Item 9. Secretary: As you were saying, Mr. Chair, the ECOSOC coordination session was held in february and we supported the chair of the CND in his presentation on recent contributions. In particular the outcome of last year’s 67th session, the outcome of the high level segment, as well as the four resolutions adopted. As …
Committee of the Whole – Thursday morning session
L6 Strengthening the global drug control framework: a path to effective implementation E/CN.7/2025/L.6 Colombia: we updated the document to reflect all recent agreements from last night, we are still working hard with delegations to find consensus across the document Chair: We start with deliberating the title, the floor is open. Sudan: it was only …
Committee of the Whole – Wednesday morning session
L.5. Safety of officers in dismantling illicit synthetic opioid laboratories OP 2 (c) (…) China: We would like to delete the wording from ‘exposure’ to ‘chemicals’. United States: WE would like to remain faithful to the intention of sponsors, which is in line with our policy. This resolution is for all member states but some …
Plenary — Tuesday afternoon session
Item 4. Strategic management, budgetary and administrative questions China: The Chinese government has consistently supported and actively participated in drug control efforts advocated by UNODC. UNODC has played an important role in supporting member states and taking measures to address the drug problems and provide technical assistance. China appreciates the positive efforts and results seen …
Committee of the Whole — Monday afternoon session
L.2. Promoting comprehensive, scientific evidence-based and multisectoral national systems of drug use prevention for children Chair: Welcome to the first CoW for the 68th CND session. This committee will have eight meetings, starting this afternoon through to Friday morning. We will suspend our work on Wednesday morning when voting in-person on agenda number 5. A …
Item 3. General Debate (Cont.)
Item 3. General Debate (Cont.) Iran. I wish to congratulate you for your election. I wish to thank the executive director for organizing this. The global issue of narcotic drugs is undergoing big issues. We are witnessing the emergence of NPS that have challenged monitoring and controlling systems. In order to have a more effective …