INCB President – 75% of the world’s population live without access to proper pain relief medication. In 1961, the international community committed to make adequate provisions to ensure access to pain medication while tackling diversion for illicit use. Addressing discrepancies in availability of controlled medicines is the responsibilities of governments due to their obligations under …
From Plenary Sessions
CND Day 1 – Agenda item 6(a): Challenges and future work of the CND and the WHO in the review of substances for possible scheduling recommendations
The goal is to assist states in applying the procedures as outlined in the three drug conventions. E/CN.7/2014/10 outlines the relevant provisions of the drug control conventions for scheduling. UNODC – By December 2014, the number of NPS reported by NPS rose to over 540 substances. The global spread of these substances have also increased …
CND Day 1 – Agenda item 6(b): Change in the scope of control of substances
Commission will identify the notifications in the order they were received. Begin with mephedrone recommended by the UK. Then will look at ketamine recommended by China. Then will look at reocmmendations from the WHO including (a) AH-7921 should be placed in Schedule I of the 1961 Convention; (b) gamma-Butyrolactone (GBL), 1,4-butanediol, 25B-NBOMe (2C-B-NBOMe), 25C-NBOMe (2C-C-NBOMe) …
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Uruguay Ambassador Speech to CND final CND Plenary
Uruguay Delegation Plenary Speech Unofficial Translation (Katherine Pettus) Vienna, March 21, 2014, 57th session of the CND I shall explain our position on the UNGASS resolution. The world drug problem is complex. Simplistic, one size fits all approaches are inappropriate. This is why we have always said, in this very hall, that it should be …
CND Day 4 – CADCA statement
Drug Policy Futures, Kevin Sabet: one of writers of 2012 OAS report but less happy on way it has been portrayed in media and by CS. We are part of DPF, promoting balanced approach based on health and appropriate role for LE, not dichotomy of war on drug or legalisation. Our demand for illegal drugs …