CND Chair Ambassador Bente Angell-Hansen. I welcome participants to the CND intersessional. She reconfirmed that the extended bureau have confirmed the dates for the reconvened session of the 61st Session of the CND as the 6th – 7th December. Ahead of the reconvened there will be a report from UNODC Executive Director on gender balance & geographical …
El Salvador
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L.13: Enhancing law enforcement capacity to counter illicit drug trafficking through training
E/CN.7/2017/L.13 Enhancing law enforcement capacity to counter illicit drug trafficking through training Russia: Held three informals. Thank for flexibility. Every paragraph is agreed on the text. Hope we can proceed smoothly in the CoW. Chair. Title? No comments. The title is agreed in the CoW. Let’s move to preambular. PP1? No comments from the floor. Agreed …
Plenary – Agenda item 8: Implementation of the international drug control treaties
Chair: Egypt has asked to speak before Agenda Item 8b. Egypt: We are committed to the 3 conventions – they constitute the cornerstone for national policies that combat drugs. The 3 documents are the roadmap to addressing the world drug problem. We fully believe in the balance of efforts to reduce the supply and demand of …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L.11: Promoting scientific evidence-based community, family and school programmes and strategies for the purpose of preventing drug use among children and adolescents Belarus: We had two rounds of consultations and have now covered entire text and have reached agreement. Chair: I’d like us to look at title. I don’t see any comments so title is approved. No comments on PP.1. No comments on PP.3 starting with ‘Stressing the importance’. No comments on PP.4. No comments on PP.5 …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L.8: Intensifying coordination and cooperation among United Nations entities and relevant national sectors, including the health and justice sectors, to target the world drug problem
View the draft resolution here (This is an out of date version but may still be helpful for reference.) USA: This resolution represents direct follow on from 30th CND. We are trying to increase cooperation between relevant UN sections. We have received good feedback, thank you everyone. We have incorporated feedback. Chair: Comments on title? No. Comments …
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L.5: Promoting the implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development
E/CN.7/2017/L.5 Promoting the implementation of the United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development Peru: Text is a result of informal consultations. Certain aspects are semi-open. Resolution has been enriched with language of the UNGASS. Chair: Let’s look at the title. Germany: Would like to see UNGASS outcome document reflected in the title. Add “and the UNGASS …