A year ago, the international community developed a new strategy to combat drugs, and tried to make sure that all would abide to their commitments.
The 2009 political declaration not only highlighted actions to be undertaken, but also showed the failure of the previous strategy. But there are problems of incoherence and inconsistencies in this drug strategy at the national and international levels. The drug situation has become much worse than it was eight years ago. Recently, shared responsibility has been highlighted as a core principle to combat international threats. It means that every State should live up to its commitments. Responsibility makes sure that the intrusion of drugs into our lives does not lead to greater consequences. Support states that do not have the necessary potential to live up to their obligations. States used that excuse to delay their commitments towards the international community. The drugs problem cannot be second rate. We cannot postpone fighting drugs, it needs to be included in a comprehensive strategy to fight conflict and underdevelopment. Both donors and recipients must demonstrate that they did what must be done, not only what they ‘could do’.
The most drastic collaborative response internationally focused on terrorism. A few years ago, drug problem was considered as a pale shadow of terrorism. Now, however, we can no longer disregard the drug problem coming from Afghanistan for example.
The slight decrease of the drugs problem is not a reason for complacency. Where the situation becomes critical, the international community must react intensively, and sometimes use measures that may not be popular and could include a level of coercion. The time has come to quality Afghanistan’s drug production as a threat to international peace and security. Effectiveness criteria and clear timelines must be established.
Russia supports the UN Security Council decision that drug trafficking should be included in all areas of work of the UN to support peace building. The Afghan government should improve their national strategy on drug control, with the support of the UN. UNODC’s Executive Director should pay particular attention on the analysis of the way the drug situation impacts on the security of certain regions, and analyse the effectiveness of the current drug policy.