16/3/2023, Thursday 15:00 Chair: (opening the afternoon session) USA: We made significant progress in informals and we agreed to approx. 2 PPs and around 8 OPs, but we are happy to go through the numbers. We believe we have 6 or so outstanding paras and the title we did not have any substantial discussions yet. …
Plenary Item 6. Follow-up to the implementation at the national, regional and international levels of all commitments, as reflected in the Ministerial Declaration of 2019, to address and counter the world drug problem.
March 16th, Thursday 10 a.m. (…) Japan: We have made efforts to support the Ministerial Declaration of 2019. Endeavour to implement supply and demand reduction measures in a comprehensive manner in the framework of national drug prevention strategy. Recognizing challenges specific to the country we have implemented demand reduction, prevention measures and awareness activities to …
Side event. The death penalty for drug offences: The role of international advocacy and diplomacy
Organised by Harm Reduction International with the support of Australia, Austria, Canada, Costa Rica, Mongolia, New Zealand, Switzerland, the European Union, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and Amnesty International Zaved Mahmood, OHCHR (Moderator): Special greetings to Pat O’Hare, the founder of Harm Reduction International. In accordance with international human …
Plenary Item 6: Follow-up to the implementation at the national, regional and international levels of all commitments, as reflected in the Ministerial Declaration of 2019, to address and counter the world drug problem
Plenary Item 6 Follow-up to the implementation at the national, regional and international levels of all commitments, as reflected in the Ministerial Declaration of 2019, to address and counter the world drug problem Chair: I give the floor to the Youth Forum. Youth Forum: We are 34 youth from 28 countries. We realise substance use …
Side event: Drug checking for monitoring, prevention and harm reduction
Organised by the Netherlands with the support of Canada, Czechia, New Zealand, Portugal, Switzerland, the United States, the European Union, the Centre on Drug Policy Evaluation, the New Zealand Drug Foundation and Safer Drug Policies Norway Moderator: Victor Sannes. Let me thank the cosponsors of our side event. Mr. Daan van der Gouwe, drugs researcher …
Plenary Item 5. Implementation of the international drug control treaties
Plenary Item 5a Chair: Excellencies, distinguished representatives. Ladies and gentlemen, good morning, I would like to start Agenda Item five, implementation of international drug control treaties. Secretariat: Thank you very much, Mr. Chair, and good morning to all. The commission has before it the Agenda Item 5a: changes in the scope of control of substances. …