Home » Plenary Item 8. Recommendations of the subsidiary bodies of the Commission

Plenary Item 8. Recommendations of the subsidiary bodies of the Commission

Item 8. Inter-agency cooperation and coordination of efforts in addressing and countering the world drug problem

Chair: Recalls documentation for the item.

CND Secretariat: The meetings of the 5 subsidiary bodies were held last year in person and provided a great opportunity to meet and discuss good practices and areas of common concern. Following review on progress each of the subsidiary bodies discussed the priorities in its region. Consideration held during the meetings of the working groups and proposed recommendations and reflections on previous considerations. These are contained in the report presented before the commission including AD, financial considerations an the role of crypto, measures to counter WDP and better monitor trends, increased cooperation and intelligence sharing. All details are contained within the report. Delegations attended meetings with rich discussion and extensive side events in Nigeria, Ecuador, Indonesia, and Kyrgyzstan.We hope to hear more discussion from the hosts of these meetings. Concrete plans for future meetings will be communicated and more information will be available on the website of the subsidiary bodies.

South Africa: The fight against the production and trafficking of drugs remains a key priority, particularly among law enforcement agencies. We are strategically positioned and can facilitate information exchange and cooperation. Grateful to all our partners and indebted to UNODC regional office, and INCB, for technical assistance and capacity building, particularly on border controls and precursor chemicals. We have made steps towards 20 point recommendations against the world drug problem and relevant crimes. Initiatives of cooperation will greatly enhance the fight to curb this scourge. We have seen the strengthening of regional and international cooperation in areas of law enforcement investigations and extradition to tackle trafficking and illegal financial flows. Our cooperation has seen noteworthy drug seizures. We thank our regional partners for cooperation on synthetic drug production and trafficking. Synthetic market in Africa continues to expand. We remain convinced that cooperation will tackle this scourge.Oir participation in seminar and committees continues to reap rewards. Collaboration between regional law enforcement agencies has resulted in learnings about illicit drugs trafficking and production resulting in major seizures. Our prosecuting authority continued to finalise trafficking cases and issue court orders. We have located the nexus of major trafficking routes which necessitate international cooperation. We note the increasing trend of synthetic drugs and our national laboratory analyses drugs seized.  We have a proactive process in determining the origin of samples and can serve as an early warning centre for synthetic substances.

Thailand: Importance of combating crime in all of its dimensions, including trafficking and abuse. Also the global financial system. The anti money laundering office of Thailand plays a key role in investigation, seizures, related to proceeds of crime related to narcotics, corruption, fraud, crime against environment, and finance. Promote active measures to prevent high risk crimes like narcotics. Dismantled networks more than 6 million dollars confiscated last year. As financial technology, including cryptocurrencies, increasingly used for crime, especially after covid19 pandemic, in 2023, the agency received information from Australia about cryptocurrency irregular activity. As a result, the HTail Police seized 700 kilos of ice and digital wallets equivalent to 2m dollars. Laundering tends to happen in other countries. Recovery of assets too. The government is committed to preventing and combating drug abuse. Urgent plans involving the police, FDA, army, industrial, customs, ONCB, foreign affairs, ministry of commerce, local arthritis and others to control precursors, chemicals and substances used in the production of narcotics. DEA coordinated effort seizing precursors. Over 700 tonnes of them. These substances were for illicit drug production and passed to Thailand from neighbouring countries. The country regulates chemical products entering industrial and (…). Monitors exports of chemical substances that could be used in drug production, especially in vulnerable regions. Participating countries here we trust will engage in efforts to cooperate in combating crime.

China: HONLEA is a positive platform for law enforcement cooperation. China sends delegates every year to exchange views. Supports this platform and expects it will play a greater role in the exchange of information and techniolñgoies among relevant agencies. 

Republic of Korea: Our police agency is honoured to speak on behalf of Korea. Our national police agency is exerting full effort to combat use of narcotics. We have worked in a taskforce of all govt bodies resulting in the highest number of arrests in 2023. Brought together specialist teams to monitor dark web and crypto. We aim to strengthen cooperation with other countries and hope to better combat drug related crimes and hope to contribute to Interpol and regional bodies. We have sent representatives to Thailand to share information. Hope to establish a direct channel with other countries and intl organisations. We suggest the creation of a working group on regional crimes in the region between law enforcement agencies and our national agency would be pleased to host this. We appreciate regional law enforcement agencies participation in the national conference hosted in Seoul this year. We firmly believe through collaborative efforts we can counter drug trafficking and the misuse of narcotics.

Nigeria: I have the honour to present a summarised report from the Africa regional meeting hosted in Abuja, which was judged as a success among other things. Representatives from across the continent attended the meeting. The African Union and other observer institutions also attended. The VP opened the meeting stressing the importance. We used the meeting to collectively develop strategies to tackle use and trafficking, illicit cultivation and production, as well as discussing alternative development, the role of crypto currencies and the dark web, the use of precursor chemicals, and the link between drugs and the environment. The recommendations included encouraging govt to strengthen control frameworks, increase data collection to shape policy, for cooperating partners to continue funding alternative development, and governments to prioritise alternative development, provide laboratories with supplies and personnel to properly identify substances, develop public private partnerships with bodies such as universities, regulatory bodies or private companies, to establish communication channels to facilitate identification of substances of interest, establish environmentally responsible procedures to dispose of substances, and develop policies that tackle illicit crop cultivation. We thank UNODC and CND for providing support to the meeting through technical assistance, resources, and expertise. Thank you for pledging to continue working with African countries. Ghana has been granted hosting rights for the 2024 edition of the meeting. 

Albania: Importance of cooperation for effective drug policy responses. HONLEA has a role to play in fostering regional exchanges on experiences and lessons learnt with regard to addressing and countering the WDP: I’m pleased my country hosted the 15th HONLEA Europe in 2023 in Tirana. The event brought together 70 participants from 30 countries and UNODC staff. The topics covered a broad range of aspects. Addressed some of the most pressing challenges today like increase of cultivation and use of cryptocurrencies. THe cooperative spirit led to concrete recommendations for follow up in the region and further collaboration. Thank you all for your cooperation and participation.

Kenya: We support the report of the secretariat which captures proceedings and recommendations. We appreciate NIgeria for hosting the HONLEA Africa meeting. As presented in the report, recommendations were made regarding regional and international cooperation to reduce cultivation and production of drugs, including alternative development; financial investigations and the role of cryptocurrencies in trafficking; countering precursor chemicals and the impact of drugs on the environment. Raised the question of capacity to address alternative development. As well as the use of misinformation through communications. We seek further capacity building to support us in addressing challenges. Applaud the role of the Secretariat.

Indonesia: I want to highlight the 45th meeting of the HONLEA Asia Pacific. Organised by UNODC and hosted by the government of Indonesia in Bali. 110 participants from 22 countries. REcommendations: IMportance of balanced responses in tackling drug problems. Highlighted drug problems require a balanced approach with law enforcement, prevention, treatment and alternative development. Enhance cooperation with relevant partners in financial sectors —private sector banks to regulate virtual asset providers and other financial institutions to effect timely investigation. Improve understanding of technicalities related to the diversion of precursors and their trafficking. Lastly, increase public engagement awareness and technical capabilities on the impacts of drug cultivation, production and consumption on the environment. Additionally, discussion on narcotic trends in Asia PAcific region. Lessons learnt and challenges. Alternative development, financial investigation and environmental impacts of drugs. And areas for further discussion.

Ecuador: Our statement is on the 31st HONLEA meeting in Latin America which took place in Quito. Our ministries worked with UNODC to organise this important regional event with widespread participation. We highlighted the effectiveness of measures adopted can be seen in huge seizures of drugs and precursors. We present sustainable alternatives to disposal of substances through inter institutional relationships and public private partnerships. Using encapsulation we have disposed of substances, which will be explained further on side events. Implementation of recs from previous HONLEA, review of steps made to reduce cultivation and production, role of crypto and the dark web, money laundering, link between drugs and environment, and how we have fulfilled 2019 MD. We have focused effort on withdrawing drugs from the market through reducing consumption. Acknowledge cooperation and technical assistance from UNODC and we encourage continuation of these efforts in our region to foster confidence through mutual cooperation to better establish communication channels through states. 

United States of America: We value work of subsidiary bodies including law enforcement agencies and subcommissions. We welcome their significant contributions and region specific suggestions. These efforts help us concretely act on policy commitments. This year our sessions focused on a variety of topics including the reduction of cultivation, financial investigations, synthetic and precursor chemicals, and links between drugs and the environment. Particularly we welcome the measures to tackle synthetic drugs and associated precursor chemicals. We need our foremost minds in relevant agencies tackling these threats. The meeting made a number of recommendations including cooperation among governments and other stakeholders, encouraging governments to strengthen frameworks for the control of precursor chemicals, to enhance monitoring capacities on tracing chemicals known to be used in precursors, to utilise the internet to track chemicals, and to ensure CND uses innovative and practical solutions. With increasing severity of drug threat we encourage bodies to continue their work. Must consider both law enforcement and public health components of this threat. We must focus holistically on both law enforcement and public health priorities. Collaboration is critical to tackle synthetic drugs. We would also like to see CND broaden the reach of subsidiary bodies through including recommendations from a variety of stakeholders. We note the current structure of these bodies is unbalanced and focusing solely on the interests of law enforcement agencies. We look forward to reviewing CND structure and participating in further meetings with member states.

Ghana: We thank Nigeria for hosting the meeting of HONLEA Africa. NDLEA did a fantastic job as a host. Ghana was 1st Vice Chair. Ghana unanimously elected the host of the next one. Arrangements are ongoing. I invite all members and delegates to be part of this important meeting. Not just from Africa but across the world. Experience the amazing weather and excitement of Ghana!

Colombia: 31st meeting of HONLEA in Quito. Specific importance and should be taken into account here at CND. The empowerment of local and indigenous communities and young people to protect the environment within the framework of implementation of drug policies prioritising local knowledge. Granting priorities to measures in the right and responsible destruction of chemicals avoiding exacerbation of … We have important experience and lessons learnt with countries who would like that. With regard to AD, recommendations made should not just meet the needs of communities in rural areas who could be affected by illicit drug cultivation but also people displaced by this phenomenon in urban areas. Importance of establishing national and international labels to certify AD products to support their commercialisation and distribution —in the framework of the principle of common and shared responsibility, so that we can market these products.

Chair: We will resume the meeting tomorrow morning giving the floor to Kyrgyzstan under this agenda item. And then we will consider agenda item 9.

Chair: We have two more speakers under Item 8 today.

Kyrgyzstan: We are delighted to present the work of the subsidiary bodies and express our gratitude for the support of the commission, particularly the HONLEA of Near and Middle East. The 56th session of the subcommission was attended by more than 80 representatives, including observer states and relevant international organisations. The session was inaugurated by the Chair of CND, Ghada Whaly, and other UNODC representatives, as well as the Deputy Minister of Kyrgyzstan. We engaged in discussions on various topical issues related to addressing the world drug problem, including illicit cultivation, alternative development, money laundering, the use of the dark net, combatting chemical precursors, and the nexus between trafficking and the environment. We extend our gratitude to UNODC for allowing us to host this event and to all the delegates for their participation. We are pleased with the productive exchange of views and our own active contribution to addressing the world drug problem. Additionally, we acknowledge the Russian program to combat drug trafficking in Kyrgyzstan, and we are thankful to the Russian Federation for their assistance with this program. We wish everyone a joyful festival of Spring and continued success in our endeavours.

Algeria: We want to highlight one form of trafficking and how we can combat it through alternative development. Important to focus on regional and international cooperation to encourage alternative development. Alternative development is not a huge issue in Algeria due to the absence of cultivation but we note it is very important if we want to move away from illicit to licit cultivation and towards sustainable development. Measures across Asia and Africa have been very successful, replacing illicit cultivation with sugar and cocoa. Better standards for citizens and we encourage and highlight this approach of alternative development. Need to focus on education, particularly targeting young people to use measures and tackle unemployment and social exclusion and social problems in general. When it comes to combating illicit trafficking and focusing on the role of cryptocurrencies, we need to set up specialised courts to combat trafficking and organised crime. We have asked the ministry of health in Algeria to schedule all narcotic plants or plants that can be used as precursors. Regarding drugs and the environment it is very important to focus on measures targeting the nexus of the environment and drugs. Need to raise awareness and work with other institutions on this. In 1997 when the UNODC office was set up in Algeria we were unable to reduce supply and demand as we were focusing on awareness raising without knowledge of reducing supply and demand. Monitoring crops and precursors and psychotropic substances using satellites and drones and monitoring our borders became increasingly important later.We need to request anti drug agencies in countries to prepare reports to send to govts.

9: Contributions by the Commission to the work of the Economic and Social Council, in line with General Assembly resolutions 75/290 A and 75/290 B, including follow-up to and review and implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

ECOSOC: An update on the contributions made by ECOSOC: during our coordination segment on Jan 31/Feb 1st, chair put UNODC contributions to political agenda; provided updates on mid-term review. 2024 roundtable discussions w/ other ECOSOC subsidiaries to brief on the mid-term review ahead of the commission’s own review. WIll also cover key development issues related to our commitment. The HOPF will be held 15-17th July 2024, focussed on eliminating poverty and innovative solutions. WIll be held in advance of the SDG Review in September 2024. The CND contributions were made early march 2024 focussing on data responses on harmful effects of NPS/synthetics/etc, alternative development, safe handling of drugs and precursors, and int’l coop to address links between illicit trafficking and finance. Various summits are coming up this year. 

UNODC: Ensuring healthy lives and promoting wellbeing for all centres the 2030 agenda. Our efforts to achieve this goal and address WDP are complementary. UNODC in practice entails the methodology to measure the status and share/report the data with member states and databases to promote the SDG. High quality data and research is of utmost importance if evidence based decisions are to be made. On SDG 3 on the annual questionnaire the CND promotes expanding data collection on point 3.5 to strengthen treatment of drug and alcohol abuse, and 16.4 on the link between drugs, crime, and illicit financial flows. This year’s … has improved our data to measure these issues through clearer statistical decisions; also allows for better reporting. In 2023 UNODC had 5 regional capacity building events, >400 participants, 56% female, from 128 countries. Based on the data from there, UNODC/WHO aims to produce SDG indicator 3.5.1, measuring the coverage of treatment interventions, subject to data availability looking at 4th data cycles. … While data is available for over 100 countries, less than 35 have capacity to do the monitoring of coverage of treatment services; more international cooperation  and capacity building is required. Also UNODC is producing better measures of goal 16: since 2015, UNODC, UNHCR, UNDP, have closely coordinated w/ national institutions to develop better methodologies to make nationally relevant and globally comparable data on human rights and justice. For the first time, data was available on all goal 16 indicators; some country coverage continues to be limited and more work is needed to expand the expanse of data. Also, new project on measuring financial flow data; UNODC continues to support member states to track the data on financial flows, which will continue until 2026 which will support this effort and create new indicator data for participating countries. 

In 2021 the ‘Common Agenda’ was launched, outlining about 90 proposals for action, continuing on existing agreements, we have focussed on: 1 new agenda for peace, 2 rule of law, and 3 youth empowerment. UNODC has contributed to 12 action recommendations; this year, our common agenda will continue as an important political feature in the upcoming forums, including in the High Level Political Forum in July. Will review SDG 1,2,3, and 16 on hunger, climate action, and strong institutions. Also, will support the political declaration … the outcome of the summit will be on a pact of the future, to bring the attainment of SDGs back on track. To conclude:  UNODC reaffirms its commitment to help member states before the High Level Pol. Forum and Forum for the Future, for the present and future generations.

Thailand: Alternative Development at heart of our control strategies. We have learned from experience that it can contribute to meeting SDGs, implementing Alternate Development programs, we see more stable income and motivate people to have legitimate livelihoods. Helps reduce poverty, contributes to peaceful and inclusive communities, rule of law and good governance leaving no one behind. Emphasis on collaboration with partners per engagement with ethnic groups and local communities. With multi stakeholder collaboration. We have organised a series of events and with Germany and Peru we have tabled resolutions to mark the 10th anniversary of the guiding document on alternative development, which remains vital in addressing persistent and emerging challenges. We thank member states for support, particularly co sponsors. We will organise a conference to mark the 55th anniversary of our first alternative development programme. We invite stakeholders to the event to share best practices and examples for how to achieve sustainable development on the ground and end the world drug problem. Delegates can see the products of our alternative development program at our stand. We stand ready to make SDGs a reality through alternative development.

Canada: Since 2015 we have created ambitious SDGs and we hold this topic very dear.In particular the intersectionality of SDGs and approach to drug policy based in human rights and public health. Our Prime Minister is continuing to co-chair the group for SDGs along with the Prime Minister of Barbados. This underscores leadership Canada has in 20130 agenda and our efforts to drive gender equality and autonomy among women and girls. Ensuring access to quality education for all and diverse inclusion for all. In 2023 we conducted a second national voluntary review towards the 2030 agenda. Review shows ongoing efforts to reach SDGs and reaffirm all efforts to support evidence based decision making. We recognize advancing gender equality and empowering women and girls is a more effective way to accelerate progress on all SDGs ensuring nobody is left behind. People with disabilities and people who use drugs including indigenous and marginalised people’s experience difficulties with health services across the country. 3 of the 4 resolutions this year support SDGs 1, 3, and 17. We continue efforts to tackle global health concerns and reduce inequality. Encourage UNODC to tackle health and human rights. Effective interagency collaboration promotes peace and security, development, human rights and the 2030 agenda and we welcome the human rights experts contributions to CND and we support the UN Common position. 

United States of America: We recognize CND as the primary decision making body and we see interconnectedness contributing to UNODCs technical expertise. Looking forward we want to underline that SDGs and tackling the world drug problem are complimentary. Need to tackle the fertile conditions facilitating trafficking and production of drugs.

Colombia: We would like to reiterate our commitment to the comprehensive balance of the SDGs, understanding that domestic measures are part of the whole strategy. We need to take collective global action to address the crises which affect us all and threaten our species; biodiversity loss, and address global threats which threaten our survival. But we must think beyond 2030; Colombia is making a new proposal on sustainable development for a carbon-neutral plan. Without this we cannot be sure of our survival or ability to be sustainable in nature; putting humans and nature at the heart of our activities, without neglecting the fight against crime. We need new multilateral commitment, hopefully in the Summit for the Future will help us to do this together. 

IDPC Consortium: I am making this intervention on behalf of the International Drug Policy Consortium, a global network of over 190 NGOs coming together to promote drug policies grounded in social justice and human rights. Traditionally, development considerations in drug policy have been restricted to the narrow concept of ‘alternative development’, with the end goal being eradication rather than a commitment to ensuring sustainable development. This is a major concern because illegal crop cultivation remains concentrated in some of the most impoverished, remote, and conflict-torn areas in the world. In those areas, local communities tend to have little access to secure land and water rights, basic infrastructure and public services such as roads, healthcare and education, or employment opportunities in the legal economy. At the UN, various countries have attempted to broaden the definition of ‘alternative development’, focusing on long-term development strategies to provide sustainable livelihoods, with eradication no longer being considered as the sole, or even an important goal, of the approach. This is a positive development, which is aligned with SDGs 1.1 on the eradication of extreme poverty, as well as SDG 1.4 which seeks to ensure equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership and control over land. But progress on the ground remains very limited, with affected farmers continuing to face far too many challenges, even when alternative development programmes are being implemented. For many, poor sequencing has had devastating effects on local communitie, with many farmers and their families being faced with no other choice but to start cultivating again, often in more remote areas, to avoid falling into abject poverty. In other countries, monocultures have resulted in significant environmental damage without providing long-term adequate means of subsistence for local farmers. Sometimes, alternative crops are simply too costly or impractical. The situation is particularly concerning for women. The lives of women in illegal crop cultivation areas are marked by intersecting layers of vulnerability and discrimination because they are women, because they are rural farmers, and because their livelihoods depend on illegal activities. We urge you to adopt and implement drug policies that are truly aligned with development objectives – and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Success should no longer be tracked against eradication and reductions in cultivation or production, but instead in terms of progress made towards gender equity, access to land for men and women, access to basic infrastructure, safe water, education and employment. And there is a need to leverage the legal regulation of internationally controlled plants, both for medicinal purposes and adult recreational purposes, to ensure that traditional farmers are no longer left behind, but instead fully and meaningfully involved in legal markets for cannabis, coca and other plants.

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