Colombia provided detailed data on its efforts to reduce drug trafficking and production. This includes legislative, investigative and enforcement mechanisms.
Committee of the Whole – Consideration of resolutions
Delegation want to support Argentina cannot accpt chanbge to 1 and 2 Mexico delegation agrees with previous countries teaxt has been painfully China supports what was said by Sudan and other delegation Pakistan minimum agreed upon the previous speakers Colombia ab lib Russian Fed supoorts aht was the agreed text Indonesia agree withe the resolution …
Committee of the Whole – Consideration of draft resolutions
Hesitant UK and |Netherlands who wanted object: Netherlands: Does this mean that if anything is produced in INGOV UK: support Netherlands don’t anticipate that the CND won’t discuss the issue and what the implications are. Russia, Argentina negotiating ethics to point of fatigue, different expectations in order to achieve a valid point of ethics. China: …
Colombia Addresses the High Level Segment
Colombia addressed the High Level Segment today with the following national statement: “Experience shows that some of the manifestations that impact on this scourge are severe, perhaps more so than 10 years ago. The illegal drug industry is now based in illegal networks of terrorists and governments, these weaken democratic institutions and increase criminal activities, …