Yesterday’s Committee of the Whole ended with significant debate over paragraph 2 of the resolution entitled ‘Preventing the use of illicit drugs within Member States and strengthening international cooperation on policies of drug abuse prevention‘, co-sponsored by Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The main point of contention was that that it included reference to …
Committee of the Whole – afternoon session
The first resolution debated today was entitled ‘Promoting community-based drug use prevention‘, co-sponsored by the US, Mexico, Indonesia, Colombia and Israel. The resolution provoked no debate, and was approved with minor wording amendments. The Russian delegation objected to the term ‘evidence-based’ in the draft, and instead wanted the term ‘reliable’ used. The US agreed to …
Argentina’s Comments on the INCB Annual Report
Argentina has a long and fruitful history of collaboration with the INCB and make sure that its recommendations are implemented. We see with surprise and frustration that in its 2009 report, the Board has conveyed doubts as to the compatibility of the conventions with the recent developments in Argentina, including the 2009 decision adopted by …
Argentina statement on demand reduction
Argentina’s national plan is based on preventive policy focusing on the family community, the school community and the workplace community. There are high levels of cannabis use (6.9% of the population has used cannabis in last 12 months). Cocaine is second only to the US in cocaine consumption. Paco (coca paste) also a problem. It …
Argentina Speech to HLM
We have changed our methodology from qualitative to quantitave when dealing with drug crimes. We are dealing with new types of drugs including precursors. We are giving greater emphasis to international criminal law cooperation which was almost non existant. In orther words, Argentina has done what needed to be done and we have taken steps …
Committee of the Whole – Consideration of resolutions
Delegation want to support Argentina cannot accpt chanbge to 1 and 2 Mexico delegation agrees with previous countries teaxt has been painfully China supports what was said by Sudan and other delegation Pakistan minimum agreed upon the previous speakers Colombia ab lib Russian Fed supoorts aht was the agreed text Indonesia agree withe the resolution …