Finland continues to support its own initiative to check the resolutions that are agreed upon by the committee of the whole. Australia believs that they support Finland’s initiative but they need to check the resolutions once again. the plenary adjourned, will resume in 25 minutes at 11:25.
CND plenary session, day 5
L2 F2 resolution has been put forward for the adoption, UK welcomes the proposal to adopt the resolutions one by one, though noted that practice is to let the commitee of the whole finish the review of the drafts and than adopt them all together. japan agreed on this issue, and mentioned that these resolutions …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution on drugged driving
Much of this debate concerned wording around documents relating to “drugged driving”: Revision 1 Talking about controlled and pharmaceutical drug abuse Improve data resources/testing for drug driving Preambular para 7 “welcoming…”delete the word illicit so it just reads drugs rather than assuming illicit drugs were involved “accident” “roadside testing” consistent with their legal frameworks “drugged …
CND day 3 – Plenary: Availability of controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes – Australia
Together with Mexico, we have introduced a resolution on the issue. We have particularly focused on access to opiate medication, which provides effective pain relief, and effective treatment. We are deeply concerned that many parts of the world have little or no access to these medications because of legislative and administrative barriers. We recognise limitations, …
Committee of the whole – Efficient measures to improve participation of civil society in the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
Uruguay: We would like the CND to pay active attention to the participation of civil society organisations, such as NGO’s, trade unions and so on… In the previous paragraph we think “religious organisations” should be added to the list of civil society organisations. The following should also be addedas well as “access to internationally controlled …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L6 on availability of controlled drugs for medical and scientific purposes
Negotiations started yesterday on Resolution E/CN.7/2010/L.6 “Promoting adequate availability of internationally controlled licit drugs for medical and scientific purposes while preventing abuse and diversion”. The USA provided a brief introduction about the increase in medical availability worldwide, and with it, increased problems of prescription drug abuse. This resolution brings these issues forward. Spain insisted on …