Home » Item 7. Inter-agency cooperation and coordination of efforts in addressing and countering the world drug problem

Item 7. Inter-agency cooperation and coordination of efforts in addressing and countering the world drug problem

Chair: In the political declaration and plan of action of 2009 member states encouraged int agencies, UNODC, WHO UNDP UNAIDs & INCB to engage in dialogue in order to strengthen interagency coordination for a more effective response… Members states reaffirmed the principle rule of the commission as the policy making body of the Un as the primary body for drug related matters, for addressing and countering the world drug problem.… The commission and its process and follow up to the special session also seeks to strengthen its cooperation with other institutions of the…In the high level declaration of the CND of the 2020 review, follow up to the …, MS also committed to scale cooperation on the sub regional/regional/int levels + financial etc.UNODC would further provide info on this committee further in this agenda item. Further needs of UNAIDs have been taken note of for further coordinationUNODC: The UN remains resolute in its efforts to support peace securoty & HR, the UN secretariat has collaborated effectively over several decades, including several overreaches due to our overlapping responsibilities. … Informed by research & evidence on what is undoubtedly a multifaceted problem, we adopted a common position based on aid needs. CRP3 the doc is based on inputs forms everal UN agencys, let me highlight a few numerous successful , since 2017 23 partners have joined forces to address the items UNGASS, our long term partners WHO & UNAIDs have been essential partners, with 13 agencies partnering on some level. 54% of activities involves UNODC, agencies deliver 8% of all activities, __% involve UN women. Only %5 of activities are focusing on alternative development, and we need to do more work. Many countries across the world cannot access medications with controlled substances. Quality of life is compromised as people are living with treatable pain, including those living with cancer. Only 4% of agencies are working on ensuring access to medication.

European Union: (TBA)

Argentina : (…) corruption are draining resources from vital sectors, hindering progress, and a loss due to criminal activities is 3.5% of GDP with devastating effect on ordinary citizens. Drug trafficking has battered the continent for some time but now with unprecedented levels of instability, the use of … by criminal groups to pursue national interest, … worsens the quality of life of our citizens. They operate with impunity and go beyond borders, and infiltrating sectors of economy and public institutions. The routes they establish are used by other non-traditional threats. Today terrorist orgs depend on drug trafficking for income and they diversify they methods, their power is growing. THere’s a triple convergence between … and ungovernable areas, blurring the lines beyond terrorist and criminal organisations and actores. Drug trafficking is a crime multiplier and its impact on democracy is deep and sustained, undermining rule of law and subverting popular will. We must be firm in response and no negotiation with criminals threatening the wellbeing of our citizens. THe responsibility to protect our states falls fully on us. Freedom exists only under RoL and … our citizens call for action. We require courage. Together, our message: we are to remain united, unwavering and decided against criminality. 

Chair: Please, I urge governments to stick to agenda number 7. 

Malta: Malta aligns itself with the statement delivered by the EUropean union. We commit our unwavering support for the int’l conventions and commend the efforts of the UN team in overseeing implementation of our joint drug policy. As we navigate these implementation efforts, we must recognize the complex and multifaceted nature of the challenges, only targeted with a holistic approach. We applaud UNODC’s open and collaborative approach, which recently reaped benefits for appeal for drug treatment centres in Afghanistan and by UNODC office; Malta will financially contribute to this end. We express appreciation to WHO, INDP, and Unicef UNDP, and OHCHR in promoting human rights-based drug policies. It is imperative that we do not operate in silos, instead together, across political lines towards a harmonised approach to drug policy. Regional coordination is pertinent to facilitate exchange of info/best practice against interregional drug challenges. Malta is keen to engage closer on this front, with EMCDDA, Pompidou Group, and … to name a few. The focus on treatment and harm reduction was identified as gaps in our 2023 Drug Policy plan, including efforts from civil society, academia, and youth; a … was made to ease coordination between our efforts and UNODC policies. The new strategy provides further investment in prevention, law enforcement strengthening, in order to promote synergies within the decision making process. We prioritise the health of all members of society and efforts to target criminal groups. Evidence based is only possible through continual flow of information and collaboration, towards a holistic approach so nobody is left behind. 

Republic of Korea: We’ve always prioritised multi-faced cooperation with all relevant counterparts within and outside the country. Taking the opportunity of being reelected as CND members in 2022, the ROK government reaffirms willingness and determination to implement all initiatives for interagency cooperation, adopted in the 2009, 2014, 2016, 2019 documents. The Korean prosecution service, with assistance of UN bodies, including UNODC and INCB, organises annual international meetings entitled anti drug liaison officers meetings for international cooperation – ADLIMECO. Korean prosecution service contributed to the establishment of a regional and international drug capacity by participating in ASEAN projects from 2007 to 2017. In addition, the Korean prosecution service has made joint efforts to suppress drug crimes through operating a regional drug control centre called the Asia Pacific Information and Coordination Centre for Combating Drugs, for cross border cooperation with ASEAN Member States. Through these activities, tangible research has been achieved in both demand and supply reduction. The repatriation of drug criminals and detection of drug trafficking and other crimes. The ROK government concurs that resolving drug problems should involve common and shared responsibility of all stakeholders in line with this the ROK government is determined to ensure interagency cooperation and coordination activities by organising the ADLIMECO and expanding partnerships with relevant counterparts. 

Singapore: Singapore is committed to addressing and countering the World Drug Problem (WDP). CND is the principal drug policymaking body on these matters. We also support the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) as the leading entity for addressing and countering the WDP. UNODC tirelessly works to facilitate partnerships, ensuring the availability of reliable information and data, and provides technical assistance to Member States to combat the multifaceted issues associated with drug use and trafficking. Improving coordination between agencies is our commitment, and Singapore supports this by participating in the HONLEA meetings in our region to enhance coordination. We also participate in and support international capacity-building efforts such as consultations of laboratories, drug testing menus by UNODC support, experiential visits for drug law enforcement authorities, etc. We advance human rights against the scourge of drugs. Concerned to weaken the mandate of Vienna-based bodies to undermine the framework of drug control, and in particular the Conventions. This approach needs reevaluation. Equal respect for all obligations and the need to preserve the integrity of the drug control framework. All Vienna-based entities must continue their work and take a balanced and comprehensive approach.

Thailand: As a member of CND Thailand is committed to adhering to the agreement to cooperate and coordinate with the global community in line with the CND. We put high priority on drug abuse and addiction problems and believe coop among and within countries is crucial to tackling problems. According to Thai gov policy to treatment and rehab, the addicts have been turned into patients; in this sense we’ve developed inclusive treatment based on human rights principles while also giving attention to countries of the world to scale up our national force for better results. This includes community-based treatments, and follow-up visits after treatments. In the fight against drugs, Thailand has engaged activities with UNODC and WHO to highlight the screening and treatment of drug abuse. For people who inject addictive drugs … Several int’l forums were held to integrate data and highlight harm reduction efforts on drug abuse. We believe that coordination cross sectors with eye to quality and standards will help treat drugs addiction and relapse and better quality of life for drugs patients. 

China : We express our appreciation to UNODC, … and UNAIDS. Together they’ve assisted in making balanced drug strategies. China steps up public campaigns against HIV/AIDS through testing efforts and community-based treatment facilities against [diseases] from drug use. We’ve also stepped up rehab to reintegrate users and … we thank the organisations and timely efforts to better help against the drug problem.

Norway Firstly, we align ourselves with the statement from the EU. Norway is one of most northern countries in the world, above being one of the only drug-free areas on the planet. Our country is relatively quiet, and hence CREEPOS (our national crime service) in Jan 2024, ‘expects that in 2024 criminal spaces abroad will try to use Norway as a smuggling route from South America to the European market. We expect the transit threat to Norway will increase in the coming year, as our small ports are attractive entry points, including from maritime and cargo trips from South AMerica. This may involve increased criminal activities from trans-nat crime networks. …’ First, Norway has a clear thought that Norway will be a transit country and we don’t want this to become a problem, as in other countries. As an EU country we welcome the initiative for a European ‘Port Alliance’. It has three main pillars: strengthen customs authorities, increase capacity for prosecution and investigation of police in all ports, and expand public/private cooperation to … criminal operations in ports. All are essential to manage trans-nat drug markets. Also efforts with UNODC … how to strengthen northern border control operations. We would like to end with something already said many times: we need extensive cooperation and the Norwegian law enforcement authorities will best contribute this year and years to come. 

United Kingdom: We champion a whole system approach. Working with partners locally, nationally and regionally. Investing in what works, like treatment. We put in place stronger governance and accountability through cross government coordination. Partnership bringing together local law enforcement, criminal justice, treatment, NHS leaders. Crucial to achieve the aims of reducing drug related crimes and supporting people in treatment and recovery. Importance of working with international partners to tackle challenges of drugs. Value INCB, WHO, INTERPOL, civil society and other multilateral initiatives like the global coalition on synthetic drugs. As part of the UK national statement delivered at the HLS, we pledged to work closely with INTERPOL to tackle drug supply. We look forward to working with UNODC and others to continue making progress.

Kenya: Appreciate report of Secretariat on coordination of efforts in addressing WDP. Kenya recognises and continues to enjoy and uphold collaboration with various international bodies and states and have received support from UNODC and African UNion to build capacity to design and implement drug related interventions. The secretariat also plays a pivotal role to ensure cooperation with regional bodies. In addition, the UNODC has facilitated regional and international collaboration as encouraged in the Conventions, Political Declaration of 2009, UNGASS 2016 document and 2019 Ministerial Statement. Kenya reiterates the WDP is a common and shared responsibility to be addressed in a multilateral setting through collaboration and cooperation to promote and protect the wellbeing of all humanity. We recognise the WDP is complex and requires multidisciplinary effort which calls for cooperation at all times and multilateral collaboration. Exchange of information, building cities capacity to design and implement interventions in demand, supply reduction —and access to controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes while preventing diversion. To effectively address and counter the WDP it is of imperative significance to embrace international cooperation at all levels, based on the principle of common and shared responsibility among developing countries particularly. We call on the international community to increase technical assistance to build capacity nationally to address the WDP in all forms and manifestations. In conclusion, Kennya is open to consultation, collaboration and cooperation with likemind agencies and states.

United States of America: (Today more than ever, CND faces evolving and increasing complex challenges. The rapid emergence of illicitly manufactured synthetic drugs is a shift and challenge. As criminals continue to evade law enforcement by adapting transit routes, production, commerce, the international community must take commensurate action to outpace them. Opur tools can help us address synthetic drug challenges and we must take full advantage. As the UNGASS document is clear, WDP requires leveraging knowledge and experience from the UN system. CND as principal body for international drug policy discussion is placed to lead these discussions, also as the bodies in the Convention to guide this. When UNODC , INCB , WHO, and other UN entities work in concert, we make great strides to drug control challenges in public health and law enforcement. The UNOD Synthetic Strategies ensures coherence by encouraging consultation among treaty bodies, other UN agencies, regional orgs, academia, scientific community and private sector, including pharmaceutical and chemical companies. Applauds coordination between UNODC and WHO to develop norms and standards in prevention and treatment for people who use drugs. We urge deeper collaboration, evidence based, recovery oriented, public health response. INCB also partners effectively with UNODC container control. And Universal Postal Union tio identify NPS trends and expand usage of their information sharing platforms and participation in special operations among customs officials. Just a few examples in coordination making a difference. We should use them as a model for our work to leverage UN agencies’ strengths in addressing the WDP. We also urge UN entities to expand collaboration across the UN system working to develop emergent (…).

South Africa: Human Rights Day in South Africa is 1 March. This historical context influences SA’s approach to agenda items here and beyond. International cooperation is fundamental. We appreciate support from UN entities in capacity development and technical assistance. In line with the thematic chapters of UNGASS 2016 Outcome Document. SA actknowelñdges the need for a multilateral collaborative approach. Each within their mandates. Access to medicines for pain relief and palliative care is also fundamental, particularly the marginalised. Leaving no one behind means inclusivity regardless of socioeconomic status and having access to medicines. We need further UN entities involved, further expertise and resources. Interagency working group on access to controlled medicines, for instance, bringing together UN entities. IN line with challenges identified in 2019 Ministerial Declaration, more cooperation between law enforcement,. Banking, private, providers of banking, etc. Importance of gender responsive programmes for people who use stimulant drugs. Importance of coordination. We call upon CND and UNODC to enhance cooperation with the African Union on the matter.

Burkina Faso: Burkina Fasoa acknowledges that countering the world drug problem requires a holistic and multidisciplinary approach, hence support coordination between UNODC, WHO, Narcotics Control Board, Customs Org, INTERPOL, and others. As stated in the 2023 WDR, the growing number of drug users and expansion of illicit substances market, and connection to other crimes like torrism, our view is a multidisciplinary approach and strengthen synergies between … against corruption, … , and CCJ, the aim to combat the nexus between illicit drug trafficking and other forms of organised crime. We also urge UNODC to continue undertaking measures to bridge int’l bodies and the scientific community so as to ensure the availability of scientifically and medically important substances, to ensure proper drug treatment to those in need and that no one is left behind. We also welcome UNODC to … to build the technical capacity of stakeholders and strengthen int’l cooperation.

Venezuela: We’d like to share our statement of int’l coordination which requires measures at all levels. We’d like to highlight our work on the preventive front, from 2018 alone almost # activities, at places such at work and sporting facilities, paying particular attention to our children and adolescents. We guaranteed free and universal care for more than 100 patients in 2023. These policies are based ons scientific evidence such as Risk Access/Reduction study of 2022; access and consumption went down accordingly. 12,000 and 45 military ops through which 23 labs destroyed, 3 airstrips destroyed, and more than 11,000 assets were seized. A sum of XXX tons of drugs were seized in cooperation with France and … , demonstrating how int’l cooperation through the control systems achieve better results. These links were made through our willingness to cooperate and support multilateral orgs like UNODC and INCB and the CELAC coordination mechanism. We affirm the regional efforts of the UNODC office for coop and technical capacity building. We urge states to continue rolling these efforts out, especially in developing countries. OUr goal is to exchange between ourselves. 

Namibia: Let me thank the UNODC for their technical assistance in training Namibian officials in different aspects, including port of entry officials in container profiling. Police, magistrates, judges, etc. in crimes against drugs and persons. The container profiling assisted our port officials to prevent the flow of drugs through our country to prevent from reaching the target markets. Furthermore, we’d also like to thank … for training us, social workers, psychologists, on a universal curriculum on substance use disorders. Our interventions on abuse of alcohol, … on reducing the harmful use of alcohol. To strengthen regional coop, Namibia visited Zambia to learn on how they investigate crimes and drug trafficking. Similarly, we attended a Health Meeting in Abuja with the aim of sharing experience and evidence with other member states. IN conclusion, we inaugurated the 2nd drug control commission to enhance tackling the demand and supply of drugs. Furthermore only through collaboration efforts will we be able to put an end to the World Drug Problem.

Nigeria: In our commitment to safeguard our future and nobody is left behind by WDP, Nigeria has committed to ensure those affected are given support and care to build their lives. We’ve doubled our treatment facilities in accordance with Min of HEalth and 24/7 drug hotlines by professionals who provide quality of life increasing care. We’ve also targeted frontline workers, ambulance law enforcement and NGOs, where more than 10k are trained; as well as religious leaders etc. are trained on drug treatment and care. Emphasising int’l cooperation  and synergy among stakeholders, we’ve increased our efforts in relevant international authorities and … has been established at national level, for the scientific and medical … of drugs. These groups meet regularly to evaluate the drug control strategies. A technical working group of health and law enforcement agencies has also been established. In many of the aforementioned initiatives, we’ve expanded our collaboration with key partners to address the world drug problem. 

Israel (right of reply): In relation to an NGO pursuing political agendas in their statement. Respectfully use this platform for the relevant agenda. Instead of spreading misinformation. The primary goal of the forum is meaningful discussions. Thanks for leading a productive session.

(Afternoon session)

[Country TBC]: (TBA 

Russian Federation:  (TBA)

Morocco: We believe in inter institutional cooperation and international cooperation at the center of policy on drug prevention and combating the world drug problem. Morocco strategy centers shared governance and adoption of a comprehensive and complementary approach. Sincere commitment will only work if we work at the international level. We grant importance to synergy and partnerships based on cooperation between law enforcement agencies and the criminal justice system. Contribution of other stakeholders is also essential to respond to scourge. Implementation of national drugs council and observatory are crucial to contribute to global efforts to solve this global problem. We can see operational and strategic measures. Using databases as framework for tracking criminal groups, exchange of information on suspects involved in trafficking through interpol channels and foreign liaison officers and ministry of interior in other countries. Pursuit location and arrest of these criminals. Managed to apprehend several traffickers using special investigation techniques including controlled deliveries and joint investigations.We have carried out 34 controlled deliveries leading to seizures and arrest of several criminals. Participation in international seminar and projects means we can work successfully in anti drug meetings. 

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights: TBA 

UNAIDS: Thank you chair and thank you for the invitation to join today. I’d like to thank IDPC for this important report.It’s been five years since Governments expressed concern on the high rates of HIV and Hepatitis among people who use drugs and committed to take “initiatives and measures aimed at minimizing the adverse public health and social consequences of drug abuse”. In 2021 the UN General Assembly also adopted new targets relating to HIV and we had a new Global AIDS Strategy, with specific targets on harm reduction. However when we look at harm reduction it’s both provision and coverage of services, as well as their uptake, and the barriers that prevent both provision and access – stigma, discrimination, criminalisation, violence and harmful gender norms. Of course harm reduction needs to be even broader than this, social protection, legal support, family support, mental health services all need to be part of this. See WHO consolidated guidelines.Unfortunately, as noted in IDPCs report, the world is not on track to accomplish our commitments for people who inject drugs – harm reduction services are still not available to many and where they are available, criminal laws still render them inaccessible. I’m not going in to all the data, you can find it in our brochure up the back and online. Some highlights: Despite a slight increase in the number countries with harm reduction services in the last five years, actual coverage and access remains limited. Since 2018 only 3 countries reported achieving the recommended target of 50% of opioid users accessing OAMT, and only 5 reported achieving the target of 200 NS per person.In 2019 we reported that less than 1% of people who inject drugs live in countries with the recommended coverage levels of NS and OAMT. Since then no other country has reported reaching these targets.Funding for harm reduction is also far below that required. Data from UNAIDS, across 45 countries reporting funding data for programmes for people who inject drugs, actual spending only amounted to 7% of the estimated resource needs. Even for that small amount, almost 70% of those funds came from international donors rather than domestic resources.Even if we achieve our objectives of providing harm reduction services, the provision of punitive laws and policies create additional barriers for people who inject drugs to access those services, perpetuate society stigma and discrimination beyond legal sanctions. In 2023, in eight of 14 countries that reported data to UNAIDS, more than 10% of people who inject drugs avoided accessing healthcare services due to stigma and discrimination.At least 145 countries still criminalize the use or possession of small amounts of drug the use or possession of small amounts of drug, compared to 108 countries in 2019.People who use drugs are also the least likely of any key population to be represented in development of policies making that affect them.What this leads to is a situation where HIV prevalence is 7 times higher than in the rest of the population, and in some countries more than 50% of people who inject drugs are living with HIV. Incidence is higher among people who inject drugs than any other population. What is incredibly frustrating is that in other countries prevalence is close to zero – demonstrating harm reduction approaches do work, it is possible.We must scale up the implementation of harm reduction and law reform, under the leadership of well funded organisations led by people who use drugsTo achieve this objective, we need coordinated action among governments, community-led organisations, UN agencies and other stakeholders to redirect our efforts towards a human rights and health approach in drug policy.What can we do at the CND:We were really happy to see how many delegations last week included representatives of Ministries of Health, speaking about experiences in implementing harm reduction programmes and decriminalization approaches. We hope this can continue and even increase over the next few years. The CND provides an important forum for the exchange of country level experiences in this regard.I was at a number of side events which discussed decrim and alternatives to incarceration, we need more of this, including in plenary. What are countries doing in this space, what is working or not working.Stronger connections with other parts of the house – great to see the High Commissioner here last week and the head of the UN General Assembly. The report of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights is an important report. I urge everyone to read it, it, and future reports.Famous John Muir quote: “When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.” Multilateralism is important, but it only works if we also link it to multisectoralism.Thank you.

International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL): TBA

India: The highest prevalence of drug use disorders in heroin is heroin. Heroin users in India use orally. Among various populations, people who inject drugs have the highest prevalence. 280,000 people who inject drugs, so many live with HIV and are affected by HCV. The National AIDS Control department of the state endorses harm reduction. Harm reduction services are available free of cost, NSP, OAT, HIV, HCV treatment programmes, etc. Many are provided by outreach and peer to peer support. 72% of estimates of PWID are covered. But stigma remains. People who use drugs are marginalised and discriminated against. The work of UNAIDS is crucial to ensure our policies are rooted in evidence. Ensuring balance between demand, supply and harm reduction.

International Harm Reduction Association: Thank you to the Chair for the opportunity to make this intervention on behalf of Harm Reduction International and LBH Masyarakat.We take this opportunity to, once again, condemn the massive damage caused by ongoing use of the death penalty for drug offences on our shared efforts towards progressive, rights-based drug policy.Drug offences do not meet the definition of ‘most serious crimes’ to which international standards require the death penalty be limited to, in countries that retain its application. Yet, Harm Reduction International’s Global Overview 2023 shows that 34 countries and territories still retain this form of punishment.Drug-related executions were confirmed in five countries, and are assumed to have been carried out in two more, where state secrecy and repression of civil society prevents us from confirming a minimum figure.At least 467 people were executed in the name of drug control in 2023, a marked increase from the previous year. Despite being a gross underestimation of real figures, drug executions accounted for 44% of known global executions. In other words, roughly 1 in every 2 people executed lost their lives in the name of drug control. We also documented a 20% increase in reported death sentences for drug offences from 2022.Against this backdrop is an appalling failure of the international community to take meaningful action against such blatant violations of international standards. While we welcome condemnation by some UN agencies and States, the silence of many more, including UNODC, the UN body responsible for drug policy issue, risks being misconstrued as tolerance – if not complicity, and jeopardises the fragile progress towards rights-based drug policy.Harm Reduction International’s Aid for War on Drugs report found that, while silent on executions and other extreme violations, UN agencies and states waste billions of dollars funding punitive responses to drugs, with little transparency or accountability and sometimes masqueraded as development aid. In countries that retain the death penalty for drug offences, this contributes to the sentence and execution of people for drug offences.We call on states, UN agencies and other relevant actors to divest from this ineffective and unjust response to drugs. Because only when we do so, we free up essential funds to invest in programmes that prioritise community, health and justice. This includes harm reduction as well as other social and community programmes that benefit marginalised people and lead to healthier, safer societies.We thank you.

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