Organised by the Governments of Romania, Slovenia, Spain, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America, and the European Union (European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction). Mr Raed Arafat, MD, Secretary of State, Ministry of Internal Affairs and chief of Dept of Emergency Situations, founder of …
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA)
CND intersessional meeting, 25 september 2018: Demand reduction and related measures
Chair: Good Morning. I invite the floor to adopt the provisional agenda. No comments from the floor – adopted. Welcome to the third intersessional period of the Commission of Narcotic Drugs’ sixty-first session, the thematic segment of the Continuation of preparations for the ministerial segment of the sixty-second session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, to …
Side event: World Drug Report: Latest trends and addressing users’ needs
Organized by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Research and Trend Analysis Branch. Pakistan Office. The event will review the current issues on drug demand and drug supply that characterize the world drug problem and the way in which they are currently addressed in the World Drug Report. It will provide an opportunity …
NGO briefing on the Annual Report Questionnaire
Billy Batware, Civil Society Team, UNODC. We sent out an online survey last year and were pleased that civil society responded to the survey. The majority of those who responded seemed not to be sure or aware of who their government focal points were for the ARQ. I will give the word to Angela Me who …
Side Event: Practices and Challenges in Relation to Data Quality and the National Capacity to Produce Drug Statistics
Bente Angell-Hansen (Norwegian Ambassador): Bente welcomed the participants, and highlighted that the expert meeting on the UNODC Annual Reports Questionnaires (ARQs) in January 2018 represents the first step in this process. She reminded the room of a quote she has heard: “If you have a problem that you don’t want to do anything about – do …
CND Intersessional, 17 October 2017: Chapter 5 on evolving reality, trends and existing circumstances

Post-UNGASS Facilitator: I encourage the same level of active participation as we had yesterday, which was a good discussion. Please do ask questions of the panellists. On the panel today, we have the Colombian Ambassador, Angela Mae from UNODC, Gilles Fortes from WHO, Paul Griffiths from EMCDDA, and an NGO representative from the Golden Colombia Initiative. …