Chair: We give the floor to Mexico. Mexico: We see there has been lots of work and agreement. We will provide a summary of where we began/where we are. We made this resolution aware of the problem affecting all countries, recognizing though the lack of depth we all need to address the problem. Hence we sought the …
European Union (EU)
Committee of the Whole. Resolution L.3. Strengthening international cooperation in combating the misuse of information and communications technologies for drug trafficking and drug-related money-laundering
Chair: I hand over to Russia to present the text: Russia: Russia introduces this draft resolution during consultation on 11th of March, we hope this adoption will help contribute to the addressing the world drug program. (sic). A number of delegations, including China, Singapore, and Turkey, introduced into the heading the word “illicit”, and “precursors”, …
Opening of the 65th Session of the CND – Plenary Items 1, 2 & 3
Item 1. Election of officers Chair: Welcome. First. Introductory video. CND Secretariat: Welcome. Reminds attendees of the guidelines related to COVID-19. Chair: Wishes good health to people suffering with COVID-19. Before the formal opening, some procedural and organisational matters. Five meetings of the Extended Bureau. Thanks the Ambassador of Poland for her role in conducting the 64th …
Plenary Item 7. Inter-agency cooperation and coordination of efforts in addressing and countering the world drug problem
Chair: The commission has before it conference room paper ECN 720 21 (?) and note by the Secretariat of interagency cooperation and coordination of efforts in addressing and countering the world drug problem. Pursuant to commission resolution 51/14 relevant decisions of UNAIDS are transmitted to the Commission in a note by the Secretariat on promoting …
Side event: Strategic importance of real-time drug data
Organized by the UNODC Research and Trend Analysis Branch with the support of the Group of Friends of UNODC Research H.E. Stephan Klement, Ambassador, European Union Delegation: The EU particularly focuses on real time information. The new drug strategy of 2021-2025 acknowledges the need to addressing existing and evolving challenges of the drug situation, given the …
CND 63rd Reconvened Session – Thursday 3rd December 2020
[…] So the next item is the plans for a strategy. I think we’ll have to, obviously do it virtually. I don’t know if we want to try and decide on dates. I mean, I’m wondering if it might be good to get in that we’ll be getting back from holidays will be January, we …