Resolution L2 Chair: We will now approve L2 Pakistan: We are happy the CND has adopted a resolution for the most affected states and enhance capacity building for those so affected. Chair: Any co sponsors? Argentina, Philipines, US, Serbia, and Malaysia, Resolution L3 Chair: Next resolution is L3 on the governance and final situation of the …
From Plenary Sessions
Plenary: Agenda Item 7 Preparations for the 62nd session of the CND, in 2019
Malta on behalf of the EU: It is an honour to speak on behalf of the European Union and its Member States. The following countries align themselves with this statement: The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Iceland, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, Georgia and Norway. The EU and its Member …
Plenaria: Agenda del Artículo 7 Preparación para la 62ª Sesión de la CND en 2019
Malta en representación de la UE: Es un honor hablar en nombre de la Unión Europea y sus Estados miembros. Los siguientes países se alinean a esta declaración: La Antigua República Yugoslava de Macedonia, Montenegro, Islandia, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Ucrania, la República de Moldova, Georgia y Noruega. La UE y sus Estados Miembros …
Plenary – Agenda item 11: Provisional agenda for the sixty-first session of the Commission
Russia: Discussion of item 8 regarding follow up to UNGASS should be more inclusive and should be attended by an in depth discussion regarding the implementation of 2009 Political Declaration. We have no certainty that it is advisable to split these two issues into two tracks. This discussion should proceed as a single format as …
Plenary – Agenda item 10: Contributions by the Commission to the work of the Economic and Social Council, in line with General Assembly resolution 68/1, including follow-up to and review and implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Chair: Recall that at the 58th Session, we decided to include this standing item on the agenda focusing on contribution to the work of ECOSOC in line with GA resolution 68/1. In accordance, CND has been contributing as appropriate to Council’s work. In the UNGASS Outcome Document, member states welcomed SDGs and noted that efforts to achieve these …
Plenary – Agenda item 9: Recommendations of the CND subsidiary bodies
Chair: GA invited CND to examine how its subsidiary bodies could better contribute to implementation of the UNGASS Outcome Document. To respond to this, we have been working since January. Subsidiary bodies are key to our work. Have before you text on decisions reached last Friday. Before we proceed with the adoption of that decision, …