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Alternatives to incarceration: When are they useful, how much do they cost and how can member states best implement and monitor them?

Organized by the Governments of Argentina, Guyana and the United States of America, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation Section, and the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission of the Organization of American States Guyana: because of its geography, Guyana is seen as an international drug trade point with its …

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General Assembly: Thirtieth Special Session of the General Assembly on the World Drug Problem (4th plenary meeting)

The full statements delivered by member states during the UNGASS general debate are available here.  The Special Session will be an important milestone in achieving the goals set in the policy document of 2009 “Political Declaration and Plan of Action on International Cooperation towards an Integrated and Balanced Strategy to Counter the World Drug Problem”, …

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