We note the progress achieved since 2009 and the adoption of the 2009 political declaration and look forward to reaching our target in 2019. We must sustain our efforts. National drug strategy has pillars: demand reduction, supply reduction, alternative development, international cooperation. But there is room for progress for the development of holistic and integrated …
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UNGASS Special Segment Day 1 – statement by Spain
For Spain, the UN declaration on human rights needs to be part of the foundation for the international approach to drug policy. Spain takes a public health approach to drug policy. Our constitution compels us to preserve the right to health. We have risk reduction, and at the street level we intend to make people …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 1 – statement by Kyrgyzstan
We are making full use of all available tools to counter the drug problem. The government’s anti-drug program outlines a series of measures that we believe will stop an increase in the number of drug users. Efforts are being made to tackle drug trafficking — in light of our proximity to Afghanistan — and corruption …
Multi-faceted approach to addressing the challenges of increasing access to controlled drugs for medical purposes
Side event organised by Australia, WHO, INCB, UNODC and the Union for International Cancer Control. Gilberto Gerra UNODC Chaired. Double failure of drug system. Limit opioids worldwide. People continue to die with pain. Dr. Naidoo INCB President Apart from being President of the INCB and a Doctor I am also an African. Started slide with Hippocratic Oath. …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 1 – statement by Uruguay
Yesterday, we commemorated International Women’s Day. An inclusive debate around the UNGASS calls for a gender approach and the voice of women. Uruguay supports what was mentioned at the last CND in favour of an integrated and balanced approach to drug policy. Ever since we joined the CND as a member, we have promoted a …
UNGASS Special Segment Day 1 – statement by Germany
The UNGASS is a decisive moment in drug policy and provides a much needed opportunity to reflect back on what we have done and decide what we do in the future, particularly in the crucial year of 2019. Germany believes the UNGASS will be a milestone that involves high level involvement from all UN member …