Demand reduction and related measures, including prevention and treatment, as well as health-related issues; an ensuring the availability of controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes, while preventing their diversion. (‘Drugs and health’) Chair: in order to encourage an interactive discussion, this will be conducted without a list of speakers. All participants at round tables …
General Assembly: Thirtieth special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem (Opening segment)
The full statements delivered by member states during the UNGASS general debate are available here. Mogens Lykketoft: Ladies and gentlemen, I think for the election as President of this special session. Let me express my condolences to the delegations of Ecuador and Japan whose countries have been hit by deadly earthquakes. It is an honour …
Side event – Getting better results: Aligning drug policy objectives within the wider UN system
Side event organised by New Zealand, Brazil, Canada, Switzerland, the Global Drug Policy Observatory, the International Centre for Science in Drug Policy, IDPC and Transform Hon. Peter Dunne, Associate Minister of Health, New Zealand. Over the past few years, we have shifted drug policies towards a health approach. Most of us have come to the …
Resolution L13. Promotion of measures, including voluntary cooperation and timely and effective legislative, regulatory, and administrative responses to target new psychoactive substances, amphetamine-type stimulants and precursors
Australia: We have worked in informals and found compromise on some of the paragraphs. These include preambular paragraphs that acknowledge that ketamine is a WHO essential medicine, and recalls resolution 57/10 on ketamine trafficking. So open the floor for comments on these. China: Add “trafficking” and “assess the extent of this problem at the national, …
Resolution L13. Promotion of measures, including voluntary cooperation and timely and effective legislative, regulatory, administrative, and operational responses to target new psychoactive substances, amphetamine-type stimulants, including methamphetamine, and diversion of their precursors
Chair (Norway): Plan is to close L13 on new psychoactive substances, it is a long resolution (a merger of three previous drafts – L6, L7 and L9). We will see the text now after several informals, it is being copied and circulated. Now sponsored by Australia, Belarus, Japan, Tajikistan and USA Operative Paragraphs 1, 2 …
Agenda Item 3: Policy directives to the drug programme of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and strengthening the drug programme and the role of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs as its governing body, including administrative, budgetary and strategic management questions
(a) Work of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and policy directives; (b) Role of the Commission as the governing body of the drug programme of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in the scope of control of substances (i) Strengthening the drug programme of the United Nations Office on Drugs …