The United Nations (UN) member states are currently working on a ‘Joint Ministerial Statement’ to review progress and challenges in international drug control since the agreement of a Political Declaration on drugs in 2009. The Statement will be released in March. This intersessional meeting was another opportunity for member state delegations to discuss and recommend …
CND Intersessional Meeting – Wednesday 25th September 2013

This intersessional meeting was intended as the first day of formal negotiations on the draft of the Joint Ministerial Statement (JMS) for the 2014 High Level Segment. However, the Peruvian Chair stated at the opening that the original plan – to produce a collation of member state comments/proposals, then work through them systematically in three …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L13: Preparation for the high-level review of the implementation by member states of the Political declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards
Draft resolution submitted by the chair: The original text can be downloaded here Ukraine: propose another additional preamble and paragraph as follows : ‘ recalling General Assembly resolution 67/193 which decided that these activities be funded from existing resources. Egypt: St Lucia: Proposal to include a new paragraph in the pre-ample section the language from CND resolution 54/11 that encourages member …
Supply reduction round table
Chief of sustainable livelihood- UNODC The concept of ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT was recognised in the 1988 convention of the UN article 3. This was reaffirmed 10 yrs later in 1998 during the UN special assembly . And the 2009 political declaration plan of action went further building on the 1988 and 1998 agenda. In 2009 member …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L13
Resolution L13 Sponsors: Australia, Denmark (EU) Ecuador (LA) Egypt, Norway Philippines USA Budgetary implications 7.7mil to develop strategies to develop best practices on drug prevention for 25 countries and implementation. Adopted: Venezuela statement: we are concerned in the language in docs adopted, the terms “use of drugs” “use of illicit drugs”, and “abuse of drugs” …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L11
L11 Promotion of the use of a global stamp symbolizing alternative development, including preventive development, as a mechanism facilitating and stimulating the trade in products from areas affected by and vulnerable to the world drug problem Sponsors: Bolivia Ecuador Peru Thailand No budgetary implication: Co sponsors – Lebanon, Venezuela Nicaragua Nigeria Philip Denmark (EU) Uruguay …