UN Council of Universties & EEAS Side event on the abolition of the death penalty – The death penalty is a violation of human rights. In the case of drugs offences, the use of the death penalty is often arbitrary and discriminatory towards minority populations. Capital punishment does not deter criminality. Focus should focus on …
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Statement by Turkey
Members of the sub-commission on drug trafficking in November 2012 from Central and South East Asia. We had fruitful discussions over a 5-day period with roundtable discussions. Seizures and trafficking arrests were conducted. Delegates reported by drug lords use more and more air cargos. Organised crime use internet and communications systems. Another roundtable focused also …
Statement by Guatemala
We would like to emphasize the importance of organising a meeting to follow up on previous meetings to share information and create regional cooperation on drug trafficking. These meetings should continue to be held at regional level to share good practice and learning regional results.
Statement by Indonesia
Indonesia is not only a key transit country but also a destination for drug use. We have 7 million drug users. We have a crisis in amphetamine and ecstasy use. We experience challenges in security and the well being of the Indonesian population. After successes in dismantling ATS labs, we have realised that trafficking was …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L5: Enhancing international cooperation to combat illicit drug trafficking and other criminal activities related to drugs in West Africa
The full text of the resolution is available here. The title and preambular sections of the resolution were adopted with minor comments. OP1: France makes a small linguistic correction in the text, which was agreed in informals. OP5: Colombia is not comfortable with the wording regarding the reference to “countries of origin and countries of …
IDPC/Release side event – Decriminalisation: models and practice
Jamie Bridge, IDPC This first presentation aimed at presenting the report of Release on Deriminalisation around the world. Criminalisation of drug use has led to a number of harms, including barriers to access health services, employment and education, a demonisation of people who use drugs, and has also been extremely costly. Decriminalisation means that somebody …