Home » Item 3. High-level segment (Thursday afternoon)

Item 3. High-level segment (Thursday afternoon)

UN Web TV recording





Malaysia: (TBA)

Zimbabwe: As we gather here to take stock of progress implementing all drug policy commitments in the 2019 Ministerial Declaration, my country is deeply concerned at the worsening world drug problem destroying the life and future of young people. Disconcerting considering the challenges to recover from COVDI19. And climate change induced disasters that exacerbate vulnerabilities of our nations. The predicament of developing countries, particularly mine bearing the brunt of illegal economic sanctions from the West. We have been grappling with those since 2000, which limits investment, and debt relief initiatives. Reduces our capacity to mitigate illicit drug challenges. Our government reiterates its call for the immediate and total removal of illegal sanctions as echoed by regional authorities and UNGA resolutions deploring them as means of economic and political coercion against developing countries. We remain a friend to all and enemy to none. Fully support and valued coordinated international collaboration toward all multilateral efforts to overcome this challenge. We collaborate with international organisations and UNODC on the challenges of synthetic challenges in line with the Conventions. Police in Zimbabwe have made notable seizures and interdictions. Confiscating, arresting traffickers and disrupting criminal networks. Capacity strengthening for police, including equipment, technical assistance, from international partners to strengthen our capacity to counter trafficking. We are committed to confront this problem. National Task Force on Drugs and Substance Abuse to tackle this phenomenon through these pillars: Supply, harm, demand reduction, community integration, media, awareness, law enforcement, etc. Exemplifies our eagerness to collaborate to address the world drug problem. We pledge to convert a COVID19 facility into comprehensive drug treatment, rehabilitation and recovery facilities for individuals with SUDs. Evidence based and holistic approaches. Specifically to prioritise victim-centred approaches to address the needs of each patient. Establish a national drug and substances agency to coordinate efforts by different ministers, departments and agencies to eliminate drug and substance abuse in the country. To allocate a minimum 1.5m dollars toward the nation’s substance abuse programmes for 2024, managed by a special substance and drug abuse fund. Continued collaboration with UNODC in the fight against this scourge.

Laos (/ASEAN):  Good afternoon. Mr chairman, distinguished guest, ladies and gentleman, on behalf of the association of South East Asian nations, I want to congratulate your excellencies including the chair. I seek the chair’s position to deliver a statement on behalf of the ASEAN member states. The world drug problem is complex and continues. Undermines the livelihood of communities and development of communities. Drug trafficking and abuse are bad because of a strong relationship between drugs and crime. Committing crimes to pay for drugs is an issue, and also crimes under influence of drugs. For that reason, our member states have maintained a zero tolerance policy, and we have committed ourselves to a vision of a drug free nation. We have a determination to address the world drug problem and promote a society free of drug abuse to ensure that all people can live in health, dignity and peace with security and prosperity. In drug policies moving forward ASEAN member states affirm our continued support to the CND as the principal policy making body of the UN on all matters of drug control so as to combat the spread of drug abuse. Through the CND process we reaffirm our commitments to address and counter the world drug problems in a comprehensive manner. We underscore the importance of complying with all of the current policies. We stress that the use of drugs for clinical purposes should continue and be based on strong protocols to prevent abuse or diversion. Methamphetamine tablet seizures show the scale of the issue. The COVID pandemic and strict border movements have created an opportunity for drug syndicates to innovate and change trafficking routes. Social media and e-commerce platforms are being used more by drug traffickers for encrypting messaging to promote and sell drugs. People are also using cryptocurrencies and law enforcement are having difficulty enforcing policies in light of these new strategies. Money laundering and human trafficking are also issues. Despite the challenges, ASEAN remain resolute in our commitment to counter the world drug problems and give people a safe and secure environment and meaningful lives. Because of this, we commit to a strong work plan moving forward. We are increasing commitment between ASEAN states and external platforms. We have established the ASEAN Narcotic Cooperation Center on this matter. We have maintained a zero tolerance approach. The annual drug monitoring report is an important resource. We have several platforms for intelligence sharing and coordination. Demand reduction – we have built an ASEAN portal to share resources. We are also scaling up treatment including community-based rehab and EBPs. We want to help people fully integrate into society and live a drug free life. ASEAN states are building capacity and innovative strategies to help farmers not return to illicit crops. We have seen some success in reduction of opiate cultivation by supporting rural farmers in other livelihood activities. We will continue to work together to effectively implement the workplan 2016-2025. We believe that countering the world drug problem is a shared issue and we must work collaboratively. We respect the sovereign rights of each state. 

Uruguay: Uruguay: Given the new challenges we’re facing, with the exacerbation of some of the problems we face, it is clear that this midterm review requires us to be serious, committed and have political will in light of lessons learnt and identify improvements in our roadmap. Difficult reality that we face: breaches of basic rights, imperils many of those rights. This requires innovative responses from the international community. We’re concerned by the expansion of the phenomenon. Other variables must be taken into account in relation to production ,sale and consumption of drugs. We need scientific evidence on this – the harms on health are significant and extremely lucrative for the producers. When we don’t achieve our goals we must look for alternatives in a responsible, brave, committed fashion. We need a critical review of some of our concepts. With international organisations, civil society and UN agencies, we’ve discussed how drug trafficking becomes worse. Banning drugs as the only regulatory tool has not solved these key dilemmas and therefore has not led to the conditions that would allow to achieve the goals of the different conventions and commitments on drugs: social welfare and public health. We’re convinced of the need to restrict penalisation, stigmatisation, and the use of prison for minor offences. And we need to eliminate the death penalty in the countries that have it – this does not need more debate. Uruguay has said this many times: respect, promote, protect all human rights, fundamental freedoms, and the dignity of everyone, the rule of law, regarding the formulation and implementation of drug policies. Agenda 2030 on the SDGs must be taken into account, the goals should be part of our roadmap. For that reason, we pursue an international drug control system that would delve deeper into combating poverty, food safety, promoting health throughout life, peace coexistence and social inclusion. Success this week means new mechanisms, a new viewpoint, a different way to tackle drug problems. And which continue to concern all of us. The whole of the international community is affected by this and has to work together. We cannot do it individually or stay in words.

Belgium: We align ourselves with the EU statement. Thank you. I want to highlight some aspects that we consider indispensable to address the world drug situation. First, drug use is a multifactorial health issue. For a health system to address drug related issues it must incorporate specific requirements: evidence based practices, early detection, risk and harm reduction, treatment, rehab and social integration, and recovery, engaging with academia, civil society, and people with lived experience is crucial. Second, drug policies should be aimed at ensuring equality. Gender equality in particular. Data shows that women have less access to treatment and mothers are more likely to be stigmatised. A gender transformative approach is crucial. Third, we must do effective international cooperation with respect for international law and human rights and guided by interagency cooperation. These points align with Belgium’s national drug strategy. Trafficking presents a considerable challenge. In 2023 LE confiscated 21 tons of cocaine, record levels. Violence is also on the rise. Belgium’s investment in resources to thwart the elicit drug trade. 5 mobile scanners will help facilitate this to help find high risk containers. We are also going to implement background checks for port personnel. Our country prioritizes multi-disciplinary cooperation. Various stakeholders remain fully committed to destabilizing illegal activities. Cooperation is being strengthened with neighboring countries. Finally, we signed a treaty with the UAE which helped extradite someone. Belgium will remain at the forefront of confirming that people will be able to access important clinical drugs. We will provide financial contribution to UNODC to continue advocacy to help countries get access to controlled substances.

Netherlands: We align ourselves with the EU statement and recall international law, humanitarian law and the UN Charter in relation to the Russian aggression on Ukraine and all other conflicts. The 2023 WDR demonstrates an upper trend in people with drug dependence. Treatment is failing to reach those who need it. Drug trafficking networks fuel illicit markets, harm individuals, societies, environment, economies alike. We need more effective and innovative ways for progress – identify good practices and learn from mistakes. Exchange data and scientific results to improve approaches. International cooperations is fundamental, including with the scientific community and civil society. In defining the direction for the next few years, we will advocate for human rights, national drug law reform: alternatives to coercive sanctions, abolition of the death penalty, decriminalisation of drug use. Evidence based interventions and a balanced approach to drug policy, focusing on preventing drug use and protecting health on one hand; on the other hand countering trafficking. Using drugs is not part of a healthy lifestyle. We are strongly committed to prevention.m We need to ensure voluntary access to quality treatment and care, risk and harm reduction interventions and reducing stigma. Addiction problems in the Netherlands are important so we created a specific followup body on the matter. We need stronger border control, protect police on the frontlines, and reduce corruption influence. Remove the conditions conducive to criminal activity whilst enhancing resilience against criminal influence. We created a multi agency programme with millions of euros. We welcome pledges for action.(…) Support to municipalities to define and implement prevention programmes adapted to local context. Avoid networks recruiting young people, fulfilling our pledge of placing the health and safety of all members of society at the centre of our efforts.

Czechia: Thank you to the UNODC. I look forward to a dialogue on the emerging challenges. The world drugs situation changes rapidly. Inequality and social and economic disparities drives and are driven by the drug situation, threatening health and human rights. We must admit that we are failing in our efforts to improve the situation. The current system is based on three drug control conventions. The original aim was to help health and welfare. But current systems are punitive, aiming to suppress the market. Many countries have unbalanced policies. We spend millions to curb drug supply and demand, but data shows there has been an increase in the scale of drug trafficking over past five years. The number of people using drugs has also increased. We continue to face serious human rights violations including death penalties, extrajudicial killings and arbitrary arrests for drug use. There is a lack of access to treatment, recovery, and harm reduction services. Synthetic drugs are increasingly dominant. Globally there is an overdose crisis. This requires an immediate response to excelerate our commitments. We must promote our common efforts and policies based on a public health approach and human rights. We believe it’s time to change our understanding of the regime. Policies should protect the health of individuals and society – so we must interpret them in the understanding of latest scientific evidence. This should help promote the harm reduction approach which we understand as interventions to reduce drug related harms but also a philosophy. It also includes reforming drug policies including decriminalization, depenalization, and strengthen capacity and funding for harm reduction, prevention, and voluntary treatment. I want to reiterate our strong commitment to human rights law. Cooperation with academia, civil society, and people with lived experiences are also important. We must mainstream harm reduction policies by using scientific evidence. How much more evidence is needed to show that the war on drugs is failing? We want to increase the availability and access to treatment for people who use drugs and the controlled availability of some substances.

Italy: We align ourselves to the EU statement. In a national capacity: when I visited an Italian therapeutic community recently, I talked with a girl that is now 18 years old. In half an hour she told me the story of her life. (…) Out of boredom and emulation, she started using cannabis derivatives. When she was 15, she moved to cocaine and crack. When she was 16, she got arrested for serious crimes committed to buy psychoactive substances. Then, the therapeutic community became an alternative to incarceration. She wasn’t glad. She struggled to follow the rules of the new game. A game aimed at leaving addictions behind and gaining freedom. Today, she’s one of the guides of a group of girls that face life with courage. Stories like these. They deserve institutional answers. Italy believes in a balanced approach. We must intervene proactively in order to contrast the production and trafficking of drugs at global level. Disrupting the roads that cross seas and continents. This is the teaching among others of Giovani Falcone. This was a brave magistrate. A law enforcement officer. Doing this in one of the most exposed areas of the supply chains. Prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation services must be provided to everyone. We’re against the use of all drugs. We don’t believe that in a legal system there is a right to use psychoactive substances. Instead, there is a duty to act before the spread cause irreversible damage. We’re strengthening our prevention activities to contain the spread of synthetic drugs, such as fentanyl analogues that Italy scheduled in 2020. In our country, we don’t have an ongoing emergency but we want to be ready. We learn from our American colleagues, through the global coalition to address synthetic drug threats. Look favourably on the entering into force of the EU Drugs Agency, strengthening the European early warning system. Through the collaboration of all ministers, we developed an action plan for fentanyl. The keywords for us in this period are: informing, training, raising awareness among the categories at risk. Enhancing controls to prevent the introduction of substances on our territory and its diversion to non-medical use. Monitoring the web to suppress online trafficking. Activating the emergency services for specific analytical research in case of overdose and so on. (…) For the safeguard of our citizens. Early prevention is our starting point. PRevention related activities must be strengthened, aimed at increasingly younger targets, addressing not only psychoactive substances but all pathological addictions. This is a winning strategy inside and outside national borders. Those of us involved in treatment and prevention know that if we treat a disease you can win or lose – treating a person means that you win. Gratitude to the Pompidou Group, which reaffirms that it opposes the death penalty under any circumstance without exception. Committed to promoting the rights of all and the enhancement of treatment services. The right to life must be granted to everyone. With a view to enhancing the implementation of all drug policy commitments, I pledge for Italy to fund UNODC to enhance prevention activities through technical support providing 120,000 euros for the Friends in Focus programme, peer to peer programme in the Western Balkans -and considering another support for UNODC’s Prevention Framework.

Ghana:Chairperson, I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the Africa Group. At the onset, the Africa Group aligns itself with the Statement of the Group of 77 and China. The Group extends its warm congratulations to H.E Ambassador Philbert Johnson, Permanent Representative of Ghana on his election as Chair of the 67th session of the CND as well as to other members of the Bureau on their election. We thank the UNODC Secretariat for the excellent preparations for this session and assure you of our full support. The Group further congratulates Ambassador Johnson for presiding over this important session tasked with conducting a stocktaking review of the progress made in the implementation of the 2019 Ministerial Declaration and conveys its gratitude for his tireless efforts and leadership in preparing for this High-Level Segment, including his constructive on behalf of Africa as the Chair of the CND, to reach a consensus on the Outcome Document and uphold the Vienna Spirit. The Group also expresses its support for the Chair’s innovative “Pledge4Action” initiative aimed at mobilizing commitment towards concrete and impactful actions to address and counter the world drug problem. Chairperson, The Group commends the Executive Director of the UNODC, Ms Ghada Waly, for her able leadership in guiding our efforts to address and counter the world drug problem. The Group also commends Ms Waly for the UNODC Strategic Vision for Africa 2030 and calls for sufficient funding of the Strategy. The Group further urges the UNODC, relevant partners and donors to provide sufficient financial and technical support to African countries, tailored to their needs and priorities, to ensure the successful implementation of the mandate of the Commission in pursuance of the SDG Agenda 2030 and 2063 AU Agenda. The Group emphasizes that addressing and countering the world drug problem is a common and a shared responsibility of all UN member states and reiterates its commitment to the 2009 Political Declaration and Plan of Action; the 2014 Joint Ministerial Declaration; the 2016 UNGASS Outcome Document and the 2019 Ministerial Declaration (as well as its 2024 Mid Term Review Outcome Document Chairperson, The Group notes with appreciation the efforts of the African Union to craft a Common African Position for the Mid-term Review of the 2019 Ministerial Declaration, drawing attention to the challenges faced by the continent to improve the health, security and socio-economic wellbeing of its people, and further welcomes the African Union Plan of Action on Drug Control and Crime Prevention (2019-2025) . The Group notes with grave concerns the persistent disparities on progress made in ensuring the availability, accessibility, and affordability of controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes, particularly for the relief of pain and palliative care. The Group urges all Member States, the UNODC, and the private sector, especially the pharmaceutical industry, to take concrete actions to ensure access, availability and affordability of controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes and remove any barriers in this regard. Chairperson, The Group is concerned over the interlinkages between drug trafficking and other forms of transnational organised crime including corruption, illicit financial flows, cybercrime, and terrorism and calls for enhanced sub-regional, regional and international cooperation, including technical assistance and capacity building for law enforcement agencies, to counter this scourge. Chairperson, The Group takes note of the decision to delete cannabis and cannabis resin from Schedule (IV) of the 1961 Convention and placing it under International Control in Schedule (1) based on the WHO recommendation, while we recognise that Member States shall have the right to further exercise domestic control in accordance with Article 39 of the 1961 convention in this regard. The Group expresses concern regarding the increasing threats caused by synthetic drugs and their impact on the illicit drug market and, urges all Member States to decisively tackle this challenge. The Group continues to note with concern the harmful effects of the increasing nonmedical use of pharmaceutical opioids including Tramadol and invites Member States to collect and share data to facilitate the consideration of placing of the substance under international control to prevent its diversion for illicit use while ensuring its access and availability for medical and scientific purposes. The Group also denounces the online illicit trafficking of drugs, especially on the Darknet and increased illicit trafficking in precursor chemicals and synthetic drugs. The Group urges Member States to effectively counter these new and emerging challenges. We reaffirm the role of the CND as the principal policy making body of the United Nations in drug control matters, and our support for the efforts of the relevant UN entities, especially the treaty-mandated roles of the INCB and the WHO. The Group commends the Executive-Director for ensuring equitable geographical representation and gender balance are fully incorporated in the recruitment policy of UNODC, particularly at the senior levels. In conclusion, we reaffirm our resolve to review in 2029 progress made in implementing all our international drug policy commitments and undertake to accelerate and improve their implementation in the period from 2024 to 2029.

Kyrgyzstan: Thank you. I would like to outline our position, progress, and proposals. I would like to reiterate our commitment to uphold measures outlined in the international conventions. I’d like to inform you that Kyrgyzstan has achieved positive outcomes and has significantly expanded our international cooperation. A new law on narcotic substances, psychoactive substances and their analogues and precursors was developed along with an anti-drugs policy and an early drugs warning system. Thanks to our meticulous efforts our legislation is fully aligned with international law and takes on board the recommendation of the relevant bodies. Preventative bodies have allowed us to reduce drug use. Referrals to anti-drug programs have fallen steadily over the last years. We have implemented harm reduction programs particularly in regards to infectious disease. Quantities seized have risen, which shows us that we’ve combatted organized crime groups using the controlled delivery method. We have successfully taken action against controlled drug crime groups. We’re also taking action against money laundering and now have good policies to do so. We are preventing the use of internet and messaging applications for drug sale and advertising. We have reduced the land areas where cannabis are grown and using drones we will soon be able to reduce this even more. All of these facts and others show that Kyrgyzstan is doing a great job. We also note that drug trafficking and abuse have undergone structural changes. The spread of new psychoactive drugs has been a challenge to Kyrgyzstan and the international community alike. Better info exchange on these substances will help us put them under control along with their precursors and substitutes. Especially in countries with a developed chemical industry we need to pay close attention to precursors and substitutes. We believe that IT can be used to address this. Chairperson, we would like to support your initiative. We believe that drug markets are expanding in size and assortment of drugs on offer, illegal drug sales have reached record levels. Synthetic opioids and non-medical use pose a major hazard. Health outcomes have reached troubling levels. We pledge to establish an NPS early warning system by the end of 2025. Our system will focus on monitoring and identifying new substances that can present a risk to health and security.

Romania: Firstly, I want to reaffirm our commitment tot the Conventions and to the acceleration of the implementation of all drug policy commitments. In particular, the 2016 Outcome Document. Full cooperation with CND and all UN bodies, the WHO, INCB, show my appreciation for all activities and initiatives in recent years to further international cooperation. Through data exchanges, which is key to combating and preventing the drug phenomenon. We aligned with the EU statement delivered today. The world drug situation has worsened. We face challenges previously unforeseen. The recent pandemic led to new dynamics in the drugs phenomenon, the use of the darknet, new developments in synthetic drugs, and NPS. The diversion of non-scheduled chemicals and the proliferation of designer precursors too. Controlling precursors is challenge to an extent not seen before. Proactive approach to anticipate substances that could be used in drug manufacturing. We need to enhance forensic capabilities and warning systems to identify new dangerous substances. International scheduling remains the most effective measure. We support the addition to the new substances in the EU legislation as adopted in the EU Legal Affairs (…). We are part of the Global Coalition to Address Synthetic Threats initiated by the US. We have made a substantial contribution to the EWS of the EU. We also contribute data collection and processing instruments. In addition to supply reduction, we need a commitment to prevention. Special emphasis on protecting children and youth and vulnerable members of our society. To combat this scourge in our schools, we have action groups set out following the adoption of a cross-ministerial plan. In 2023, the Supreme Council of National Defence on the use of drugs by young people and students, a measure of security was adopted bringing all together relevant authorities, including ministers of education and health, which under Internal Affairs, improve interagency cooperation to tackle drug use among students. Romania calls for closer and integrated cooperation at the international level to accelerate drug policy commitments and fight drugs phenomena. We call on states to gather scientific data on their effectiveness and efficiency in addressing and countering the world drug problem. We are committed to proportionate sentencing for drug related offence.s All countries should adopt drug policies that uphold the rule of law, proportionality, human rights.

Nigeria: I want to congratulate you on your election and the secretariat on their excellent preparation. Nigeria embraces the goals and objectives of the three international drug conventions. We will take a strong stance against illicit cultivation and production of drugs. The 2023 world drug report showed the drug supplies were at record levels. There are intersecting global crises which are challenging law enforcement response. The introduction of synthetic drugs has been an issue. Nigeria has continued to adopt hard drug control policies to respond to emerging realities. The revised fourth plan 2021-2025 combines law enforcement and promotion of public health while employing inter-agency and global collaboration. Nigeria continues to leverage this document to advance the counter-narcotics campaign. Nigeria through NDLA has continued to intensify its operations to counter drug abuse and drug trafficking with international collaborations. We aim to seize illicit drugs and bring justice. We have continued to prioritize prevention, treatment, and recovery. We want to help people rebuild their lives. We target people who have not started using drugs, those who are using drugs but don’t have physical symptoms, and those who are having problems as a result of drug use. This is a balanced approach to drug use. Despite implementation of our plan, trafficking of drugs and its abuse has persisted. We maintain that legalization of non-medical use of cannabis is a violation of the drug control treaties. The trafficking of non-medical drugs remains a challenge despite our domestic control efforts. We wish to re-echo our position of needing to change the control of substances including tramadol.

Singapore: The world drug situation is worsening. In east and southeast asia, we have seen an increase in synthetic drugs, particularly methamphetamine. Trafficking in the Golden Triangle is increasing significantly. We are concerned with such developments and reiterate our commitment to a vision for a drug free ASEAN and affirm the ASEAN statement to counter the world drug problem. We see issues in other regions too. This is a timely opportunity to calibrate our approaches in conformity with the COnventions. Singapore adopts a holistic harm prevention approach aimed at addressing supply and demand. In 2023, 9/10 persons supported our drug free position. To give our efforts a further boost, we set up a youth committee focused on effective engagement strategies supported by parents, school and the community. Appointed Singapore Drug-Free Champions to promote drug education among youth. Prevention reduces harm in our communities. As well as rehabilitation and enforcement resources. This matter is of shared responsibility. Singapore commits to the Convention and acknowledges the important mandate of the CND, INCB and UNODC in tackling the world drug problem. CND in particular plays a crucial role as a policymaking body in the UN with primer responsibility on drug related matters, foster international dialogue and coordinating joint action against drug problems. Singapore is, as a member, committed to supporting CND throgun policy discourse, capacity and scientific expertise. I pledge for Singapore to sponsor a chapter on WDR examining the societal impact of illicit drug use globally, which will enhance our understanding and aid our collective efforts to address the harms of drugs on our communities. Singapore will jointly organise a high level side event on collecting high quality reliable data. I invite you to attend. IN conclusion, the challenges we face are complex. The challenges we face should always be responded to through evidence within the Conventions There’s no one size fits all in relation to the WDR. Approaches in a region may not work in another region. Each country’s domestic circumstances must be respected.

Namibia: Thank you. You have Namibia’s full support. I commend the UNODC’s secretariat for excellent preparations. My delegation aligns itself with the statements given by the African group. Namibia recently nominated their second national drug control group. This group is critical for the implementation of the 9 pillars of the master plan: the implementation of measures to advance drug demand reduction, addressing health issues associated with drug use and in particular the use of injectable drugs, the implementation of alternative measures to incarceration for drug use, promotion of proportionate drug and age sensitive sentencing, facilitation of access to controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes while preventing diversion, implementation of measures to reduce the supply of drugs along with countering drug trafficking, institute measures to prevent organised crime associated with illicit drugs trafficking, and strengthening international and regional cooperation based on the principle of common and shared responsibility, The NDCC is comprised of many varied stakeholders to ensure an effective multi-sectoral approach to address the global drug problem. Namibia confiscated $50 million Namibian dollars of drugs including cannabis, cocaine, crystal meth, and ecstasy. Cannabis maintains the top spot with a marginal increase of 6% compared to last year. The 2023 world drug report shows that 40% of SUDs are cannabis use disorder for the age group < 34 years. Namibia maintains its stance that the international drug control conventions constitute the cornerstones of the international drug control system. The importance of achieving targets and goal setting in the 2009 political declaration and plan of action, sustainable development goals as well as the 2016 UNCAS. Namibia will conform with the chairperson’s plan. Namibia commits to finalise the enactment of the two new pieces of legislation, legislation on drug control and the prevention and treatment of substance use by the end of 2025. We will build a centre for youth by the end of 2025.

Portugal: Align ourselves with the EU statement. (…) We must turn the tide by upholding the principles of the UN Charter, international law, and international humanitarian laws – fostering dialogue between warring powers. Unrelenting opposition to the death penalty in all circumstances. Opportunity to take stock of progress since 2019. MS, UN bodies, international organisations and civil society must accelerate efforts to implement all drug policy commitments, in particular the UNGASS 2016 Outcome Document, which must be addressed with innovative measures in order to (…). We welcome the adoption of the Outcome Document at this midterm review and its emphasis on new approaches to face the next years. We welcome the resolution of the HRC adopted in April on drug policy and human rights and the report of the OHCHR on the matter. We commend the synergies within the UN system. Important guidance on how to move towards more health and human rights based policies. Ensuring access to evidence based prevention, detention, intervention, risk and harm reduction, treatment and social reintegration measures in a non discriminatory manner is vital to protect the most vulnerable, reduce stigma and promote participation. Importance of meaningful comprehensive structures civil society statement in formulating and implementing drug policies at all levels. The evidence knowledge of our approach over the past twenty years shows how to prevent public use and protect health within the framework of decriminalisation of use and possession of drugs while (…). Effectiveness of the Portuguese model is clear. Since 1999, problematic consumers have reduced by ⅓. HIV among people who inject drugs declined by 98%. We stand ready to promote more health oriented and human rights based drug policies and there’s positive efforts towards the goals of the Conventions and all relevant instruments in particular human rights with a view to enhance implementation of all drug policy commitment, I pledge for Portugal, increasing inpatient capacity and reducing waiting times by 2028.

Thailand: Thailand is fully committed to fulfilling the fundamental aims of the three international drug control conventions, the 2019 ministerial declaration, and the 2016 UNCAS outcome document. Aligned with these principles, Thailand has made a recent law reform on the new narcotics code in late 2021 towards health-based approaches to better addressing drug situations of the country. Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentleman, our prime minister will collaborate with various sectors to eradicate illicit drugs from Thai society. We will follow the principles of transforming drug users into patients which encourages drug users to seek treatment. The goal is to increase the number of rehabilitated individuals who can reintegrate into society and contribute to the workforce. Manufacturers and traders in the illicit drug trade will face legal consequences including the confiscation of assets aimed at disrupting the drug trafficking cycle. The government will also talk with neighboring countries to control drug supply in Thailand with the goal of ending drug trafficking. The government will also work to allow cannabis for only medication treatment and research purposes, ensuring the legislations are in place to prevent its use for recreational purposes. I express my deep appreciation to the work of the UNODC to support relevant clients and activities. Acknowledging more complexity and severity of the drug problem needs a high level of cooperation. Thailand will consider making more contributions to the UNODC in the near future. With our standing success on alternative development, Thailand has long underscored the importance of a development approach in drug policy by promoting the UNODC’s policies to reduce illicit crop proliferation. I pledge for Thailand to tangibly reduce the severity of drug problems in the country within a year with appropriate treatment and rehabilition. We will also reduce trafficking and increase international cooperation at all levels to address challenges in the Golden Triangle to ensure a safe society.

Iran: Recall genocide against the people of Gaza. Measures are required to avoid famine and starvation. In line with the implementation of the 2019 Ministerial Declaration and the international treaties and conventions, Iran has adopted a balanced strategy in the field of drug control over the past 5 years, promoting public security and health as follows: 1) Strengthening the fight against drug supply and transit enhancing intelligence measures at the borders and crossing points and intensifying the fight against money laundering. 4450 tonnes of drugs from afghanistan were seized through the martyrdom of 15 members of law enforcement and efforts by our forces. Iran has not witnessed considerable reduction in drug trafficking from afghanistan. In the past 15 days, 2 cases of drug seizures made in the course of two operations 4800 kilos of drugs to a certain European country. Iran has witnessed the rise in methamphetamine seizures from afghanistan. 2) Formulating and implementing the comprehensive document on primary prevention with maximum coverage, knowns as Helpers of Life, in families, education settings and communities. 3) Formulating and implementing document on treatment and harm reduction through development of treatment centres, involvement of NGOs and private sectors, 7200 centres diversifying treatment methods including pharmaceutical and psyco-social interventions, access to controlled medicines, offering harm reduction programmes, controlling the spread of HIV AIDS and hepatitis. Iran scientific achievements left to the establishment of a regional centre in Tehran to study drug use disorders with UNODC. 4) Community based approach in demand reduction, empowering NGOs and establishing NGO of Helpers of Life with benefactors from all provinces. Bearing in mind Iran’s fight against the WDP and related challenges such as violence, terrorism, influx of displaced persons, illegal migrants, armed confrontation, financial and human casualties of conflict, I seize the opportunity to present our pledge: requiring continued and effective implementation of drug control projects in the region away from political considerations and restrictions in allocation of funding and resources, lifting the cruel and unilateral sanctions. 2) Cooperation with Iran to strengthen the global fight against illicit drug activities based on the principle of common and shared responsibility. 3) sharing successful lessons, demand reduction,scientific exchanges, activities in darknets, mechanisms to intervene. 4) Opposition to the reconsideration of the global drug control regime aimed at legalisation tantamount to the destruction of humanity’s legacy in this arena. 5) Necessity of adherence of all states for the implementation of the three drug conventions and the authority of the drug control regime.

Senegal: We endorse the statement made on behalf of the African group. And we would also add: the scope of the drug problem poses a lot of issues including political stability and economic development. We would like to counter illicit trafficking of drugs. We have adopted the three UNODC declarations and see them as a cornerstone. We also signed up to the joint ministerial declaration after CND in 2014 and the outcome document in 2016. We recently signed the 2019 ministerial declaration on strengthening actions conduction on the regional and international levels to show our commitments to addressing the world drug problem. We implemented an inter-ministerial committee to define national policy to combat drug trafficking and abuse. This has led to the adoption of a national strategic plan which has now been renewed. We have achieved an increase in drug seizures especially in the maritime area, the creation of a national office which suppresses crime related to drug trafficking, an increase in the availability of controlled drugs for clinical purposes, the development of an addiction clinic, the creation of an addictology degree, the development of a harm reduction program including needle exchanges and OAT, the implementation of actions involving prevention, an internet platform to raise issues of drugs among young people. These items are underway and we have three major projects that will receive government funding: a project to construct buildings for de-addiction institutions, a project for a research program, and an alternative development program. We pledge to implement those projects which will help us more effectively combat the scourge. In the ordinary meeting we have an item on these commitments.

Pakistan: Align ourselves with the statements by the G77 and Asia-Pacific groups. The Outcome Document signals strengthened resolve to tackle the world drug problem. Commend you for leading the challenging situations. Our consensus creates renewed political momentum to enact the Conventions. Pakistan contributes greatly to counter illicit drugs: demand and supply reduction, regional and international cooperation, research and development, access to controlled medicines. Encouraging results internationally acknowledged including by UNODC. Suffering of illicit drugs. Endanger the health and safety of our people. Countries who contribute to demand should strengthen their response, it would benefit us all in addressing the world drug problem. Effective implementation of Convention will help address and counter the world drug problem and promote health and welfare of our people. Concerned for legalisation of non-medical and non-scientific use of cannabis. We believe as the INCB that this contravenes the Conventions. We call on the INCB to ensure full compliance by Member States. Pakistan is committing to protecting human rights according to its national laws. Excessive focus on human rights should not limit us in countering the world drug problem. In line with our obligations under international law, our judicial and health systems need strengthening. Occupation and conflict also affects people in this way. We need greater solidarity with the people of Palestine. In view to enhance implementation of all drug policy commitments and addressing challenges related to availability of data, lack of treatment, and diversifying drug markets, Pakistan will 1) establish a national counternarcotics centre within the next 12 months to regulate and synergise antinarcotic efforts. 2) Build a state of the art addiction rehabilitation and reintegration centre  within 12 months. 3) Extend the anti-narcotic force addressing emerging locations and supporting human resources (…)

Turkmenistan: (TBA)

Cuba: The WDP cannot be tackled by domestic policies alone. It’s a global problem to face together. This is why we have the political will to deal with the international community with ideals to combat this problem. More important than ever to acknowledge and implement the principle of joint and shared responsibility to deal with this problem within international law and the principles of the UN Charter. Progress towards strengthening cooperation to effectively tackle the WDP. Far from disappearing, it’s getting worse. The impact and serious consequences of the scourge will not be solved if it’s a politicised issue or drugs legalised as inoffensive substances in different regions and countries. Multilateral cooperation, international organisations and UN programmes in accordance with their mandate, and UNODC, are all of vital importance to achieve our goals. We ratify Cuba is not a transit or producing or money laundering zone or a refuge for international criminals. Drugs come to our coasts and through gangs located abroad. We have a zero tolerance policy to trafficking and provide differentiated treatment for use for a public health perspective to tackle and treat it. We believe this is required because it’s a multifactorial problem: education, families have a role to play. But we need this bulwark, and continue to work in our communities. We have greater participation in grassroots organisations with students, schoolchildren and other civil society elements. With a great deal of effort Cuba has made trafficking, consumption and production of illicit drugs isn’t a significant problem in our country, so our country is not a transit country for trafficking. We don’t have many resources to fight this because of the financial blockade imposed arbitrarily and unilaterally by the US, which call us a terrorist state. This high level segment will reaffirm the political commitment of states and other actors to the three drug conventions and the international drug control system. Cuba aspires to achieve a society free of illicit drugs. Essential for sustainable social development and the wellbeing of our people.

Ecuador: It is an honour for me to participate in the representation of the government of Ecuador in this very important multilateral meeting. The path that has brought us to this midpoint in 2024 has shown some progress and some retreats with regards to drugs which I think is to be expected given the global reach of the drug problem. In order to be effective we have to have common but shared responsibilities according to the UNODC drug reports. The international drug community has co-responsibility and should join together to tackle the serious consequences of this phenomenon. In the case of Ecuador, a country which is a transit country, a victim of producers and consumers, this impact has weakened public security, institutional strength, and has even undermined democracy. There has been indiscriminate violence and immigration to other countries in pursuit of new opportunities. On the 9th of January 2024 under our President we chose decree 111 to safeguard state security. This decree acknowledges the existence of a domestic armed conflict and identifies 22 terrorist groups mainly funded by drug traffickers and illegal mining. Since implementing this, the rate of violents deaths has been reduced by 66% and we have reduced criminal activities in our prison system which has combats our society falling apart. We conducted 148,000 operations during this period with LE. With the support of the international community we are fully combating drug trafficking, corruption, and organised crime. The measures adopted by the government of Ecuador within the phoenix plan are being implemented with full respect for international instruments following humanitarian law, etc. Regarding progress made in drugs policy during this midterm review, Ecuador would like to highlight the coordinated actions undertaken by state institutions to deal with activities related to drug trafficking and I’d like to highlight the active support of civil society, regional, and international organisations. I’d like to highlight the first international meeting on the management and disposal of precursors which took place in 2023. Ecuador believes that peace and security lead to development. From this point of view, combating drugs, drug trafficking and transnational organised crime cannot be successful unless we create opportunities for a young population such as Ecuador’s for employment and education. That is why in barely 100 days, four urgent financial laws were approved to strengthen economic stability. As a result, in 60 days we created 60,000 jobs for young people. It is only if we create these opportunities that young people can no longer be attacked by criminal groups. Ecuador expresses its thanks to UNODC and other countries for this support. This support strengthens our ability to do public policies with a human rights approach aligned with the human development goals…secondly, with regards to improving the implementation of all our international commitments regarding drug control considering all efforts to reduce demand, the secretariat for the institutional committee will be working with different ministries and civil societies. Ecuador commits to a new development strategy which is comprehensive and sustainable. We will have a geographic model of vulnerable areas and we will take into account the characteristics of different areas. It will include training and education. This will be implemented in 14 months to foster sustainable development of the people who live there.

Jordan: Support efforts by Ms Waly and her team at UNODC. We endorse the G77 statement and the Asia-Pacific Group statement. We meet at the beginning of the month of Ramadan. A month of peace. But the people of Gaza are not enjoying peace. This cannot continue. We cannot continue subjecting women and children, and the inhabitants of Gaza, to hunger. We will spare no efforts to get aid in and the only way is to cease the policies whose aim is starving the people of Gaza. We will continue to have the sacred nature of life respected in Gaza. Peace is Jordan’s regional strategy, for Palestinians and Israelis alike. The only way to do that is 1967 borders for a Palestinian state. Chair, we know the scourge of drugs poses threat to societies, depletes resources…we need to step up international cooperation to combat the drug problem and come up with solutions to protect society. The challenges are of increasing scale owing to technologies which are having and impact on the methods used by traffickers. We have the problems of counterfeit medicines like captagon. Our view is that the Conventions provide a reference framework for efforts. We are committed to implementing the content of the 2019 Ministerial Declaration. We are committed to the outcome document of the 2016 UNGASS on the world drug problem. Our region is a troubled region and organised crime groups profit from that state of affairs. Our law enforcement bodies work persistently and continuously to combat drug trafficking and this testifies to the efforts that we undertake in order to address the challenges we need to address all aspects of the world drug problem. That’s how JOrdan works, implementing a national programme to combat illicit drug trafficking. Measures such as: national strategy to combat drugs for the period 2021-2025, introduced amendments to legislation on drugs and the aim here is to secure international changes into the national level, measures to address the drug problem at the point of use, trafficking… Countering internet trafficking. Also a container programme raising awareness on the dangers of drugs. National plan to raise awareness involved in civil society organisations and ministries. Travelling exhibition to raise awareness. Participated in activities by the European Drug Surveillance Centre and Pompidou Group. Jordan has made progress in providing free of charge treatment to addicts. We have set up a system whereby young people are treated for drug addiction in private hospitals at the expense of the Ministry of Health. This meeting serves to step up efforts to protect our societies and children. We reiterate our commitment to work with all countries and international organisations in combating drugs and underscore CND’s principal policymaking role in drugs.

INTERPOL: (…) The role of INTERPOL in supporting the implementation of Conventions has been recognised since their inception. Since then, the world drug problem has evolved and worsened. Fortunately, the power of international cooperation through INTERPOL has also increased. In a recent example from December 2023, a fugitive from Paraguay was arrested. For Paraguay, this arrest involved the seizure of assets in excess of 100,000,000 dollars. INTERPOL can aggregate information and provides essential capabilities like a drug analysis file. (…) Over the last few years, law enforcement agencies have seized record quantities of cocaine, cannabis and other substances. Created a pharmaceutical drug database. Operation Trigger 9, demonstrated convergence between illicit drug crimes. Although firearms focused, seizure 400 tonnes of precursor chemicals. Collaboration with INCB, UNODC. Participation in CRIMJUST and AIRCOP has facilitated cooperation targeting illicit drug related activities. Also relevant in relation to the Global Coalition on Synthetic Drugs. First resolution mentioning INTERPOL from (…). We support countries upholding their commitments to the Treaties and the 2019 Ministerial Declaration. We will continue to foster cooperation between member countries to coordinate and tackle the world drug problem.

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