Amb. Adam Namm, CICAD/OAS: (…) Roberto Moro, SEDRONAR: We welcome the report Secretary Namm just mentioned. We’re building policies based on evidence allowing us to make policy decisions adapted to our countries. Working beyond UNGASS, these guidelines should continue help us develop and build strategies. It’s a complex work if we take into account all recommendations, …
Side Event: Aligning data collection with UNGASS implementation & the Sustainable Development Goals: Recommendations for a review of the Annual Report Questionnaire.
Organized by the Governments of Canada, Mexico and Switzerland, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation, and the Global Drug Policy Observatory of Swansea University Vera Strickler (Switzerland): To analyse key trends on the global drug market it is crucial to have reliable and empirical based indicators that are in line with …
Side Event: Civil society on member state delegations to the CND: Models for engagement, benefits, and lessons learned
Organised by the Governments of Canada, Mexico and New Zealand, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the Centre of Drug Policy Evaluation, the New Zealand Drug Foundation, and the Canadian Drug Policy Coalition Zara Snapp, Instituto RIA I’ve been on the Mexican delegation foe the last 6-7 years, and wanted to share experiences. Some delegations, you …
Item 11. Follow-up to the special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem held in 2016, including the seven thematic areas of the outcome document of the special session
John Brandolino, UNODC: As highlighted in the ministerial declaration; the acceleration of the UNGASS document will be in the focus of the commission beyond 2019. The UNGASS provides a comprehensive set that addresses all aspects of the WDP. The negotiation of the draft document was adopted by consensus. Through resolution 60/1 the commission asked UNDOC …
Committee of the Whole, Wednesday morning / Thursday afternoon (L7. Advancing effective and innovative approaches, through national, regional, and international action, to address the multifaceted challenges posed by synthetic drugs, particularly synthetic opioids
USA: Thank you chair, we have had three sessions of informals and believe we have completed a review of the preamble so should be able to get through that but may need time or the operative paragraphs. Chair: We will now move through L7, is there any comments? Title approved. PP1 Australia: originally this pp …
Committee of the Whole Tuesday afternoon (L6. Promoting Alternative Development as a development-oriented drug control strategy)
(…) Belgium: We did not engage fully in the informal and would like more time to get back to the capital and think about this proposal Pakistan: We believe that it would be useful to bring in the reference to the ministerial declaration introduces last week as the last two lines were included in the …