Portugese Representative: Is a balanced approach and our policy, and it is well known. We fight the disease not the people that suffer from it.” In general we have had a positive revolution of all indicators. The portuguese govt. The current economic austerity may impact service provision. Marginalised communities are most vulnerable, economic crises might …
From Others
Welcome to the CND Blog 2013
CNDblog is an initiative of the International Drug Policy Consortium in partnership with YouthRISE. Our objective is to ensure transparency in the annual deliberations of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND). CND is the UN body tasked with overseeing global drug policy. However, despite this important mandate, its meetings are not webcast, nor are minutes or summary …
Welcome to CNDblog 2012
Welcome to another year of live reporting from the annual meeting of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) in Vienna! The CNDblog was initially established by Harm Reduction International to provide live reporting of the discussions and decisions adopted at the CND. This year, the International Drug Policy Consortium will collaborate with Youth Rise to …
CND Day 4- Civil Society Action Outside CND
At 18:30 at the and of Day Four members of ENCOD from numerous European countries held a symbolic funeral for CND. Frederik Polak of ENCOD announced “We need to inform you that, after a long and intense struggle with reality, the UN Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, born in 1961, has ceased to be relevant …
Welcome to CNDblog 2011
Hello and welcome to another year of live reporting from the annual meeting of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) in Vienna. CND is the UN body tasked with overseeing global drug policy. CNDblog was established in 2009 to provide a running, live report of the various government statements and debates. Stay tuned to …
NGO contribution to the thematic debate now online
This Conference Room Paper is worth a read in advance of the thematic debate due to take place next week. It reflects the results of the Beyond 2008 process, sponsored by UNODC, where hundreds of NGOs agreed a declaration on the future of drug control. As is clear from this paper, put together by the …