Organised by the Instituto RIA AC with the support of Colombia, Elementa DDHH, DeJusticia, Acción Técnica Social, the Drug Policy Alliance, the International Drug Policy Consortium and the Law Enforcement Action Partnership Luiz Felipe Cruz, Lyn Ulbricht,Tehshia Naidoo, Neil Woods, Camilo Eduardo Umana Tuesday 14th March 13:00-13:50 Luiz Felipe (DeJusticia): There has been the implementation …
Side event: Peace and drug policy
Organised by Acción Técnica Social with the support of Colombia, the Centro de Estudios sobre Seguridad y Drogas, Universidad de Los Andes, DeJusticia, Elementa DDHH, the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Colombia, and the Instituto RIA AC Moderator – Maria del Mar Pizzaro congress woman from Colombia: I´m presenting several women in this panel. Regulation in drug policy …
Plenary Item 5. Implementation of the international drug control treaties
Plenary Item 5a Chair: Excellencies, distinguished representatives. Ladies and gentlemen, good morning, I would like to start Agenda Item five, implementation of international drug control treaties. Secretariat: Thank you very much, Mr. Chair, and good morning to all. The commission has before it the Agenda Item 5a: changes in the scope of control of substances. …
Plenary Item 9. Contributions by the Commission to the work of the Economic and Social Council, in line with General Assembly resolution 72/305, including follow-up to and review and implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Chair: Recalls legal basis for this agenda item and the work of the UN CND on matters related to the SDGs. Declaration L2 will be submitted to ECOSOC as a contribution. Secretariat: As you mentioned, the CND and also the sister commission, CCPCJ, are both functional commissions of ECOSOC. Thereby also asked to contribute to …
Shifting the Needle: The Impact of Global Drug Policy on Women
Organised by Penal Reform International, CELS, Dejusticia, International Drug Policy Consortium, Thailand Institute of Justice and Washington Office on Latin America Recording in English Recording in Spanish Penal Reform International (Moderator: Triona Lenihan, Policy and International Advocacy Manager): Welcome. Today’s event is being recorded, and there will be English-Spanish interpretation. We will also be sharing …
Side event: Peasant’s rights at a crossroads: social and economic rights for coca growers in Latin America
Organized by Center for the Study of Law, Justice and Society – Dejusticia with the support of the Center for Reproductive Rights, Coordinadora Nacional de Cultivadores de Coca, Amapola y Marihuana (COCCAM), COORDOSAC, Elementa DDHH, and the Federación Nacional Sindical Unitaria Agropecuaria – FENSUGARO – CUT Isabel Pereira, DeJusticia (Presenter) Nidia Quintero, Coccam Catalina Martínez, …