Netherlands: Ready to take it up now. Version we agreed on yesterday. Two informal sessions on this and we agreed to bring it to the COW. Greece: Rationale of this resolution is enriching the comprehensive understanding of the opportunities of the three conventions to implement effective drug policies, and focuses on proportionality. Being discussed in …
Committee of the Whole: E/CN.7/2016/L.2-L.5, L.10, L.11, L.8
Chair: Merging of the three NPS resolutions into L13. Currently in the process of being translated. Informals started this morning. We will likely have it introduced this afternoon. L2 making good progress. Will be able to discuss it this afternoon or even this morning. Greece: We provided a draft with no track changes. Tried to …
Panel Discussion on the World Drug Problem – 30th Regular Session – Human Rights Council
A summary of the panel, produced by the United Nations Information Service in Geneva, can be accessed here. A full recording is available at UN Web TV. Opening Statement Flavia Pansieri, Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights (Statement) Panel Moderator and the Panellists Ruth Dreifuss, former President of the Swiss Confederation and member of the Global Commission on Drug …
Resolution L8. Supporting Public Health and Justice System Collaboration in Providing Alternative Sentences for Drug Involved Offenders
United states. Very productive informals. Many delegations and good spirit of compromise. Title. Supporting the collaboration of public health and justice authorities …. o pursue alternative measures to conviction or punishment.. NO comments. PP 1.. no comments. PP2. Aware that substance use disorders…No comments. PP3. Recalling GA resolution 69 192. No comments. …
Committee of the Whole – Debate on Resolution L14
“Protecting public health by ensuring adequate services for drug abusers regardless of limited resources” Greece, draft resolution. Protecting public health by striving to ensure provision of adequate services for individuals affected by substance abuse disorders based on the existing limited resources. Change the title…not the limited resources that is the main point, but violent changes …
Committee of the Whole – E/CN.7/2014/L.13 (revisted)
Chair: one remaining para open. OP3 Still open. USA: In the last line, it should say “in accordance with domestic law and legal framework” OP3bis Australia: insertion of referecnes to health professionals and civil society. Egypt: We would have to change language throughout Australia: keep generic “relevant professionals” Egypt: insert national in there Australia: inserting …