Item 4. Strategic management, budgetary and administrative questions China: The Chinese government has consistently supported and actively participated in drug control efforts advocated by UNODC. UNODC has played an important role in supporting member states and taking measures to address the drug problems and provide technical assistance. China appreciates the positive efforts and results seen …
Item 3. General Debate (Cont.)
Item 3. General Debate (Cont.) Iran. I wish to congratulate you for your election. I wish to thank the executive director for organizing this. The global issue of narcotic drugs is undergoing big issues. We are witnessing the emergence of NPS that have challenged monitoring and controlling systems. In order to have a more effective …
Item 6. Follow-up to the implementation at the national, regional and international levels of all commitments, as reflected in the Ministerial Declaration of 2019, to address and counter the world drug problem.
(…) UNODC: Thank you, Mr. Chair, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen. It is my pleasure to brief the Commission on some of the significant efforts UNODC has undertaken over the last year to confront the global drug problem, in line with the Ministerial Declaration of 2019. Given time constraints, I will highlight just a few …
Item 3. High-level segment (Friday evening)

India: India acknowledges the challenges and affirms its commitment to fight the global drug menace. Our diversity and federal structure recognises that drug control requires a multi-agency coordination. India has a strong commitment to the guiding principles of the three drug control conventions, the ECOSOC and the General Assembly. We maintain a zero tolerance policy …
CND Thematic Discussions // Session 6 – Non-compliance of responses with international drug control conventions & human rights obligations
Chair: Welcome back. The challenge that we will be focusing on this afternoon responses not in conformity with the three international drug conventions, and not in conformity with applicable international human rights obligations pose a challenge to the implementation of joint commitment based on the principle of responsibility. UNODC Scientific Services Branch: I have a brief moment …
Resolution L3. Promoting alternative development as a development-oriented drug control strategy, taking into account measures to protect the environment and recognizing the rights of Indigenous Peoples (Friday 17 March, morning)
Chair. Dear colleagues, we are still trying to tie loose ends so that we can adopt this resolution. There are a few things I want to say this morning and I hope you will support me so that we can effectively complete the work of the CoW. I want to see everyone demonstrate good faith …