Secretary General OSCE: Mme Chairperson, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am pleased to address this 60th session of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND). I thank UNODC Executive Director Yury Fedotov, an excellent partner of our organization, for the invitation and I thank his able team for organizing this important meeting. The world drug …
El Salvador
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L.2: Strengthening international cooperation to assist the most affected transit States, especially developing countries, based on the principle of common and shared responsibility
E/CN.7/2017/L.2 Strengthening international cooperation to assist the most affected transit States, especially developing countries, based on the principle of common and shared responsibility Pakistan: This is about enhancing cooperations and building capacity in states that need it most especially transit states. Chair: We will go through paragraph by paragraph. Can we approve the title? India: We …
CND Intersessional Meeting – 11 October: Operational recommendations on Supply reduction and related measures; effective law enforcement; responses to drug-related crime; and countering money laundering and promoting judicial cooperation
Chair: I need to leave at 1pm, so please stick to the advised time limits for interventions. Today we continue our thematic discussions, and the Chapter we are discussing is the third one: Supply reduction and related measures… I will call on speakers according to the flow of the discussion. UNODC: We will cover many …
UNGASS: Thirtieth special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem (5th plenary meeting)
The full statements delivered by member states during the UNGASS general debate are available here. President of Peru: The new government has increased development in our country and has made a big difference in terms access to drinking water and other factors. We have diversified the crop growth in our country and increased crops such …
UNGASS roundtable 4: New challenges, threats and realities
Co-chair 1: Good morning, we will start. Let me call the 4th round table on the world drug problem. Let me take this opportunity to cordially welcome all of you to the deliberation today. The round-table is entitled: Cross-cutting issues, new challenges, threats and realities. I read Forbes magazine last night, it was stressed last …
UNGASS roundtable 3: Cross-cutting issues: Drugs and human rights, youth, women, children and communities
GRULAC – H.E. Ana H. Chacon, Vice President, Costa Rica – Costa Rica never saw drug use as a crime, but as a problem to be dealt with from a health perspective. We didn’t put people in prison for using drugs. In 2002, passed a law to use 60% of resources from seized drugs to …