, Canada’s Minister of Health also spoke in support of a drug policy rooted in a public health approach.  This approach is evidenced in the new Canadian Drugs and Substances Strategy announced in December which restores harm reduction as a key pillar alongside prevention, treatment and enforcement – all of which are supported by a strong evidence base.

Evidence shows that a comprehensive public health approach that is inclusive of harm reduction measures alongside prevention, treatment, and enforcement actions, works. Providing a continuum of care to support individuals who use drugs at every point in their journey is essential. Those who are outside of the treatment system, for whatever reason, must be treated with dignity and respect. In addition to preventing overdose fatalities, lowering the transmission of infectious disease, and reducing the rates of drug-related crime, harm reduction measures can also help bring drug users into first contact with the health care system, where they can access treatment.

To support the implementation of Canada’s new drug strategy, strong, modernized legislation, is now before Canada’s Parliament. The comprehensive Bill proposes to ensure an appropriate balance between public health and public safety by better equipping both health and law enforcement officials with the tools they need.

Notable among the many proposed changes in that Bill are provisions aimed to combat the emergence of new psychoactive substances. Changes proposed as part of this Bill would give Canada’s Minister of Health the authority to quickly add a substance to a new schedule.

The rapid emergence of dangerous NPS poses a significant challenge to the international drug control community, and therefore also requires a robust and coordinated international response.

Canada would like to reiterate its position that all drug policy must be rooted in the recognition of, and respect for, human rights.  Sanctions for crime, including drug-related crime, should be proportionate to the nature of the offence. In this regard, Canada opposes the use of the death penalty in all cases, everywhere, and continues to call for its abolition.  Moreover, criminal justice responses to drug-related criminality must respect due process – Canada condemns the use of extrajudicial sanctions, and executions in particular, and calls for an end to this.

Madame Chair, fellow Members – I’d like to conclude my statement by emphasizing that Canada is committed to working with the international community on global drug control issues.

We look forward to contributing towards the work of this Commission, in the current session, and in the future.


Chair and distinguished guests. I would like start by congratulating the Commission on its 60th anniversary. Let me also welcome you, Ambassador, into the chair of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, and express the United Kingdom’s support for your distinguished leadership. We also express our appreciation for the work of the postUNGASS Facilitator and of the Commission Secretariat.

Chair, The United Kingdom is delivering a modern, balanced and evidence-based response to drugs within the UN conventions. We have seen a reduction in drug misuse among adults and young people compared with a decade ago, and more adults are leaving treatment successfully compared to 2010. However, there is still work to be done. We are developing a new Drug Strategy, which will be published soon. The strategy will facilitate a multi-agency, joined-up approach, ensuring that individuals have access to the wide range of services essential to recovery. For the first time in a United Kingdom drug strategy, there will be a chapter dedicated to global action. This will cover our leading role in shaping international drugs policy, sharing evidence through our global networks, and promoting human rights.

Chair, At the UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs 2016 the international community once again came together to strengthen our consensus on drug policy. The United Kingdom welcomes the Commission’s initial work to monitor Outcome Document implementation through intersessional meetings which are structured around the seven chapters of the Outcome Document. We would welcome the future work of the Commission on this issue being structured along similar lines.

Chair, To help implement the Outcome Document recommendations on new psychoactive substances, the United Kingdom has tabled a resolution at this Commission. The United Kingdom’s resolution will focus on addressing the health harms of these substances. The resolution encourages Member States and international organisations to develop and share information on tailored treatment responses, and to strengthen data collection on the health harms of these substances. The United Kingdom looks forward to agreeing this resolution and working with partners to implement it.

Chair, As well as implementing the Outcome Document recommendations, it is important that the Commission monitors implementation. A key forum for this is the International Action Group on new psychoactive substances. This informal network of over 30 governments and organisations helps to coordinate and drive the global response to these substances. Members of this group have prepared a report on action they are taking to implement the Outcome Document’s recommendations on this issue, which has been circulated to the Commission.

Chair, The United Kingdom has a proud history of championing human rights, and in this regard we oppose the use of the death penalty in all circumstances as a matter of principle. In particular, we urge all Member States who still use the death penalty for drug offences to abolish this unacceptable and ineffective practice. We will continue to hold international agencies funded by the United Kingdom to account for compliance with their human rights obligations. HIV and blood-borne diseases

Chair, The United Kingdom is firmly committed to supporting a comprehensive package of measures to reduce harms. We call on all Member States to increase access to the proven interventions set out in the World Health Organisation’s 2014 Consolidated Guidelines. Our recent £1.1 billion investment in the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is a practical example of our commitment to ending the AIDS epidemic. The United Kingdom has also recently announced an additional investment of up to £75 million to UNAIDS over five years from 2016 to 2021. We will continue to take a leading role on this issue. Ensuring access to controlled medicines

Chair, Up to 5.5 billion people live in countries with low or nonexistent access to controlled medicines. Too many people live and die in avoidable pain. This is why the United Kingdom will continue to invest in supporting health systems across the world.

Chair, To address the shared and complex problem of drug trafficking, we need to ensure we continue to strengthen law enforcement and criminal justice responses. We also need to address the vulnerabilities which drive, enable and perpetuate organised crime. Understanding what works is key to delivering this. We need to improve the availability and quality of impact indicators related to organised crime, so that we are better able to evaluate and improve our response.

Chair, I will conclude by reiterating the United Kingdom’s support for a modern, balanced and evidence-based international approach to drugs within the UN conventions. Thank you for this opportunity to address the Commission.

Myanmar. I will update you on drug control in Myanmar. It is a treat to human beings, as well as to peace and stability. According to the UN drug conventions, we have been developing a programme on drugs since 1999. Trafficking in opiates remains significant. We are also facing a challenge on trafficking and use of ATS. Seizures and rising year by year. Drugs trafficked from neighbouring countries find their way to Myanmar. Transnational organised crime groups are involved in drug trafficking.

Sustainable livelihoods are important for our country to improve the livelihoods of people living in areas of production.

On illicit production and trafficking, the government is working on a peace agreement which will have a significant impact on drugs in Myanmar. We are working against drug syndicates with the expansion of our drugs law enforcement efforts. We collaborate with other agencies in the region to prevent cross border trafficking. We are coordinating with UNODC and INCB to receive the necessary tools, information and knowledge.

We are conducting the first survey on drug use this year at national level, for drug users to have access to treatment services. We have established a methadone treatment programme. We are working with UNODC Thailand to promote community-based treatment. We carry out prevention programmes among youth, and mass media campaigns.

We are also actively working on amending the 1993 narcotics law to enable an environment where drug users are assisted in their community. We are working on a new drug policy which is based on the UNGASS outcome document, with collaboration with government agencies, UN agencies and NGOs.

I want to emphasize that the illicit drug problem cannot be tackled by one country alone. We need effective programmes to effectively target it. We reaffirm our commitment to tackling the drug problem. I thank you all for your cooperation so that we can address this issue effectively for our community.

Hungary. Progress has been made in the past but more needs to be done. Hungary is fully committed to the UNGASS outcome document, including in the field of drug law enforcement and prevention. UNGASS objectives are laid down in our drug strategy towards 2020. The document is based on the UN drug conventions and are in line with the drug strategy and action plan of the European Union.

A community based approach focusing on a drug-free lifestyle is at the basis of these documents. We promote here on prevention, treatment and reintegration. We reiterate a role for the families and local communities.

On supply reduction, we focus on law enforcement, to effectively respond to challenges in the criminal field. We promote inter-institutional and international law. We focus on real time exchange of information. This allows authorities to respond to the new trends in NPS. Regarding NPS, Hungary was one of the first countries in Europe to adopt a policy on this. We saw changes in NPS seizures in the past year.

We all have to commit to devote ourselves to future progress to effectively counter the world drug problem. We underline the key role of the CND and its subsidiary bodies in this process, as well as more effective collaboration.

Switzerland. Less than a year has passed since the UNGASS on drugs. The UNGASS marked an important step forward for a human rights focused drug policy and moving away from a punitive approach. We welcome and support this new approach. It has been borne out in our national policy. A number of initiatives have begun. We welcome the intersessional meetings organised by CND. They enabled member states to compare their experiences in a pragmatic and practical way based on the UNGASS outcome document. Another development we would like to mention is the conclusion of the UNGASS follow up MoU concluded between UNODC and WHO to step up collaboration between these two stakeholders. This is in line with the recommendations expressed in NY in April 2016 and the 2030 Agenda. We would like to highlight the fact that the high level political forum for sustainable development will look at SDG 3 on health – it will be important to report on progress made. Objective 3 requires that any human being must have access to healthcare. The 2030 agenda is in line with the need to focus on prevention and treatment. We highlight a number of elements of importance.

The use of the death penalty is unacceptable, as are extrajudicial killings, torture and inhumane treatment. Human rights and proportionality are key principles here. On drug dependency, putting healthcare at the heart of drug policies implies promoting access to education. It’s unacceptable that millions are forced to live in extreme suffering without relief at all, without access to low-cost treatment. It was in Vienna last March that we managed to design recommendations  that were then approved in New York. But a document alone is not enough. It must serve as a roadmap to develop drug policies that will reduce supply and demand, but also contribute to the health of addicts as well as the security of communities.

Iran. The issue of drugs affects all in society, in particular production and trafficking. We are facing a difficult situation. A study was published in 2016 showing a 43% increase compared to the previous year. We face a growing trend in drug related crime. The escalating trend in production and smuggling will intensify insecurity and corruption in the region, leading to the emergence of new markets and new routes, and transnational organised crime. We have adopted a comprehensive approach in Iran to combat drugs: installing advanced equipment, preventing precursor diversion, disrupting financial flows, amending the Code of Procedure on alternatives to punishment. We have seized tons of drugs in 2016, 9% increase compared to 2015. According to UNODC, seizures at global level on morphine were done by Iran. We have implemented community based policies for volunteers to participate in primary prevention, harm reduction, treatment and protection of individuals. One can refer to the growing trend in treatment provision. This includes free treatment services for prisoners going through the treatment process. We also focus on HIV prevention and treatment among IDUs. We have taken measures for cooperation with neighbouring countries, covering all aspects of drug control. We organised a first seminar on building discourse for a community based approach to drugs to implement the UNGASS outcome document and shade experiences and enhance synergies with a number of renown artists recognised as goodwill ambassadors. In February 2017, we organised a conference on organised crime and trafficking with many countries. We support the pivotal role of CND on drug related issues. We also support UNODC as the leading organisation on drugs, and of the INCB. The 3 drug conventions and the 2009 political declaration and plan of action are the framework of drug control. There must be respect for cultural and civilizational specificities.

Philippines. We underscore the 3 drug conventions as a comprehensive framework. We must not lose sight of the focus of these conventions. The Philippines utilises a comprehensive and balanced approach aiming to address all aspects of the drug problem, based on a 5 pillar approach: demand reduction, supply reduction, AD, civic awareness and international cooperation. Our efforts are guided by a drug-free Philippines, through comprehensive, balanced and holistic measures. An informed citizenry is an empowered one, shaped by educational programmes, suited to the different needs of the members of our communities. The fight against drugs begins with preventing use in our population through education and awareness raising campaigns. To reach the youth, the dangerous drugs board focuses on young people, peer based strategies, conducted for both students and out of school youth nation wide. We encourage youth to be catalysts for change within their groups of youths. Communities are at the centre of all our anti-drug efforts. I reiterate this. Interventions must start at the grassroots level, empowering citizens and local governments by providing them a sense of ownership. In response to those who have recently surrendered for drug use, we have created local health centres. We have also reached out to the private sector and other international partners to develop in-patient services. Sustainable treatment and rehab programmes focus on ensuring people can lead a drug-free life. We recognise the important contribution of civil society and work with their representatives for the prevention and rehabilitation programmes. We aim to take away drugs from the public, including methamphetamines. These enter the country through the sea, air and land. We benefit from the work of the WCO cargo control. In 2016 we seized 25 million worth of drugs and precursors. We aim to sustain this momentum. As the world problem is without borders, we promote regional and international cooperation through exchange of information and cooperation, increased mobility and advances of technology. The 5th ASEAN meeting adopted a work plan for 2016-2025 on drugs. While the world drug problem is a common and shared responsibility, we underscore the sovereign right of each country to implement its own strategy according to its cultural, social, political specificities. Non intervention and sovereignty are key aspects. Our people, especially our young, should live in communities free of the harmful effects of illegal drugs. It should not undermine the legitimacy of the campaign itself. All law enforcers are held to abide by established protocols, also in line with human rights and international practices. We have a fierce commitment to peace and order and the protection of life, and the general welfare, guided by our constitution and state policy, which protects every human being, in full respect of human rights. We combat the scourge of drugs to protect the rights of our citizens. We stand firm for the firm adherence of the rule of law and under existing human rights treaties.

Kyrgyzstan. With UNODC, we’ve developed an anti-drug programme and plan of action. In recent years, well coordinated prevention measures have helped coordinate supply measures. We are moving towards a downward trend. Women, youth and children are a priority to prevent drug addiction. In this area, we focus on supply reduction and associated measures, effective law enforcement, fighting money laundering, promoting cooperation in law enforcement, fighting transnational organised crime. Tons of drugs are seized every year. We also combat money laundering. We try to ensure the availability of controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes. Another important aspect is the respect for human rights. We have banned torture by adopting the UN Convention on the Prevention of Torture. We have also created a body for the prevention of torture. We are actively involved in international cooperation. We want to thank the INCB, UNODC and all our international partners for continuous assistance in drug control work. For a long time, our drug situation was centred on transit. These factors continue to affect the health and well being of our citizens. We have a balanced drug control policy, addressing socio-economic issues, alternative development, enhancing opportunities for the licit economy. We must work beyond national boundaries. We attach great importance to national and regional shared responsibility. We have implemented many different measures also through the Paris Pact. We will continue to make every effort to eliminate illicit cultivation of poppy and cannabis, demand for psychoactive substances, sales and trafficking, including synthetic drugs, as well as the diversion of precursors and money laundering.

Indonesia: Indonesia wishes to associate itself with statement of G77, China, and Asia-Pacific Group. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the CND, and important work has been conducted, in particular 2009 Plan of Action and the outcome document of UNGASS 2016. It makes significant progress. Notable progress has been achieved over the years, but drugs continue to pose a serious threat to health, security and wellbeing of all humanity. Indonesia reaffirms responsibility of CND in these matters. We have continued to implement international standards in demand reductions strategies, to achieved objective of society free of drug abuse. We have a rehabilitation centres for people who need special treatment, in particular women and children. The current state of drug trafficking activities are growing worrisome. These activities remain a threat and require a serious effort. The free flow of people and goods in the region continues to expand, transnational groups see us as a place for crime. Comprehensive efforts must include strict and proper law enforcement efforts, we must have a firm international approach towards transnational groups. The transnational challenges posed by drug trafficking should be addressed with soverignty of states. In other words, this country has the sovereign right to decide the most appropriate approach to its problems, taking into consideration human rights and freedom, in addressing the drug problem. We believe access to health and care should be provided in a non-discriminatory manner. Protection of human rights should be approached in a balanced manner, so rights of the victims of drug dealers should be respected. It is the belief that the UNGASS outcome document should be treated in a comprehensive and balanced manner. The circumstances of various states should be considered in their implementation. Each country has unique characteristics. What is right for one is not right for all. Every country can tackle the problem in their own way. It is important to recommend the drug control conventions.

Vietnam. The abuse and trafficking of illicit drugs have posed an immediate threat to the international community. We reiterate international cooperation to counter the world drug problem. We welcome the 2014 JMS and the UNGASS outcome document. We reaffirm the leading role of CND and the UNODC, and promote the 3 conventions as the cornerstone of drug policy. We reaffirm the ASEAN position to create a society free of drug abuse. We give priority to cross border trafficking through law enforcement, and the strengthening of drug prevention measures. We have diversified drug detoxification models. We have implemented a national strategy on drug control. We have a vision until 2020 in close connection to the ASEAN strategy. We will assist addicts for developing treatment and care. Methadone maintenance is effective for treating opiate addicts, there is yet no effective maintenance treatment for amphetamines. We have actively participated in the ASEAN meeting on drugs matters. We have participated in the Mekong MoU on drug control as well. Preventing drug related crime requires our continued collaboration and improved shared responsibility with balanced and comprehensive measures to drug control. We work with other member states to counter the world drug problem. We look forward to receiving further assistance from UNODC and the international community. The session will discuss and come up with concrete steps for the 2009 political declaration for inclusive solutions to the world drug problem. We thank UNODC for this and wish the session a great success.

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation.

Mme. Chairperson, Distinguished members of the Commission, Ladies and gentlemen,

  1. To start with, I would like to congratulate the delegates and guests of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs with its anniversary session. Over the past 60 years, the Commission has worked hard and contributed significantly into mobilizing the international community for the fight against the narcotic evil.
  2. Cooperation in the fight against illicit drug trafficking has been one of the priorities for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization since its establishment. Associating itself with the international community on the issue of narcotic drug threat, the SCO expresses a deep concern over the escalation of illicit drug trafficking. The problem obviously presents a big challenge to international security and sustainable economic development. The Organization’s basic approaches on this global issue are set out in the SCO Member-States’ Statement at the Special Session of the UN General Assembly on the World Drug Problem.
  3. Today every country in the world has experienced the destructive effects of the narcotic drug pandemic. The alarming growth of drug business and drug abuse in recent years has deeply affected all areas of life, undermining governmental institutions and social foundations, delivering a highly destructive blow to the nations’ gene pool.
  4. The SCO’s legal framework, primarily the SCO Member-States Agreement on Cooperation in Combatting Illicit Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic Substances and their Precursors, provides a foundation for the SCO Member-States’ effective cooperation in this area.
  5. The roadmap towards this goal was set out in the SCO Anti-Drug Trafficking Strategy and the Action Program for its Implementation in 2011. The SCO Member-States apply it to launch comprehensive cooperation against narcotic drugs, to improve the legal framework of interaction, take measures on drug demand reduction, harmonize the national laws, as well as to take prophylactic steps on drug abuse and drug rehabilitation.
  6. The SCO provides an efficient three-level institutional mechanism for interaction of the Member-States’ counternarcotic agencies facilitating their cooperation at the expert and administrative levels to deal with a wide range of urgent issues.
  7. The SCO Member-States hold joint operations on countering illicit drug trafficking aiming at coordination of actions and achieving practical goals, especially in spheres of seizing narcotic drugs and precursors and blocking the channels of their supply.
  8. In 2011 – the first half of 2016, the counternarcotic agencies of the SCO Member-States seized some 69 tons of heroin, over 17 tons of raw opium, near 350 tons of marijuana and 28 tons of hashish. The quantity of heroin seized amounts to 14 percent of global heroin seizure. Experts acknowledge that this corresponds to millions of saved lives, loss of billions of US dollars for drug cartels, and delivers a heavy blow to the organized drug crime.
  9. The above examples are the evidence of consistency, commitment and high efficiency of joint efforts against the drug threat. However, it is also clear that to fight this threat effectively we need to continue to consolidate the efforts of the whole international community.
  10. The SCO calls for redoubling international efforts to resolve the global drug problem based on a comprehensive and balanced approach and common and shared responsibility of states.
  11. At the same time, the SCO Member-States stand for maintaining and strengthening the current international drug control system, on the basis of the three main UN conventions and with the UN in a central coordinating role.
  12. We must focus on practical measures aimed at rooting out the production of illicit drugs worldwide, including eradication of the illicit narcotics cultivation and the processing facilities for them.
  13. The SCO also calls for creating an effective system of legal response to the emergence of new synthetic narcotic drugs and other psychoactive substances and for strengthening cooperation in drug rehabilitation and effective drug demand reduction.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is ready for this kind of work.

CND Secretariat. I want to inform delegations that there will be informals on:

  • Resolution L5 led by Peru in MOE03 at 9:00
  • Resolution L11 led by Belarus in M4 at 10:00
  • Resolution L12 in MOE05 at 11:00
  • Resolution L7 in M5 at 15:30
  • Resolution L8 at 17:00.

An EU coordination meeting will be held at 9am in room MOE7.

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