Indonesia: Nearly 3 years have passed since UNGASS – we have been committed to advancing promotion of human rights. In addressing the drug problems whilst protecting human rights the government has provided funding for therapy programmes for drug users and special needs populations such as women and children. It is important that human rights are …
Harm Reduction International (HRI)
Special Event Blog: Leaving No-One Behind: People at the centre of a harm reduction, human rights and public health approach to drug use
Organised by the Governments of the Netherlands and Norway, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the United Nations Development Programme, UNAIDS, the World Health Organization, the International Drug Policy Consortium, AFEW International, Harm Reduction International, the International Network of People who Use Drugs, Open Society Foundation, Aidsfonds, and Frontline AIDS. HE Marco Hennis, …
Side event: The death penalty for drug-related offences: The impact on women and vulnerable groups
Organized by the Governments of Austria, Canada, France, Mexico, New Zealand and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the European Union, Amnesty International and Harm Reduction International. Naomi Burke-Shyne, Executive Director, Harm Reduction International: Drug offences do not constitute the most serious crimes. Use of the death penalty for drug offences is …
Side event: Malaysia’s integrated approach to the drug problem
Organized by the Government of Malaysia. Addressing the threat of kratom and methamphetamine in Malaysia Permanent Representative of Malaysia in Vienna: Kratom is a growing threat in our region and we have two experts who will share their experience concerning this menace of kratom and methamphetamine. National Anti-Drugs Agency: Kratom is a tropical tree that can grow …
Side event: The contribution of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria to the achievement of the mutually reinforcing commitments made by the international community in the 2016 UNGASS Outcome Document and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Organized by the Governments of Côte d’Ivoire and France, the World Health Organization, the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and the French civil society platform on drug policy Camille Spire, French Civil Society Platform on Drug Policy. I am here on behalf of the French NGO platform on drug policy. I thank the Minister …
CND intersessional meeting, 25 september 2018: Demand reduction and related measures
Chair: Good Morning. I invite the floor to adopt the provisional agenda. No comments from the floor – adopted. Welcome to the third intersessional period of the Commission of Narcotic Drugs’ sixty-first session, the thematic segment of the Continuation of preparations for the ministerial segment of the sixty-second session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, to …