Our members states are now leading innovative projects on a range of issues including community approaches, drug driving, role of evidence and evaluation and pharmaceutical drug abuse. We are also looking at expanding therapeutic justice and drug treatment courts – many have implemented or are exploring this model Our new report will be published exploring a range of drug issues, including new regulatory models as …
From Plenary Sessions
Statement by HRI
Madame Chair, we wish to make three important points. First, preventing HIV among people who inject drugs is impossible without a substantial increase in funding for basic harm reduction services – in particular needle and syringe programmes and opioid substitution therapy. It has been estimated that globally less than 10% of what is needed is …
Statement by INPUD
This statement is given on behalf of the International Network of People who Use Drugs and is given in endorsement of the Support Don’t Punish campaign.Thirty years into the HIV epidemic we note that one in three new HIV infections outside of sub-Saharan Africa can be traced back to the use of contaminated needles by …
Statement by UNAIDS
HIV through IDU is one of the main unresolved challenges of the international community and the lack of access to services is a key challenge we must address. The UNAIDS global report contains some very sobering statistics. Of the 16 million IDU – 3 million have HIV. With our target now being only 3 years …
Mike Trace makes an NGO statement on behalf of Drugscope
I am also the chair of the International Drug Policy Consortium. I have a few comments on the operation of the system of re-scheduling of substances. In a time of constantly diversifying drug market, and rapidly developing science on risks and patterns of use of substance and their impacts, the process of scheduling decision is …
Comment on future priorities by Korea
Despite continued counter narcotics effect by the international community their are new worrying threats such as the increase in NPS. More emphasis should be placed on regional programs by sharing knowledge and coordinating policies.