Michael Botticelli, USA White House. Drug courts enable people to be diverted from the criminal justice system into treatment. We push people to be abstinent by conducting random drug testing, etc. We also believe that drug treatment should not stop at the prison door. We work hard to promote evidence-based treatment. People who are in …
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CND Plenary Day 1 – INCB report
INCB annual report 2013 and report on precursor chemicals Chapter one is devoted to exploring the ways in which drug abuse affects the world. Health, crime, safety, governance. Drug abuse affects especially women and children. Investment in treatment and rehab is a good investment in terms of cost, and society. For every $1 invested in …
Side event: Banking on evidence: drug policy experiences in Europe
Joanne Csete from Open Society Foundations Drug Policy Programme Czech Republic and Switzerland co sponsoring.We are at a turning point in a positive sense when it comes to changing drug policy. Will reflect on the experiences of their countries. Q: What was your experience? Netherlands Started formulating policy in the 70s. Saw a sudden increase …
Side Event: Preventing Overdose
Preventing Overdose Side Event. Dr. Gerra. UNODC. Introduces Michael Boticelli. Speaking of principles who take care of people in all stages of disease. Cannot recover if you can’t survive. Change mentality of society in general. When you die there is someone else to take care of you. Cannot imagine that you can die without someone …
Side event: The OAS report on drug control: A tool for the debate
In 2012, Colombia, Mexico and Guatemala called for a debate on drug control in the AMericas. As a result, a study was conducted by the OAS. In June 2013, the report was presented at the OAS General Assembly. The report includes invaluable data on drugs and production, trafficking and consumption, and also includes a series …
Secretariat discussion on funding and framework Plenary
Chair. Two points. First, in re biennial budget and what is labeled in the resolution that CND adopted in reconvened session, I think there is need always both by Secretariat or delegations to always refer back to content of the resolution and in this regard I refer specifically to observation of Canada that MS have …