Pakistan: PP1 is almost final so if we can clear it.
Chair: Can we endorse PP1? Endorsed. PP4bis:
Pakistan: We discussed this at length, we understand we will keep this paragraph.
Canada: We cannot agree to remove alt-new-ppbis at this time. We do not have flexibility at this time.
Uruguay: We would prefer to keep alt-new-ppbis at this time. Could the secretariat include our name to the proposal?
Chair: added.
Norway: I have worked with my Pakistani neighbour. We are willing to withdraw PP6bis and PP6bisalt and introduce a new para ‘Recalling that the international standards in drug prevention acknowledge that school attendance and attachment to schools are important measures to prevent drug use among children’
Canada: Happy to support.
Uruguay: Would like to support this text.
Iran: instead of drug use include ‘drug abuse’
Canada: We would be grateful that would remain in square brackets.
Pakistan: We believe this paragraph does not belong to this resolution, but we can live with this paragraph and would like to record my disappointment. The non-issue of drug use versus drug abuse. We are disappointed with this.
Nigeria: I want to support my colleague from Pakistan. My delegation called for the deletion of the proposal from my Norwegian colleague. We could go along with the new proposal.
Canada: To respond to Pakistan we showed some flexibility regarding wording but both words use, and abuse are used in the UNGASS document. We feel that we have shown sufficient flexibility.
Pakistan: At no point did we say we wanted to change our proposal. Both terms have been used in documents and I have noted down the references and could quote the specific paragraphs. I suggest we agree to this paragraph using the term drug abuse.
Australia: We would suggest some alternative language. A challenge is it includes all drug use which may include use of medicines. In Australia drug use is inclusive to a full range of drugs. We could use the term ‘drug use disorders.’
Indonesia: My delegation is only ready to accept the new PP6 as a solution to this issue. We must show flexibility, but we would like to keep reference to ‘drug abuse.’
Pakistan: International standards will be in capitals.
Chair: Can we proceed that it will be in brackets?
Russia: Following on I would suggest we use the full title of these standards.
Pakistan: We suggest we move on to the next one. I suggest we delete new PP6bisalt.
Chair: New PP6 quat, can we endorse this? Endorsed.
Pakistan: We have finalised OP1 and OP2. We have agreed to all apart from ‘context.’
Chair: Can we consider OP2.
Pakistan: We will retain the full paragraph without the word ‘context.’ And we will delete the word ‘promoting’ in the fourth line and delete ‘at the national level.’
Chair: Can we agree with this?
US: I wonder if in the last sentence we could use the word ‘domestic’ instead of ‘national.’
Canada: We can accept the change here. With regards to the larger paragraph we had requested ‘gender sensitive policies and tools’ can we have that included?
Chair: Can we endorse with the amendments.
Russia: The Canadian proposal is not acceptable to us. Gender sensitive is not agreed language and it is absent from previous resolutions adopted here.
Uruguay: We would like ‘gender-sensitive’ to remain.
Chair: Can we proceed with brackets for that phrase. Pakistan?
Pakistan: I agree with what you have suggested and would like to flag that we have covered ‘gender sensitivity’ in other paragraphs.
Chair: Can we approve OP7?
Russia: We would like to have it kept in square brackets until tomorrow.
Pakistan: To flag my understanding it is agreed language. We can move on to OP8.
Iraq: We would like to point out the language used was previously agreed regarding Russia’s concerns.
Pakistan: OP1 is outstanding. The word we could not find a solution is that of context. Can we finalise this paragraph?
Chair: Can we accept the formulation as it is?
US: We still do not understand what is meant by context so please continue to bracket the text.
Pakistan: I think we need to spend some more time on this one.
Chair: that brings us to an end. Before we close in terms of looking forward to tomorrow. Is Australia ready to table L10?
Australia: We anticipate that we will be ready to bring it forward.