Chair: We received a note from Australia that they decided to withdraw L6 so we continue with L2. The original title was “Promoting alternative development as a development-oriented drug control strategy, including measures to protect the environment ” as presented by Germany, Peru and Thailand. Thailand: In the informal consultations, we spent almost all our …
Side event: Links between drugs and the environment
Organized by the UNODC Division for Policy Analysis and Public Affairs with the support of France and Germany Jean-Luc Lemahieu, UNODC Division for Policy Analysis and Public Affairs. Many thanks for being here today. A few weeks ago, during the framework of the CCPCJ, we convened a 3-day session on drugs, crime and the environment: climate change, …
Side event: Leaving no one behind: the rights-based and development-oriented approach of the European Union to drug policies in cooperation initiatives in Central Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean
Organized by Spain with the support of Germany, Paraguay, and the European Union and the European Union Delegation to Kyrgyzstan Joan R. Villalbí. Government Delegate for the National Plan on Drugs. Ministry of Health. Spain: Opening remarks. Merle Kreibaum. Senior Policy Officer. Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). Germany: In 2020, under the …
Committee of the Whole. Resolution L2. Promoting alternative development as a development-oriented drug control strategy, including measures to protect the environment (cont.)
15/3/2022 CoW – L2. Promoting alternative development as a development-oriented drug control strategy, including measures to protect the environment Title: CHAIR: No comments – agreed in informals OP1 & OP2: CHAIR: Agreed in informals – agreed language from previous resolutions OP3 & OP4: CHAIR: Agreed in informals OP5: RUSSIAN FEDERATION: We have a technical change …
Plenary Item 3. General debate (continued) – Morning session
Germany: For a few months now, Germany has had a new government. I am the new Drugs Commissioner. Germany stands for a multilateral rules-based approach to foreign policy. Reciprocal constructive exchanges will continue to shape our role in this space. Not violence and despotism. We condemn Russia’s aggression in the highest possible terms, it undermines …
Committee of the Whole. Resolution L2. Promoting alternative development as a development-oriented drug control strategy, including measures to protect the environment
Chair. This is co-sponsored by Germany, Peru and Thailand. There is a revised text based on the informal consultations. We will start with the title and then focus on the preambular and operative paragraphs. I now open the floor to the delegation of Thailand to provide the introduction. Title Thailand. The title has been proposed …