International Drug Policy Consortium: What work has the UNODC done (in particular in collaboration with the WHO) to highlight the need for ‘overdose prevention’ and the provision of harm reduction interventions as a central element of countries’ response to the current overdose crisis? Yury Fedotov, UNODC: We collaborate on a number of issues, including on overdose …
International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC)
Side event: Women, incarceration and drug policy: Specific vulnerabilities that call for focused responses
Organized by the Center for Legal and Social Studies, the International Drug Policy Consortium, the Washington Office on Latin America, Women and Harm Reduction International Network, Masyarakat Community Legal Aid Institute, the Eurasian Harm Reduction Association and the NoBox Transitions Foundation. Ivana Radacic, OHCHR (Chair): Thank you for inviting me as the Chair of the …
Special Event Blog: Leaving No-One Behind: People at the centre of a harm reduction, human rights and public health approach to drug use
Organised by the Governments of the Netherlands and Norway, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the United Nations Development Programme, UNAIDS, the World Health Organization, the International Drug Policy Consortium, AFEW International, Harm Reduction International, the International Network of People who Use Drugs, Open Society Foundation, Aidsfonds, and Frontline AIDS. HE Marco Hennis, …
Side event: Réformes politiques et lois sur les drogues en Afrique de l’Ouest

Cisse Mariama Mohamed, Union Africaine. Je voudrais remercier les organisateurs du side-event qui nous réunit aujourd’hui. Le phénomène de la drogue n’épargne aucun continent et l’Afrique est devenu aujourd’hui un lieu de prédilection des trafiquants mais aussi du crime organisé tirant profit du trafic. Les conséquences sont énormes, non seulement sur le plan économique mais aussi de …
Side Event: 10 years of drug policy in Asia: How far have we come? A civil society shadow report

Organised and supported by IDPC, India HIV/AIDS Alliance, ANPUD and Frontline AIDS. Bangyuan Wang, Frontline AIDS Alliance (formally International AIDS Alliance) This event is to look at the past decade and what we’ve achieved in Asia, if there has been any progress. IDPC report – looking at the impact in Asia. Gloria Lai, Regional Director: …
Side Event: Legal and Institutional Framework on Drug Control and Related Organized Crime in West Africa
Organized by the Government of Nigeria, the Global Commission on Drug Policy and the Economic Community of West African States. Barbara Goedde (Global Commission on Drug Policy): Welcome on behalf of the co-sponsors, including the Global Commission on Drug Policy. Today we will hear from the Ambassador in Nigeria, and Nigeria have been playing a formal …