Event organised by IDPC, TNI, WOLA and CEDD Ann Fordham, Introduction.This event is hosted by IDPC, CEDD, TNI, WOLA.Latin America has been at the forefront of the collateral damage created by the war on drugs. What we are seeing now is a series of seating presidents calling for an open debate on drug control. Here …
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Meeting of the Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs
1. Adoption of the draft agenda Elisa Rubini, Vicechair of the VNGOC The first point of the agenda is the adoption of the draft agenda. Any feedback? Scott Bernstein, OSF I move to adopt the agenda. Elisa Rubini The agenda is adopted. 2. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting Elisa Rubini Do the …
Committee of the Whole – L 12. Promoting the use of the international electronic import and export authorization system for licit international trade in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
Presented by Brazil. Text in line with agreed language of previous resolutions supported by CND. System is already available for registration. It is launched. It will only succeed with feedback. Title. Any comments on the title? None. Preliminary paragraphs First three pPs. Colombia. Our comments have to do with the form. “The resolution” and …
Committee of the Whole – Updates on resolutions L6, L8, L9, L10 and L13
L8. USA — Still in informals. Take up later. L.6 Italy. L.6. with interested delegations. Proposal would be to insert in the title and through text, in OPs not PPs a reference to “internationally or nationally controlled substances” Financial implications of L6. Op. 7 — extra budg resources 181K USD one expert group meeting for …
Committee of the Whole – L 6. Promoting interventions on protection of young people and children with particular reference to the sale of illicit drugs and new psychoactive substances over the Internet
Second resolution submitted by Latvia. Give the floor to Italy. Two rounds of informals. Focus on the protection of young people. Title. Venezuela. Draw attention to the room. Corresponds to Canada resolution, delegation outside. Chair — put on hold. Preambular paragraphs First page of preambular part. PP1. Egypt. Title suggestion. “Promoting the protection of children …
Committee of the Whole – L 5. Promoting the role of drug analysis laboratories worldwide and reaffirming the importance of the quality of the analysis and results of such laboratories
Sponsored by Latvia on behalf of EU. Finland. Two informals in the last few days. Decided that it is ready to bring to CoW. Based on resolutions starting from 2007. Title passed. Preamble Pakistan. Go page by page. No comments on first page so go to next page. No comments on P. 2. …