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Plenary Item 3. General debate (continued)

Peru: A very good afternoon. It is an honour for me to speak to this plenary hall. In Peru we are fighting against drug trafficking with a balanced and comprehensive approach and with full respect for human rights. Peru would like to reiterate its firm commitment to tackling the fight against drugs from a comprehensive, balanced, sustainable guideline, in line with the 2016 UNGASS outcome document. We have approved a new National Policy Against Drugs 2030 – a multisectorial policy which strengthens state capacity for tackling drug related issues, including trafficking and consumption among vulnerable groups. We are promoting alternative sustainable development as an instrument to accessing legal income for families part of the drug trafficking chain which infiltrates profoundly into our social fabric. The first step of this is the illegal production of coca leaves. While we recognize the traditional value of coca, this legal cultivation should be clearly demarcated and labeled. Areas given over to illegal growing of the raw materials for manufacturing cocaine based drugs. Inevitably we have seen an increase in the illegal production of coca leaves. We see the increasing vulnerability of families in joining trafficking chain. We would like to reiterate our focus on alternative, sustainable development models, the Peruvian model, with full commitment to UN conventions which are the cornerstone of the fight against drugs and promote state presence, constitutionality, and peace, so families vulnerable to trafficking manage to move them away from this vulnerability and into a process of development coordinated with the entrepreneurial market. However, for this we need technical and financial cooperation to strengthen development programs. We need greater access to the legal international markets as part of this. I am convinced that through producer and consumer countries cooperation, under the principle of shared and common responsibility, we can gain better results in the global fight against drugs and have a better impact on quality of life for these families. We are all committed to this fight against a complex crime with large resources attached to it. A crime which affects governance, security, economy and is linked to various other crimes such as corruption, money laundering, murder, and terrorism. The drugs market protects and funds these crimes. This fight against drugs is a global and multidimensional threat. We need to fight for life and health, especially for families vulnerable to trafficking. This is the most important thing we have here – now and forever. The fight against trafficking has one enemy – trafficking. This sincerely affects the social fabric and makes families more vulnerable. It is vital we are collectively trying to break the chain of vulnerability so we can achieve development. So families can move to a state of development and make money from viable businesses on the legal market.

Islamic Republic of Iran: Based on a UNODC report in November 22, the poppy cultivation in Afghanistan is over 3000 hectares. However, the precursors are produced in other countries and used in labs to produce opioids in Afghanistan. This primarily impacts countries of our region. Iran is facing a big wave of drug smuggling and banditry, human trafficking, abduction, illegal immigrants, armed skirmishes that impact life in our country. We see that money which could have been spent on development is now spent on fighting against drugs. Iran has seized approximately 716 tonnes of different drugs including 30 tonnes of heroin, 540 tonnes of opium, and 30 tonnes of methamphetamine. This was made possible by the martyrdom of police officers working on the front line. In line with a balanced strategy in 2022, with working on treatment and harm reduction, there has been a decreasing trend of HIV and Hepatitis infections, as well as decreasing consumption rates. This has been contributed to by the fact that drug users throughout the country have access to treatment measures. We have many harm reduction initiatives being carried out by NGOs. We have also promoted public participation in fighting harms and paving way for social actors in reducing harm, these are considered to be innovative measures by Iran. This also led to the establishment of the helpers of life foundation in 2023 where we are supporting job generation for people who formerly had drug addiction, through funding insurance expenses of employers. I would like to highlight the following positions of Iran: we strongly believe that the international drug control conventions have been designed to address these international drug problems and we see that any legalization efforts are a serious threat to the security of states. We support the role of the UNODC as the main policy making body of drug control, and the role of INCB for allowing substances to be available for medical and scientific purposes, as well as stopping precursors. Given the significance and the need to give assistance to Afghanistan’s neighbours, we welcome the resolutions of this commission. We would like to emphasize that the international community is failing to provide contributions to Iran’s work and, as a result, we are facing numerous challenges and hurdles as a result of tyrannical approaches from some countries. We urge firm resolve of Iran for continuing the humanitarian mission on this path and we need to see full cooperation to fulfill this mission.

Guatemala: This is a timely meeting to strengthen our efforts and double down on our commitments. We would like to share some best practices and our experiences in national context as well as international. We have a policy under which there are strategic guidelines for action that are implemented by various institutions, taking into account he social political and environmental sphere. We have made progress in the full-frontal fight against drug trafficking and the breaking down of illicit structures. We arrested 104 people for extradition, we have seized over 431 million dollars worth of coca, we have combatted production and created spaces free of chemical substances as per the national environmental protection guide. We have transferred over 1900 metric tons of precursors to a complex to dispose of them – these were seized in previous years but have not been transported as we had no secure spot. We achieved a record in the destruction of precursors. International cooperation is of key importance and we thank anyone who directly or indirectly contributed to our efforts. We remain firmly committed to the conventions and emphasize common and shared responsibility. We hope to become members of CND for the next period.

China: In recent years, MS have continued to promote the purposes of the three conventions. Our government further consolidated its drug control strategy and contributed to international drug control. The number of drug crimes fell by 70%, newly discovered drugs have fallen by 79%. The number of people who did not relapse after 3 years has also increased. The public is content with the drug policies as said 95% (sic). Manufacturing and trafficking increased, however. NPS are accelerating. Drug control work faces new challenges and risks, so we call on the international community to prioritize their own national issues instead of using (…) to shift the blame and force their approach on others. To help achieve the 2030 goals and oppose the legalization of drugs, we should carefully assess the current situation and effectively prevent the resurgence of new drugs. We should learn from each other, respect each others exploration of drug control models in an open and inclusive matter. We should promote high quality development, promote security and well-being of humanity. In 1993, in response to the golden triangle issue, we have cam up with a mechanism. Over tha past 30 years, we have achieved practical results. We will hold a ministerial segment with the signatories to address prominent issues and stabilize security. We sincerely hope the international community pay better attention and support each other.

Russian Federation: The global drug problem is a collective threat. Our state drug control strategy until 2030 is ridding society of illicit drugs. Inter-agency cooperation in Russia prioritizes young people and informs them of the negative consequences of drugs. The early detection of drug consumption and motivating people to undergo treatment is underpinning our strong measures to combat drug trafficking and money laundering. We have increased fines and erected new legal obstacles. Sites where the online ordering of prohibited items was taking place, have been taken down. We are guided by our bilateral and multi-lateral cooperations. We commend certain allies who are working towards eradicating of trafficking and building societies free of drugs. Drug control capacities of the Shanghai cooperation organization are noted by our government. The northern route is being observed, much assistance is lent by the UNODC and INCB. We support this important mission and donate millions. Technical assistance for friendly countries is broadening. We continue to share best practices with allies, especially regarding reaching young people, increasing access to medication Sadly not all states take a responsible approach to drug control., A small group of western European countries is legalizing the reportedly less harmful cannabis, but it is also lowering (…) These permissive thoughtless policies (…) it is no coincidence that these countries are faced with an unprecedented number of victims. Is this what care looks like? As president Putin said, adults can do as they please so we must protect children, and we oppose all drug legalizing approaches as it favors criminals and leads to the the deterioration of our societies. Our works effectiveness depends on o the coherence of our actions. Our prime goal is to save lives and to protect our population and we will continue.

Cuba: 2021 was a year affected by the COVID-19 pandemic which had a significant impact on the global community’s work in addressing the world drug problem and placed a significant burden on health systems. The scourge of drugs impacts all regions, worsening cycles of violence, social exclusion, and precarious health situations. It will be difficult to solve mass drug production and trafficking in the south without eliminating demand mainly coming from the north. We need to apply the principle of common and shared responsibility to tackle the world drug problem, while adhering to international law and principles outlined in the UN charter. We are attending this meeting with the aim of strengthening international cooperation to tackle the world drug problem, which is not getting better but becoming more deeply rooted, as we are seeing with new substances and the growing use of the internet. We believe the effects and consequences of this scourge will not be solved by legalization or militarization, by making a mockery of national sovereignty or mockery of cultural differences across the world. Tackling Our country is tackling the world drug problem in a rigorous way that needs to meet the level of this scourge. Anti-drugs policy has been interpreted differently in different regions of the. We have seen in Cuba it is possible to tackle these problems through education, led by the state, with social inclusion and community participation. With universally accessible treatment facilities along with strong tackling of crime and international cooperation on a broad level. Manufacturing and trafficking is not a significant social problem in Cuba, our territory is not a criminal platform for trafficking. Our social project has been successful for tackling drugs despite the trade blockade imposed upon us. This is possible because we have a strong political will from our government on this issue and popular support for preventative and education based programs, an insistence on an effective legal system to tackle the problem, social rehabilitation, and international legal cooperation using police and custom systems under our public ministries. We must reiterate our states commitment to the three drug control conventions as they are the cornerstones in tackling this scourge. We strongly reiterate commitment and aspiration to realize societies’ free from drugs to achieve sustainable development.

Turkmenistan: Allow me to welcome all delegates to the commission. Turkmenistan recognizes the importance of CND while relevant issues are up for discussion. Such a representative meeting, composed of drug control specialists will surely nourish cooperation between member states. The productive work of this session will serve as an important platform for the exchange of information with practical proposals between states and organizations. Turkmenistan has played a positive role in actively promoting cooperation in combating drug trafficking. We are participating in joint projects and programmes in our region, in cooperation with the UN and EU. We have hosted major multilateral meetings which are dedicated to the topic of drug control. We greatly appreciate the initiatives of UNODC to lend practical assistance in the following areas: the prevention of drug trafficking, combating crime, updating national legislation and bringing this legislation in line with international standards, as well as building law enforcement capacity. It is our priority to protect the health of our population. Our work is being scaled up the work of health and education authorities and media in promotion of a healthy way of life and nourishing healthy attitudes among the general public regarding consumption. We are combating crimes by engaging in preventive measures, updating our legal framework, enhancing capacity of law enforcement and improving our resource base. However, in order to achieve our names we need to develop further cooperation. In that regard, we view drug control as a long term strategic objective. We strive to ensure measures are developed concerning our obligations to counter the world drug problem and we will strive to ensure measures are adopted at national level. We must ensure cooperation with other states before we will eradicate this scourge and develop a drug free world. We wish all delegates fruitful work and the best of success in attaining goals we have set.

Kenya: CND is an important conference as it provides a global forum for cooperative action and we are excited to participate actively. The ever-present threat to health and security, the general well-being of people. Declined mental health, and increased crimes are among the many ugly consequences of drug abuse. These are a constant impediment to global development and to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Undeniably, the transformation of the World remains a mirage in light of the number of persons using drugs. To address the drug abuse challenge, we adopted a multi-prong approach that compasses demand and supply reduction – primary prevention in schools and workplaces, treatment and reintegration services as well as harm reduction are also key priorities. For sustained results, demand reduction efforts go hand in hand with structure supply reduction, including appropriate law enforcement policies and criminal justice system, effective surveillance, and prosecution. Despite our efforts, we are concerned about the continued cultivation and trafficking of drugs preand post-pandemic. We are concerned by the number of appearing NPS. The nonconformity to the three conventions, especially legalizing for recreational purposes and lack of care and treatment services. We are also concerned by the nonconformity to human rights as drug users are being penalized instead of taken care of an integrated back into society. We need global intervention and enhanced international cooperation for a unified response. In developing countries where resources are limited, this issue is especially concerning. I want to reiterate the importance of the three conventions in my closing, as well as the subsequent policy documents from 2008, 2016. The decision by some states to reduce control of substances for nonmedical nonscientific use is not only a conformity question, but it is also an impediment to our global fight and sends a mixed signal to the public. Kenya commits to assuring conformity and will eliminate the non-medical or non-scientific use of controlled substances. We have succeeded to host the next meeting of the heads of national law enforcement agencies in November.

Kazakhstan: The fight against illicit drugs is of key importance for my government. I thank the UNODC team for the many projects throughout the years, especially regarding treatment and care as well as enhancing cross-border cooperation – USA, Canada, Germany, and Japan have been particularly helpful in this area. The instability of the World right now demonstrates the necessity for the CND. Despite the Taliban`s ban, cultivation has increased and the drug business flourishes in our region and beyond. The activities of the (informational center) is a flagship project of UNODC, it provides coordination, conducts research and disseminates information. We have seized over 700kg of heavy drugs and arrested 53 members of trans-national organized crime groups. We have a side event tomorrow morning, please come by to learn more.

Yemen on behalf of the Arab Group: (…) We note the recent vote on the rescheduling of Cannabis as per the WHO`s recommendation. (…) We call MS to take measures to make sure there is no diversion of substances. There is also a link between international cooperations, criminal groups, and drug proceeds. The Arab League adopted a convention on drug control. Our head authority office is based in Amman. An annual report, a statistical report has been published based on the drugs seized in these Arab countries. UNODC and the aforementioned office is linked and we call for members to support this collaboration. We welcome the central role played by UNODC in international drug control and we support the activities of the FinGov. We note the importance of equitable representation. We call on UNODC to continue to build capacities with a view to support MS and its projects in accordance with their needs. (…)

Portugal: Portugal aligns itself with the statement by the EU and would like to add following comments: thank you for working on reaching consensus on the modalities resolution (L2). Portugal strongly condemns the unprovoked and unjustifiable military aggression by Russia and expresses our full solidarity with Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. We encourage meaningful participation of all stakeholders including civil society organizations, scientific community, academia, UN agencies, and other international organizations. We welcome the opportunity next year to take stock on the implementation of all international drug policy commitments, including the 2016 UNGASS outcome document, and the opportunity to look forward to 2029 by providing an evidence base for years to come in conformity with three international drug control conventions and promoting all human rights. For the last 20 years Portugal has stated its commitment to a multidimensional and balanced approach with effective policies strengthening human rights and international development. Portugal would like to announce our new policy for reduction in addictive behaviors, which takes a comprehensive view of the problems, addressing illicit drug consumption, new psychoactive substances, alcohol, prescribed medicine, gambling, and doping. The policy will help communities ensure less problems through collaborative policies and respect for human rights. We recognize the valuable work that UNODC plays in the field of prevention, treatment, and the implementation of countries’ assurance mechanisms for access to treatment services, and continued cooperation in this and other matters in the framework of resolution 64/3 presented by Portugal and EU and adopted at the 64th CND. We would like to take this opportunity to recall our decision to submit candidature to the CND for the term 2024-2027, which will be voted on later this year. Portugal looks forward to continuing to work with the UNODC to implement policy commitments and achieve sustainable development goals.

Canada: Monsieur le Président, Messieurs et Mesdames les Ministres, Chefs de délégation, délégués, représentants de la société civile : Je m’adresse aujourd’hui à la Commission des stupéfiants alors qu’un peu plus d’un an s’est écoulé depuis l’agression insensée, non provoquée, illégale et violente de Vladimir Poutine contre l’Ukraine. Cette invasion est une violation flagrante de la Charte des Nations unies. C’est une attaque contre la démocratie et les principes de l’État de droit et du multilatéralisme. Le comportement criminel de Vladimir Poutine a des conséquences humanitaires considérables, entraînant la mort insensée d’innocents et créant le chaos et l’anarchie – un environnement dans lequel les acteurs criminels et le trafic de drogue peuvent prospérer. Le Canada soutient le gouvernement de l’Ukraine et son peuple courageux et résistant et se joint à la communauté internationale pour demander au président de la Fédération de Russie de mettre fin à sa guerre d’agression illégale. Monsieur le président, la crise des surdoses de drogues toxiques continue d’avoir un impact sur la vie des personnes qui vivent au Canada. Cette crise est alimentée par un marché des drogues illégales non réglementé et volatile. En deux mille vingt-deux, le Canada a connu environ vingt décès par jour. Malheureusement, cette tendance se poursuit. Il s’agit de l’une des crises de santé publique les plus importantes de l’histoire récente du Canada, qui a été aggravée par la pandémie de COVID-19. Elle a un impact tragique sur les personnes et les communautés à travers le Canada.

[Esteemed Chair, Ministers, Heads of Delegation, Distinguished Delegates, and Civil Society Representatives: I am addressing the Commission on Narcotic Drugs today as we are just over a year into Vladimir Putin’s senseless, unprovoked, illegal and violent aggression against Ukraine. This invasion is a clear violation of the UN Charter. It is an attack on democracy and the tenants of the rule of law and multilateralism. Vladimir Putin’s criminal behavior is causing widespread humanitarian consequences, resulting in the senseless deaths of innocent people, and creating chaos and lawlessness — an environment in which criminal actors and drug trafficking can thrive. Canada stands with the government of Ukraine and its brave and resilient people and joins the international community in calling on the President of the Russian Federation to end his illegal war of aggression. Mr. Chair, the drug toxicity overdose crisis continues to impact the lives of people living in Canada. This crisis is fuelled by an unregulated, volatile illegal drug market. In two thousand twenty two, Canada experienced approximately 20 deaths per day. Sadly, this trend is expected to continue. It is one of Canada’s most significant public health crisis in recent history; and was made worse by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is having a tragic impact on people and communities across Canada.]

**Switch to English

Mr. President, in response to the overdose crisis, Canada supports efforts to improve access to treatment and harm reduction services; strengthen enforcement; increase awareness and prevention efforts; support a range of recovery models and build the evidence base through research and surveillance. Canada continues to advance drug policy that respects human rights, and recognizes the disproportionate impact that drug policies can have on populations marginalized on the basis of race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality. We also recognize that reducing stigma and discrimination faced by people who use drugs is a starting point for addressing substance use issues. Stigma is a key barrier to people obtaining supports, should they choose to seek them, and it influences our drug policies, programs, and services. We have seen progress on this issue domestically but know more needs to be done. An important and meaningful way to do this is through inclusion of diverse voices of people with lived and living experience, people who use drugs and civil society organizations in the development of our drug policies, domestically and internationally. We look forward to continuing the important discussion on stigma with Member States. I invite all participants to attend our side event this Wednesday and to visit our booth in the rotunda with a special focus on reducing stigma. Canada believes we must reduce barriers to the participation of civil society in the international dialogue on drug policy, including through the webcasting and archiving of UN meetings such as the CND, and emphasizes the importance of civil society voices. Canada’s efforts to protect the health and safety of people living in Canada include a strict legal framework to regulate and restrict access to cannabis, which came into force in 2018. The framework’s objectives are to keep cannabis out of the hands of youth and to take profits out of the hands of criminals and organized crime. These goals are fully aligned and supportive of the goals of the international drug control conventions, which aim to safeguard the health and welfare humankind. The movement of cannabis across our international borders remains a serious criminal offence, and our framework has allowed for border management investments to better improve the interception of illegal cannabis shipments and the education of travellers. We have been fully transparent in our approach. Our Government is committed to measuring the health and social impacts of our cannabis policies and to sharing our data with concerned interested parties. An important part of Canada’s public health approach to cannabis is ongoing and comprehensive surveillance, data collection, and evidence gathering. Early results are encouraging, including that:

  • Among adults that chose to consume cannabis, the significant majority obtain it from the strictly regulated and quality-controlled legal market.
  • Both risk perception, and knowledge of the risks associated with cannabis use, have increased since legalization among youth and the general population.

We continue to monitor trends and assess the progress towards achieving the public health and safety objectives of the Cannabis Act. Finally, Canada remains a strong supporter of the international drug control system, anchored by the three Conventions. We are proud partners with the UNODC in key initiatives such as the Container Control Program, the Synthetic Drugs Toolkit, and the Global SMART Program.  These are some of the twelve ongoing projects worth a total of twenty-seven million Canadian dollars that support counter-narcotics efforts around the world. As the challenges around substance use continue to evolve, Canada remains committed to finding effective solutions that promote the health and safety and the human rights of the people living in Canada, while maintaining the international drug control framework as the foundation for international collaboration on drug policy. Thank you et Merci Monsieur le Président.

Albania: Albania stands with Ukraine and the people of Ukraine. We would like to highlight and recognize the unique role of CND to address the world drug problem. We have strengthened the work of law enforcement in tackling cross border crimes while supporting programs and strengthening cohesion. We are also pleased to host the 15th meeting of the heads of the EU national law enforcement agencies this year. We will continue to contribute to the financial role of UNODC including through our role in FinGov. Albania has joined forces with the Global Partnership on Drug Policy along with Germany and the UK, addressing the root causes of illicit drug production, ensuring communities are now stronger and more resilient. In terms of a gender perspective, we would like to stress the importance of putting women at the centre of alternative development and empowerment, as this has the potential to enable bottom up response to crises to promote community resilience. We would like to highlight our unwavering and consistent approach to the phenomenon of illicit drug production. Protecting communities through strengthening institutions and the economy, stopping the growth of illicit activities. By combining the state, communities, and families we can tackle the multifaceted threat of the world drug problem. We would like to stress our commitment to pursuing holistic approaches to tackling drug use and abuse. Albania has adopted new strategic documents contributing to reduction of harm and demand – the 2021 drug action plan which focuses on promoting a healthy lifestyle, and the strategy for primary health services 2020-2025 which has paved the way for healthcare reform to address relevant needs of vulnerable groups including drug users. We are conscious that investing in prevention among youth is more effective than punishment and have been working on harmonization with the EU on best standards. We have approved new pharmaceutical services, and a narcotic and psychotropic substances policy has been revised. It is worth emphasizing that in the face of this transnational problem, our solutions must be driven by a shared sense of responsibility. We wish the Commission and all member states a very fruitful session and discussions.

Thailand:  In our region, cooperation is key. We are closely monitoring the diversion of chemicals. Thailand, Myanmar and Lao are highly affected – we have seized tons of chemicals but we see the importance of financial support to other neighboring countries as well, with a big priority of environmental friendliness. Following the UNGASS outcome document, we have stepped our efforts up by adopting an evidence-based drug policy to achieve the SDGs and we focus on promoting development-oriented policies, taking into account the local communities and their needs, ensuring access to medicines. We hope for your full support, particularly in regards to the resolution on Alternative Development. I also invite you to visit our exhibition in the Rotunda (UN building in Vienna). We confirm our determination to achieve membership to the CND 2024-2027.

Finland: Finland fully aligns itself with the statement made by the European Union on behalf of its Member States. Mister Chair, Regrettably, international cooperation continues to be hurt by Russia’s unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine. Finland stands in full solidarity with Ukraine and firmly supports Ukraine’s in-dependence, sovereignty, self-determination and territorial integrity. Mr Chair, We believe that we need to strengthen our actions in the areas of prevention, treatment and harm reduction, as well as in the capacity building required for their implementation. Experience has taught us that in order to achieve the best results in health, wellbeing and safety, it is essential to pursue multi-disciplinary and balanced cooperation between social, health and law enforcement authorities and all other stakeholders – including NGOs, grass root actors and people who use drugs. It is important to protect citizens from the health, social and societal harms associated with drug use and to tackle marginalization and stigmatization. Finland believes that all drug policies have to be implemented comprehensively while respecting human rights. Health, well-being, safety and security of people and societies are essential. We also align ourselves with the advocates of the abolition of the death penalty as well as with those condemning the use of extrajudicial sanctions of whatever nature. Mr Chair, Drug policy is not a competition between the law enforcement and the health and social sectors. Even if the main role of the law enforcement authorities is to reduce the drug supply and tackle drug trafficking, successful and sustainable harm reduction is not possible without their participation. Police and other law enforcement officers are often the first point of contact for drug users and they have, for example, a key role in referring problem drug users to services. At the core of today’s drug policy implementation should be the promotion of participatory and inclusive policies that contribute to pub-lic health in the diverse realities and challenges that Member States face. Mr Chair, Finland recognizes the unique role of UNODC in supporting Member States to deliver a safe society founded on the rule of law. We are happy to announce that Finland, an active supporter of UNODC, is now seeking membership of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs for the term 2024-2027. Thank you Mr. Chair.

Netherlands: Aligning with the EU, highlighting the meaningfulness of UNGASS outcome document. Next year we will evaluate how far we`ve come and where we ought to go. Looking back, we see challenges and they have not diminished in the last few years. In order to assess the implementation of our commitments, we need a thorough review with a focus on health and human rights on one hand, law enforcement and crime prevention on the other. On the health side, we must prioritize voluntary treatment and the reduction of stigma, including drug-checking and supervised consumption rooms. On the other hand, countering crime and working on the frontline, increasing resilience, border control, intelligence sharing and preventing youth in being involved in drug-related crime. These should all be part of the stocktaking – as well as alternative policies to prohibition, decriminalization, alternative punishments to incarceration, and international human rights guidelines. International collaboration, multilateral projects, cooperating with civil society and academia are essential. We need to be guided by data, expertise from the UN system as a whole, good practices, the knowledge of civil society and the lived experiences of people who use or have used drugs. We must continue to explore innovative solutions to address the drug challenges we face globally.

Germany: Fully aligning with the EU statement and supporting the rule of law. We condemn Russia´s military aggression in the strongest possible terms. We must admit that despite all the successes and progress we made, illegal drug trade flourishes both offline and online. Providing alternatives to cultivating illicit crops is all of our responsibility. We express our support for the resolution on Alternative Development. Above all, we must do much more to reduce the demand to illegal drugs. This is not possible without addressing the root cause of drug use. If we recognize addiction is an illness (…) naloxone, drug checking, supervised consumption rooms are all examples of effective measures to reduce the possible harms of drugs. In Germany, (…) controlled consumption of cannabis for medical and recreational purposes. We need to be more successful in preventing dependence disorders. Let us make sure we do not cause more harm than we prevent, we have a lot of work to do.

Chile: We celebrated international women’s day less than a week ago. There are gaps still persisting across various arenas of life – drug use among them. Women who use drugs in a problematic way suffer in a proportional way. In regions like Latin America, the number of women in prison for minor drug offenses has reached an alarming number. Gender perspectives must be incorporated into national strategies. We are coming out not only from a pandemic but a social crash – our government has driven transformative action as a response. We have also started a process to strengthen our national drug policy with priority assigned to those who are most affected by it. The ministries of health, education, and social development developed a joint bureau that aims to address mental health challenges. This is to do with economic development, gender, human rights but also the environment. We must base our discussions on effectiveness. We understand that all treaties should be read and interpreted with the aim to create instruments that are based on human rights and are centered around human beings. Multi-lateral meetings around drugs should not abandon these values as these are what the conventions are built in. Therefore, in our view, this commission´s work is urgent.

France: We endorse the EU statement. 2022 was marked by the return of war to Europe. We restate our support to Ukraine and its people and continue to condemn the Russian military aggression. We oppose the death penalty in all circumstances and encourage a moratorium towards the definitive abolition. The phenomenon of addiction is constantly evolving. The internet is contributing to distribution. Trafficking takes new routes. Trafficking, production and consumption have an impact on the environment. In all these areas, weaknesses, vulnerabilities and decisions of some have impacts on others. France carries out its actions on the framework of multilateralism. WE must take action together, with insights from the scientific communities and civil society experience on the ground. We must not stigmatise users, but strive for a balanced, just policy: early prevention, upholding fully the Conventions. Homage to Bernard Leroy.

South Africa: We align with the African Group statement and the G77 and China statement. Full implementation of 2030 Agenda at all levels. Considering that equitable access to medication was eroded during the pandemic. We invite colleagues to our side event with the Africa Group and the INCB entitled ‘No patient left behind’ tomorrow. We note with deep concern the regional disparities on availability in accessing controlled drugs and vaccines. This is an affront to the 1961 Convention. Availability and access challenges based on affordability have a negative, cross cutting effect on developing countries’ achievement of all SDGs. Human rights violations that can only be remedied through political will, sharing, within the principle of common and shared responsibility. We should take stock of progress ahead of the 2024 Mid-Term review of our joint commitments in the 2019 document. We commit to work towards an evidence based, human rights, gender sensitive, and law enforcement approach to the world drug probnlñem. We welcome the constructive engagement with the INCB. Technical capacity building and assistance by the INCB to developing countries is very welcome. We also welcome the work of the WHO ECDD for proper scheduling of substances. And also Human Rights Commission supporting the work of the CND. We have made considerable progress in implementing its international drug control obligations. INcluding incursion to expedite the control, exploitation of cannabis for our socioeconomic development with the guidance and collaboration of INCB in accordance with the Drug conventions. Grateful to our regional partners through the Southern Africa regional office facilitating capacity building and technical assistance to cope with scourge of transnational organised crime, in particular the world drug problem.

Spain: We align ourselves with the statement of the EU. We reiterate our condamnation of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. CND is an essential multilateral body and we value it greatly. Spain was a pioneer in developing action plans for drugs. We tackled a heroin epidemic in the 1980s. Our action plans exist at national, regional and local governments. We provide assistance and social rehabilitation action activities. We place unique importance on the mental health of people who use drugs. Interconnected factors to be treated as such. Equally importance to deteriorating citizen security through harmful and illegal use of drug traffickers of drugs controlling legal supply through Ministry of Interior. All actors have coordinated joint work of all involved. Our compliance with our activities is similar to previous years. Regulating drug policies is based on 3 principles: human rights, health and securities. All activities are based in respect for human rights and considering people who used drugs as a sick person avoiding traces of marginalisation and stigma. Spain has supported and contributed on numerous occasions to demand reduction projects in Latin America and the Caribbean to strengthen bilateral and regional cooperation. We also took part in technical assistance in other regions. IN 2014, Spain worked to create the first network of prosecutors in the Iberoamerican region at the level of public ministries.  To tackle the drug issue in an effective way we must provide cooperation. Which is why we support cooperation through UNODC. Activities carried out under drug policy are part of our roadmap toward complying with SDGs. Spain will continue to work in this forum to come together to provide appropriate and adapted responses to each country’s needs and context.

Switzerland: Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, Ministers, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, First of all, let me congratulate you, Mr. President, on your election to the 66th CND and express Switzerland’s full support for your efforts. Switzerland condemns in the strongest possible terms Russia’s military attack on Ukraine and calls on Russia to de-escalate the situation immediately, cease all combat operations and withdraw its troops from Ukrainian territory immediately. As a depositary of the Geneva Conventions, Switzerland calls on all parties to strictly respect international humanitarian law. Switzerland also reaffirms its solidarity with Ukraine and its people. Switzerland has introduced the “Global Health for Peace” initiative within the WHO, which places health as an essential driver and catalyst for sustainable peace and social cohesion in post-conflict areas, an initiative that was supported by member states at the 75th World Health Assembly last May. We hope that this initiative supports the peace efforts in Ukraine, and preserves the well-being of the populations affected by the conflict. Mr. President, Switzerland would like to congratulate you on your election and is pleased to support the side event organised by Colombia on drug policies, peace and security. As you know, putting people at the centre of global drug policies is one of Switzerland’s priorities and respect for human rights and the promotion of public health in the implementation of these policies is essential. In this regard, we wish to express our concern about the erosion of standards in drug policy. The discussions on the modalities of the mid-term review of the 2019 Ministerial Declaration have shown the heightened polarisation in this area, for example around the participation of civil society. We also see the systematic questioning of references to risk reduction activities in some UN assemblies. Fortunately, the reality on the ground is hopeful and we see that accessibility to harm reduction services is increasing worldwide. In this context, we also reiterate the importance of taking human rights into account in drug policies. As the President of the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) reminded us in 2022, the States Parties to the three international drug control conventions must place human rights at the centre of their drug control policies. Mr. President, An increased commitment to implement the commitments made in the 2030 Agenda, the 2019 Ministerial Declaration and the 2016 UNGASS outcome document on public health, human rights and the inclusion of all stakeholders, such as civil society, in drug policies is fundamental. The Commission on Narcotic Drugs can count on Switzerland’s active commitment to achieve these goals. Thank you very much.

Azerbaijan: I want to provide information on our efforts for addressing the world drug problem at the national level. We retain a strong commitment to the three international drug control conventions and other relevant documents and instruments. We have conducted a campaign against trafficking as a whole government objective in implementing our drug control programme 2019-2024. This is a comprehensive and balanced strategy, with measures to reduce supply and demand. Significant resources have gone into implementation and prioritizing the safety of all people, especially young people and children. We are conducting education schools, for young women and in media outlets. We also provide services to civil society. We are taking measures to prevent promotion and distribution of drugs online. Azerbaijan is closely cooperating with UNODC in Central Asia and is active in the CARICC and container control programmes. We remain deeply concerned about the quickening pace of opium cultivation and trafficking through Azerbaijan from Afghanistan. We are committed to reinforcing our land and maritime borders by enhancing resource bases and applying cutting edge technology and equipment. These measures taken ensure crimes are detected and includes the seizure of 19 tonnes of drugs, including 10 tonnes of heroin and 1 tonne of meth, a large portion of which were due to be delivered to the European market. As such, we are protecting Europe from this drug threat. Studies in 2022 underpin our conclusions as we have seen a sharp increase in methamphetamine among drugs seized, along with changes in longstanding routes used for shipping drugs into Europe due to the situation in Ukraine. However, national actions are not sufficient and we need support at regional and international levels, technical support to effectively respond to the persistent and emerging challenges to contain the expansion of the drug threat. We are fully committed to the fight to end drug trafficking.

Jordan: Jordan is combatting the world drug problem through concerted efforts and by aligning with the Arab Group and the Group of 77 and China. The scourge of drugs undermines the stability and security of societies, negatively affects economies, and poses a real challenge at the global level. We must work to ensure the international community stands together facing this dangerous scourge, to protect societies from this scourge. The quick pace of technology advancement makes things worse and contributes to the links between illicit trafficking and terrorism. We reaffirm our commitment to the three international drug control conventions as well as implementation of the 2019 Political Declaration and plan of action, and the 2016 UNGASS Outcome Document. Jordan is working to improve concerted efforts to combat drugs to stop the trafficking and smuggling of drugs by disrupting trafficking across borders. All of this shows the efforts our security agencies are making to protect society. To fight the scourge of drugs our national strategies and policies are needed and multifaceted policies are needed. The INCB report for 2022 has clearly shown that we have upheld our responsibilities with regards to fighting drugs. Our different ministries have upheld the expectations outlined in international fora. We would like to reaffirm our commitment to coordinating with different international organizations and reiterate the important role that CND plays in combating the world drug problem and thank the UNODC for strengthening efforts to combat drugs.

Poland: We place huge importance on human life and dignity. Therefore, we are deeply opposing the war imposed by Russia on sovereign Ukraine. This also hugely affects not only Ukraine but all the other countries that provide humanitarian aid and it is also hugely impeding prevention and harm reduction programs. It has raised epidemiological risks and we believe the international community must share the responsibility in providing support to the suffering victims. We continue to object to the use of capital punishment in any context, not only regarding drug-related crimes. Addiction´s clinical picture reaches far beyond illicit drugs. In order to counteract the effects of addiction, it is essential to address trafficking in collaboration with various organizations and agencies. NPS are increasing on the market, and the use of technologies for distant selling – these are one of the emerging concerns. In Poland, we have managed to limit the availability of NPS and increase access to education which in turn reduces the mental problems of children and women with children. Evidence-based diagnosis and treatment is key. The role of NGOs should be appreciated on a permanent basis, their financial stability supported by governments. The multifaceted nature of the drug issue, a wide range of UN agencies should be able to provide their expertise and should be considered in our approaches. International collaboration and humanistic approaches, and the implementation of the UNGASS outcome document are all things we value highly.

United Arab Emirates: When it comes to the fight against drugs, we reiterate our commitments. We hope we will be able to support one another based on a solid foundation and we will adopt resolutions that are populations require – to protect especially young people from falling into the terrors of addiction. We also welcome the numerous reports, particularly the World Drug Report, on the situation of online trafficking, the use of social media and messaging apps as these are serious issues that enjoy priority in the UAE. Traffickers promote drugs online, bear in mind, this affects all levels of society. We have also looked to prevent the use of these apps for trafficking. Our competent authorities have a smart program to reduce the use of social networks by traffickers. We trained our leaders in this area, have adapted our legislation so that the holding of these activities is now a crime – we have coordinated this with various banks. To some extent, these measures have been successful. We blocked over 4000 accounts on social media and arrested over 100 suspects that were holding about 700 kilos of drugs. However, the sale of illegal drugs continues. We are aware of the serious nature of the problem, and we do hope the international community as well as the companies that own these sites will become aware soon too and will place greater importance on this issue. In order to protect our societies from this scourge, we reiterate our solidarity with the international community.

Korea: Despite our efforts to counter the spread of illicit drugs, opioids have seen an increase in daily use as well as hospitalizations have been recorded at a record high. I would like to share some of our achievements. INCB has expressed concern about the legalization of Cannabis. In this regard, we have taken measures to establish medical information networks. Young people are using more drugs, numbers are higher than in previous generations. People under 35 represent the majority of people under treatment. Despite the pandemic, illicit trafficking is expanding and increasing. In 2023, we established a special investigation team on drug crimes, with the support of various agencies and ministries. In closing, we reassure our commitment to the UNODC and international cooperation.

El Salvador: We have taken part in various efforts to deal with the international drug problem. Last year, we held a workshop on the availability of psychotropic substances for medical purposes [sound quality too poor for interpretation].

Iraq: We endorse the statement delivered by the Arab Group, the Asia Pacific Group, the 77and Chine. We are totally committed to implementing the measures of the three conventions, to the international legal instruments and we would like to note the link between drug trafficking and the financing of terrorism. We support the scaling up of efforts by the commission and other concerned bodies. We commend UNODC on its efforts, including the publication of various reports, particularly the World Drug Report. Iraq is dedicated to countering trafficking and dismantling criminal networks. We would like to prevent the harmful effects of drugs, particularly as it pertains to young people, so we are looking forward to further cooperation with member states and UNODC. Programs implemented in Iraq, especially capacity building, have been highly appreciated. We also welcome all efforts to coordinate activities in this regard. We support efforts to boost cooperation on all levels. We are currently organizing a conference in May in Baghdad with a focus on best ways to address the world drug problem.

Cyprus: We align with the statement by the EU in its entirety. In our national capacity, I have a few remarks: CND and UNODC are leading bodies in drug-related policy making; we reiterate our commitment to all international bodies to address addiction problems; we are dedicated to upholding our promises enshrined in the ministerial declaration of 2019. We reaffirm our commitment to the binding treaties and I would like to inform you that our national addictions authority is in the process of scheduling an international mission. We are absolutely dedicated to our national strategy 2021-2028 which pursues an evidence-based approach that emphasizes the needs of individuals. We concentrate our resources on prevention, treatment, and harm reduction. We cooperate with all domestic stakeholders to diminish the social stigma associated with the use of addictive substances. Our main goal is to promote a healthy way of life, especially among the youth. The crucial work of INCB and CND in addressing challenges and facilitating joint efforts is noted by Cyprus.

Australia: [statement in full TBA]

Burkina Faso: Thank you chairperson. Good morning delegates, Mr. Chairperson I would like to, on behalf of my delegation, congratulate you and the other members of the Bureau on your election and assure you of our full support. I also thank the Secretariat for the efforts made in order to prepare for this session. My delegation endorses the statements delivered on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, and the African group, and we would like to make the following comments in our national capacity. Just like many other countries we are deeply concerned about the scourge of drugs, which is taking increasingly large proportions and causing a multitude of impacts as well as on security and development. We are also concerned about the trends observed as reflected in the World Drug Report 2022 which states that 284 million people across the world consumed drugs in 2020, as this is a significant increase compared to 2019. These worrying trends show an unprecedented increase in cannabis consumption and the non medical use of certain pharmaceutical products such as Tramadol, particularly by young people. And this in turn poses major public health challenges, increases criminality and weakens public security as well as the economies of developing countries. With this in mind, we take note of the concerns expressed by the International Narcotics Control Board in its 2022 report, which raises the alarm on the danger of initiatives to decriminalize cannabis, as regards the health of populations, the security of states. My delegation would like to recall that connection but combating of the world drug problem remains a common and shared responsibility of all of us. Burkina Faso reiterates our strong commitment to the three international conventions on drug control as the pillars of effective international cooperation to combat the world drug problem and my delegation recognizes that new challenges may emerge. These will need to be addressed in conformity with the three international conventions and in compliance with our political commitments to address and combat the world drug problem. This is why we support the initiative for the holding in 2024 a high level meeting to conduct a midterm review of progress accomplished in implementing all international commitments in combating the world drug problem. We commend the chairperson of this session for having submitted the draft resolution on organizing the midterm review. And we commend him for the exemplary manner in which he conducted the negotiations on the drugs. Chairperson, in view of the increasingly enormous challenges that we face in terms of international drug control on the one hand and the need to ensure the availability of substances for medical and scientific purposes. On the other hand, it is more urgent than ever to strengthen regional and international cooperation in the implementation of the conventions on drug control. This international cooperation needs to be based on a more comprehensive approach that will take on board the social and economic challenges related to the illicit trafficking of drugs, as well as corruption and the financial flows that are associated with drug trafficking. My delegation commends the executive director of UNODC and her team for the efforts made to develop and implement programs and activities aimed at building the technical capacities of drug control, train stakeholders, and to strengthen international cooperation in combating the world drug problem. In that context, we welcomed the opening of a UNODC country office in Burkina Faso, and we would like to assure you an odyssey of our government’s commitment to working together with the Bureau to prevent and combat all forms of criminality. We call on member states to support UNODC, the CND and the INCB in order to pursue our joint efforts to combat the world drug problem. Finally, I would like to reiterate my delegation’s determination to work together with other delegations towards a successful completion of this session. Thank you,

Saudi Arabia: Your Excellency the Chair of the CND, I wish you along with your team all the best and success. Ladies and gentlemen, this 66th session of CND is taking place under exceptional circumstances. These circumstances have clear results and implications on the world drug problem, whether we’re talking about illicit trafficking, or we’re talking about dispersion, addiction, and all the health and social implications of that impact on both individuals and communities at large, undoubtedly to counter the world drug problem is larger than a problem that can be solved by a single state or an institution. It requires all efforts of international institutions and international states in order to be able to tackle the problem. We affirm that we are committed to all international drug control convention, including the the three conventions that are considered as the main cornerstone of the legal framework that organizes and coordinates to counter the world drug problem. Saudi Arabia has exerted all efforts to counter the world drug problem, the drug problem in Saudi Arabia and to reduce the harms related to and to counter the emergence of new psychotropic substances and the spread of precursors, that are used to manufacture drugs in an illicit manner. To counter as well as the smuggling of methamphetamine sent a challenge to all countries of the world. Saudi Arabia has adopted several targets for the 2030 visions, one of which is to enhance the resilience of the society. Related to drugs, we have created at all national levels various institutions to be able to counter drugs in a comprehensive approach by reducing supply and demand. We believe that in order to deal with the world drug problem, we require a full fledged national network that includes security, regulatory, health, education and media institutions efforts to work together, some of the measures that were effective to reduce that supply was to set up in liaison with offices in countries of the world in order to enhance the exchange of information between our peer institutions and to raise the step of coordination and visits with national anti drug associations to increase common and joint coordination and cooperation, as well as to have control over precursors that are used in substances in the manufacture of substances. As for demand, we are focusing on preventive programs that target the youth and the families at large, we also care for treatment of the addicts under highly specialized medical supervision. Finally, I would like to underline the importance of international cooperation amongst the various specialized institutions and bodies to counter the world drug problem. This would lead to countering illicit trafficking in drug substances and reduce demand. We wish you all the success in this session in order to be able to serve the purpose that we all aim at serving which is to counter the drug problem.

Algeria: Your excellencies, distinguished delegates, I would like to begin by congratulating you, Your Excellency, ambassador of Colombia, following your election as the chair of this session of the CND. I’d like to reassure you of the full support of my delegation. I would also like to express my sincere thanks to Madame Ghada Wahly, the head of the UNODC in Vienna, and also to thank the Secretariat for the excellent organization of this meeting. Chairperson I would be grateful to the Secretariat if it would publish the totality of my delegation statements during the 66th session of the end. It’s quite long. I’d like to abridge it by highlighting some of our major concerns: I know that my statement will not be to the liking of the world’s number one producer of cannabis, Morocco, but the figures are there to prove it. In Algeria in 2022 more than 58 tons of cannabis resin was seized. This cannabis is coming from Morocco as well as 5 kilograms of cannabis herb, 94 kilograms of cannabis seeds and 2485 cannabis plants. You do the calculation yourself and you’ll soon realize that these quantities constitute the beginning of evidence of malicious intent. This offence against public health, whose victims are adolescents, young people and young adults, threatens the economy and security of Algeria. All the more so given that our report on this has been proven by the WHO and other experts, they have established that cannabis coming from Morocco has a high level of THC at the level of 49 and a half percent. Additionally, the world Drug Report 2022 confirms that the proportion of persons suffering from psychiatric disorders on the rate of suicide associated with the regular use of cannabis have increased as has the number of hospitalizations. Some 40% of countries have indicated that cannabis was the substance associated with the greatest incidence of drug use disorder. Forgive me for being so blunt, but it is no longer possible to remain silent in the face of the increasing hostility of Morocco. In flooding us with cannabis, cocaine, psychotropic substances on access to our means of aggression. Chairperson, I reiterate our country’s commitment to respecting its obligations enshrined in the three international conventions and our commitment to the documents adopted since 2009, including the 2019 ministerial declaration, we’ve adopted a national strategy to prevent and combat drug trafficking for the period of 2020 to 2024. Based on a balanced, integrated and holistic approach, the draft law amending and supplementing law number 04/18 of December 25th 2004, concerning the prevention and prosecution of the use and trafficking of drugs and psychotropic substances has been submitted to the parliament. I would like to conclude, by recalling the proven links that exist between illicit trafficking and other forms of transnational organized crime, notably corruption, trafficking in persons, migrant smuggling, money laundering and terrorist financing. Hence, Algeria urges the international community to take stock of this extremely concerning nexus in terms of its International Peace Institute.

Turkey: In the beginning of my statement, I would like to underscore our full commitment to the three international drug control conventions. Their full and universal implementation continues to be crucial for the effectiveness of the system. The CND as the primary policy making body and the UNODC as the leading entity for international drug policies should continue to be steerer and diverse. We attach the most importance to UNODC’s independence and impartial role in this task. The INCB should continue to play its role.

Turkish law enforcement authorities continue to successfully seize a significant portion of illicit drug trafficking through our territory. Last year, around 8 tons of heroin, 72 tons of cannabis and 2.3 tons of cocaine were seized. For sake of brevity, we will share other drug seizure numbers in our written statement to care. Furthermore, one of the legal and reliable opiate raw material suppliers for medical and scientific purposes, applies strict controls that prevent any diversion to cure tributes to the international efforts and offers assistance to many countries in their capacity building efforts. In order to ensure a new vision and law enforcement training was established within the Turkish national police NDAA aims at contributing not only to the training of Turkish staff, but also to other national and international law enforcement agencies, Mr. Chair, criminal organisations and terrorist groups are involved in illegal manufacturing or trafficking of drugs, along with other forms of transnational crime in order to fund their activities. Terrorist organizations are directly involved in drug trafficking through their widespread connections in Europe. They use the benefits to finance activities in recent operations conducted against PKK chosen to carry large amounts of illegal drugs have also been seized, seized along with weapons, an increase in the cultivation and production of drugs, especially cannabis will have a negative effect. On the struggle against financing terrorism.

Turkey also believes that the biggest challenge implementation of the conventions today is the legalisation of drugs, especially cannabis in some countries in the world, a rapid INCB report. Cannabis is the world’s most widely used illicit drug from which criminal organisations are benefiting. The legalisation of cannabis also contradicts with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, particularly in terms of SDG three on health and wellbeing. Which puts public health at the centre through an integrated approach. Mr. Chair, Turkey is also seriously concerned about the increasing use of new psychoactive substances along with other traditional types of narcotic drugs. We are compelled to fully and effectively implement the relevant conventions or discussions and actions or attempts to interpret should not to practices undermining them and their ultimate goals. Otherwise, international cooperation will be severely damaged, including Mr. Chair. I’d like to reaffirm our strong commitment. I thank you.

Venezuela: Allow me to congratulate you on your election. Please rest assured that the Republic of Venezuela will continue to support the drugs control system. because he participated in the mention of international treaties and wanted to stay out of international drugs control policy? Statements may say she said he said China and Korea recognize the need to effectively interrogate and integrate a multidisciplinary human rights based approach in the planning of its policy and national legislation on the world drug problem on the basis of scientific evidence. The World Drugs Report 2022 of the INCB shows that the prevalence of Venezuela is one of the lowest in the region and this issue and implementation of the 17,000 preventive actions in 2022. These impacted 1.7 million people. We were emphasising vulnerable populations and over 342 million people with drug abuse disorders. Nevertheless, there are still enormous problems aggravated by the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic because of personal measures which are legal to do to affect the quality of the life of the population, but impact on achieving the SDGs of the 2030 agenda. Addressing the world drug problem and its connected crimes. It is a proven fact that no state can address a phenomenon as complex as this alone; it permanently changes and transcends borders. It is a concern for us. Given the growing greed of criminal groups who tried to use our territory to establish international flows of lessons of Europe and North American context. It is crucial to address this issue through commonly shared responsibility with an attention paid to the differentiated impact that has just assisted to be provided a non-selective and non-politicized basis which assists in supporting effective sustainable international cooperation and cooperation that I’m referring to. We have had 200 activities of various natures during the past year with Germany, Colombia, France, even Mexico and Russia. This led to new interventions. We achieved historic seizure figures for this year with 47.26 tons of drugs and almost 700 tons of chemical substances seized, around to 850 assets seized, 58 laboratories destroyed, 45 aircraft neutralised and 57 unauthorised airstrips rendered unusable. To date, the level of drug seizures is some 20% higher than that for the same period, due to the 17 tons of illicit drugs. As an experienced share and the last meeting. We continue to turn on the need for public fora like this multilateral fora to learn from experience practising challenges of the countries, the relationship. We welcome the entire interaction between the Venezuelan Government and the United Nations systems to the resident coordinator and its articulation with you see and implementing mechanisms to structure international cooperation technical assistance, which contribute to strengthening which we can, which we hope will see implemented soon. Finally, Venezuela highlights the promotion of this multinational space as being a mechanism to coordinate and cooperate with a view to building bridges and strengthening spaces for dialogue and mutual recognition to ensure that the international community comes up with a structural comprehensive and human rights based solution to the problem of drugs, thank you very much.

Cote d’Ivoire: My delegation aligns itself with the statements made yesterday on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, and the African group. We would, however, also like to share with you this statement, in a national capacity. The illicit drug trafficking continues, unfortunately, to be a major concern both nationally and internationally, despite international efforts it has been worsened over recent years with political instability and a multitude of terrorist groups, in particular in West Africa. The complexity of the networks, the scope of this scourge, and especially the appearance of new, dangerous and varied psychoactive substances, there are ever more challenges to overcome. They require the adoption of urgent and appropriate measures. A real political effort in this regard, we have strengthened our national framework to combat illicit drug trafficking and transnational organised crime with the technical and financial support of UNODC. On the legislative and regulatory level, the Cote d’Ivoire, also ratified by relating to drones control including transnational crime, so on combating money laundering and the financing of terrorism, cyber crime, corruption, and we have recently adopted new laws combating the trafficking and illicit use of narcotics, psychotropic substances and their precursors. This law represents an innovative and more balanced approach to combating this issue, and it came about following consultation with all public actors, civil society organisations to make huge strides forward in line with the guidance of the international drug control conventions and along with relevant resolutions of the UNGASS outcome document which focused on combating drugs. The main innovations of this law include viewing drug users as human, not as criminal but rather as a victim whose situation. While, in relation to the trafficking criminal, there’s been a drastic action in resentment for consumers to fund stricter sanctions when the crime is committed by those involved in drug control whether it be a health professional or member of civil society. There’s also been a definition of new criminal rules of procedure better adapted to the fight against drug trafficking. The establishment of special investigative measures, in international cooperation on all areas along with interstate assistance as part of drugs, trafficking investigations and so on. On an institutional level Cote d’Ivoire has created various structures including the creation of the high authority for good governance, the ministry responsible for fighting corruption, the anti trafficking airport unit, the unit to combat transnational organised crime, and the agency for the recovery of criminal assets. It has also joined the CCP with the support of France, to combat illicit maritime trafficking. My country has also established a centre for support and addiction treatment at which methadone is provided for free to allow users to be treated. We’ve also taken two important measures: we’ve established a fund to finance activity for the benefit of young people. The aim was to prevent and counteract certain negative thoughts. We’ve also developed a strategy to combat drugs called the National Integrated Plan, and a National Strategy to Combat Transnational Organized Crime. These various actions have enabled us to obtain encouraging results, particularly through the seizure record and the arrest of several dozen criminals. This is the moment and I’d like to reiterate the thanks for the other government for its bilateral cooperation. The negative impacts of drugs and other types of organised transnational crimes have an impact on peace, security, prosperity and economic and social development in our countries. This is among the well known challenges posed by drugs that mean that there is a need to build on regional international cooperation. We also need to change the way that we address the impact of this scourge, and take into account the specific needs of populations in each region. That is why Cote d’Ivoire vision for Africa 2030 we call for a comprehensive and effective prevention strategy in response to problems caused by the scourge.

Hungary: Ladies and gentlemen, we would like to thank the Chair and the UNODC secretary for your dedicated work, which has greatly contributed to the achievement of the UN draft policy goals, and the handling of the policies. In recent years, Hungary fully aligned itself with a statement made by Sweden. I would like to add the following comments in my national capacity. Hungary prioritises the importance of implementing the principles and goals contained in the document and the 2019 Ministerial Declaration. In our opinion, the handling of the global drug problem can only be achieved through the ability to roll in coordination of tracks, as well as the development and close cooperation of the International Council. The UNODC and other UN special Congress committed to the implementation of the objectives of the free UN drug control conventions, as well as the European Union by 2021- 2025 particular regard to the protection of public health and the broad provision of human rights. Hungary pays special attention to preventing drug addiction. We ensure this objective by organising social level complex early detection, prevention and treatment projects that in addition, consumption will affect other addictions as well as by making individual treatment options that enable an addiction-free life.

In the context of human rights, every child has the right to a drug-free environment.  We try an addiction policy that is containing communities and their involvement in early detection, prevention and treatment measures. assessment in connection with significant programs. There were some areas during the last period. At the same time the drug problem remains a significant challenge. Therefore, the area of reducing the supply Hungry aims to strengthen strengthen crime prevention and lengthy interventions in order to provide a more effective legal response constantly changing threats, using substances, consider it important to develop laboratory capacity related to the detection of new psychoactive substances nd to increase the sharing of information data detected with enhanced risk. In conclusion, I would like to emphasise that Hungary remains committed to the principles and objectives represented by the UN, which continue to provide an adequate basis for efficient and effective international action. Thank you.

Norway: Most indicators measuring drug issues are pointing in the wrong direction, education, policy changes and action. The Norwegian government has announced a change in the current drug policies is needed. We will present a new prevention and treatment reform next year with more assistance on substance abuse problems that must be identified early, quick and effective health must be offered. People with substance abuse disorder must live dignified lives. The government does not decriminalise the use and possession of drugs, but society’s reactions to illegal possession of drugs for personal use must be proportionate. There’ll be challenges that may differ between countries, international cooperation is needed to address the situation. So if we regard the world situation as a common challenge. If we regard it as a shared and common responsibility. If we regard the best solutions to be based on common grounds. This is the case, and based upon the present situation and limited achievements. We need political will to secure access to legal medicines to reduce the suffering of individuals, government challenges and to respect human rights and the rule of the law and recognize this contribution in all aspects of policies. We need to make the basic assumption that our policy of promoting health and wellbeing is about reducing harm to all those negative effects, whether it be individuals, communities, countries, or the world at large. It should not be controversial. The aim is to leave no one behind and ensure a healthy standard of living, including people who use drugs, to prioritise prevention and give every child the best start in life, to recognize and address inequality as a driver for drug use and overdose. For people living with a substance use disorder we need to focus on and prioritise evidence informed interventions where respectfully fulfilling human rights obligations were developed, developing and implementing responses to drugs. Chair, Norway condemns in the strongest possible way the Russian aggression is a clear violation of international law and Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The consequences of this board is also found in the areas discussed at this session of this end.

Kyrgyzstan: Chairperson, the division of the participants in this specific session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs based on our patients has tended to change your object orientation, which is important. But if we have hundreds of these national, federal controlled substances, in accordance with our national interests, these amendments have immense commission decisions to date. It’s important to move forward to the national or the national levels. However, I would like to speak out against legalisation. It continues to play on already established national drug measures to actually work with other employees to close down national cannabis trafficking channels. In that context, we urge UNODC to support recovery efforts to strengthen correlation programs to drug problems. We’re not ready to expand on deficient drugs on psychotropic substances for scientific and medical purposes. We have introduced an electronic system to licence the legitimate circulation of drugs and electronic prescriptions clinical placement services for medical purposes. These measures enhance access to controlled medicines as part of the existing control system that actually works to counter this chronic problem of illicit drug production. Production of synthetic opioids and fentanyl continue to pose a threat to our security and our well being. The efforts to address the situation with cooperation projects we also developed our own national plan and  we approved the national plan of development. As part of this we have adopted the anti drugs work until 2046 with a  particular focus on demand reduction measures and also prevention and treatment. We’d also like to note that we have begun implementing innovative measures to combat drug trafficking, including use of drones, This has increased our anti-drugs potential and improve the work of our drug enforcement authorities, we would like to invite you to a site events that we be holding on this specific issue on the 15th of March at 2pm. I’d like to note that we continue to develop policy in the area of drug control. We do that in cooperation with all relevant UN bodies coordinating their role in the world problem. We attach particular importance to our joint area of drug control. We’re very grateful for the support of our national strategy. We hope that this fruitful cooperation will continue.

Syria: First, I’d like to congratulate the chair on his chairmanship of the 66th session of the CND. I congratulate the other members of the Bureau and my delegation for the statement. We are raise public awareness and funds to build national efforts aimed at mitigating the growing world drug profits. We are facing a tremendous challenge, namely unilateral sanctions imposed by certain countries. Over the past few years we have struggled with cross border drug trafficking. Given its geographical location, the country has become a transit route for drug trade and smuggling and we estimate it has only grown over the past few years. This has created a conducive environment to drug trends and terrorist groups continue to reap significant financial benefits. Certain countries have used it to target specific people. Madam Chair, we are greatly concerned by the ability of terrorists and criminals to develop and smuggle drugs including by using advanced and acquiring proceeds resulting from the illicit trafficking. The knock on effect of international cooperation is therefore assistance to buildings and modernise lab equipment. We have been prevented from doing so as a result of unilateral coercion. It is also important to provide modern detection machines to the Syrian Arab Republic. There’s a concern regarding some countries legalisation of non-medical cannabis are in violation of the three international drug control conventions. We call on the international community to implement the political declaration of the 2016 UNGASS Member States and to commit fully implementing these measures.

Romania: I would like to make the point that we welcome the progress in the implementation of events of the 2019 Ministerial Declaration. At the global level, it means serious interest in the face of growing and diversifying the illegal drug market, generating billions of dollars per year in revenues for organised crime groups, as well as 1000s of drug overdoses as well as drug market violence. Millions of people are sharing injecting equipment and are at risk of HIV or hepatitis infections every year. We need to intensify our efforts to counter these trends. Our national strategy on drugs coordinates all stakeholders and supply and demand reduction presents a balanced, evidence-based response to the UN’s drug control conventions and with the aim to fully implement the 2030s sustainable development agenda. This is complemented by customised responses targeting different segments of population, especially the most vulnerable ones, such as young people and people who are injecting. These are currently implemented with differently projects and campaigns that look to the local needs and motivation with the local authorities. The actions are targeting increased consumption of medical cannabis, a new cycle of complementary treatment, services equally beneficial in detecting clusters within disease. Also the national authorities are working closely in partnership with civil society, NGOs and academia. Two months ago there was a national program designed and supported by NGOs to prevent consumption among youth by supporting them into cultural innovation and other activities. In addition, this program is financing initiatives run by NGOs focused on maintaining and diversifying and assistance programs for people while using drugs, especially women, as well as outreach activities designed to identify and help people using the health and social services. The drug trade in our region continues to remain a major source of revenue for organised crime, which is also exploiting the new technologies such as dark web and cryptocurrencies. At the same time, Romania has developed bilateral relations aimed at promoting information sharing, in particular among traditional law enforcement authorities in order to address serious challenges between trafficking, corruption and other forms of organised practice. We have a coordinated sector to provide immediate assistance to more than 3.6 million Ukrainians across the border, to offer decent living conditions free of charge.  We provide procedures and treatments for the Ukrainian people and life saving health services, recognizing the individual achievements, and basic human rights. Many continue to remain focused on the UNGASS Outcome Document and 2019 Ministerial Statement over the coming years. In this context, let me reiterate my delegation’s full support for a very successful outcome of this end session that’s also a springboard for the midterm review. Thanks very much.

UNAIDS: Thank you, Mr. Chair, excellencies, member states, civil society partners, and UN colleagues. It’s a pleasure to attend CND in my new role at UNAIDS. I would first like to commend UNODC for its invaluable and impactful contributions to the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS and to the global response to HIV/AIDS. I recognize Executive Director Ghada Waly’s strong leadership of UNODC and her continued support for the UN common position on drug policy. We thank her also for serving as the current chair of UNAIDS’ Committee of Cosponsoring Organizations. I offer warm greetings to UNODC’s HIV/AIDS team. We appreciate your commitment and important contributions to elevating the issues of injecting drugs and closed settings—and how they relate to our efforts to end AIDS. In this moment — at the midpoint of the timeline by which we are to achieve the SDGs — we find ourselves off track for achieving the HIV prevention and treatment targets that must be reached by the end of 2025 if we are to end AIDS as a public health threat by 2030. This is true, in part, because we are failing to create enabling environments for delivering HIV prevention and treatment. Progress to end AIDS among key populations, including people who inject or use drugs, is markedly off course. As the Global AIDS Strategy 2021-2026 and the 2021 UN Political Declaration on Ending HIV/AIDS both articulate, inequalities are driving, and perpetuating, AIDS and other pandemics. This is especially true for members of key populations such as people who inject and use drugs. We cannot prevent new HIV infections, expand treatment access or end AIDS unless and until we address the inequalities faced by too many at risk for and living with HIV. We have long understood how structural inequalities and barriers to human rights significantly increase HIV risk and reduce access to services. In 2021, 70% of new HIV infections occurred in key populations and their sexual partners, including people who inject and use drugs. The relative risk of acquiring HIV is 35 times higher among people who inject drugs than adults who don’t inject drugs. The fact that social injustices undermine our ability to stop AIDS and other pandemics is why UNAIDS is focused on ensuring a human rights-based approach to health. It’s the right thing to do – and it saves more lives. The same principles apply to our work on drug policy. UNAIDS has long advocated for a people centered, human rights-based and public health approach to drug policy because the evidence shows that it works. UNAIDS, in collaboration with other UN agencies, is committed to supporting the implementation of the 2018 UN Common Position on Drug related matters. There are specific things we must do. We must invest more in harm-reduction. We have an ongoing funding crisis for harm reduction in low-and middle-income countries. Government and donors have invested just 5% of the funds needed for an effective response. We need to scale up investment for harm reduction now – and focus the funding on community-led responses as they are particularly effective. We must support community-led responses, such as peer outreach, needle and syringe exchange and overdose prevention efforts. They continue to be critical for reducing new HIV infections among people who inject and use drugs. We must make the policy and legal environments more conducive to our work. A legal and policy analysis of 38 countries in Asia and the Pacific conducted by UNAIDS and UNDP found that 14 countries in this region have corporal or capital punishment penalties for the use or possession of drugs. Some states have condoned extrajudicial killings for drug offences. In 2021, an estimated 12% of new HIV infections in Asia and the Pacific were among people who inject drugs. The existence of criminal laws and related policing practices has a significant negative impact on the ability of communities to access harm reduction services, and it has been shown to enhance HIV risk through increased use of non-sterile injecting equipment. We must destigmatize those who use and inject drugs. The war on drugs has created stigma against people who use drugs and led to a culture that largely views this entire community as criminals – when in fact they are friends, coworkers, family members, children and members of our communities and our churches, known and loved by many of us. While significant work remains, there is also some very good news. We have the means to prevent HIV transmission among people who inject and use drugs. A number of high-income countries have virtually eliminated new HIV infections among people who inject drugs by implementing a comprehensive package of harm reduction services. For the first time since 2014, the Global State of Harm Reduction has found an increase in the number of countries implementing key harm reduction services. As we have consistently said harm reduction works, harm reduction saves lives! We must decriminalization drug use and possession for personal use. Doing so is associated with significant decreases in HIV incidence among people who inject or use drugs, including through greater access to harm reduction services and through reductions in violence, arrest or harassment by law enforcement agencies. I want to take a moment to mention the recent legal principles developed by the International Commission of Jurists in collaboration with some of the world’s foremost human rights and criminal law experts. These principles address the use of criminal law in relation to sex, reproduction, drug use, HIV, homelessness and poverty. The principles provide an excellent analysis of international human rights law in relation to drug policy, making it clear that criminalization of drug use, drug paraphernalia or provision of drug related information are not consistent with international human rights obligations. UNAIDS was proud to help launch these principles and I urge you to take the time to review them. Continuing to effectively address the needs of people who inject and use drugs is essential for accelerating progress against AIDS. Collectively, we must and can end AIDS by 2030 – but we will only be able to do so if we are willing to successfully address the inequalities driving the pandemic, adequately fund and scale-up harm reduction services, decriminalize drug use and possession of small amounts of drugs for personal use, change the policies and laws that serve as barriers to connect people with lifesaving HIV prevention and treatment and destigmatize people who inject and use drugs. Thank you again for your partnership on our work, and your leadership on these issues.

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