Event to commemorate the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and to launch the 2024 UNODC World Drug Report Event Information Page Chair: this day serves as a strong reminder for the need for collective action. We unite to explore evidence-based approaches that empower us to address the WDP head on. Data collection …
International Narcotics Control Board (INCB)
Item 5. Implementation of the international drug control treaties (Monday morning)
Item 5b UNODC, Drugs, Laboratory and Scientific Services Branch (DLSSB): Thank you, Mr. Chair. distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, as you’re well aware that new psychoactive substances are not under international control, but they produce the same harmful effects as the ones we have under control. In just over a decade, the number of these …
Side event: Taking the Pledge4Action to ensure adequate availability of internationally controlled essential medicines
The 50-minute side event was sponsored by the Kingdom of Belgium and hosted by the International Association for Hospice and Palliative Care. Co-sponsors were Dianova, CAPSA, INCB, Pallium India, Union for International Cancer Control, Vienna NGO Committee on Drugs, and the Worldwide Hospice Palliative Care Alliance. Professor Dr Dr Charlotte Colman, Professor Drug Policy and …
Round Table 2 – The Way Forward: The Road to 2029
Germany/Chair: Hello, welcome to our discussion regarding the way forward in advancing the implementation of all international drug policy commitments in light of the 2029 finally view of certain 2019 Ministerial Declaration in accordance with CND Resolution 66 Adopted by the Commission last March, this roundtable will consist of panel interventions followed by an interactive …
Opening of the 67th session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs & Item 3. High-level segment (Thursday morning)

UN Web TV recording Opening of the 67th session of the Commission on Narcotic DrugsOutcome Document: High-level Declaration by the Commission on Narcotic Drugs on the 2024 midterm review, following up to the 2019 Ministerial DeclarationChair: Welcome. Inform you that for the opening session of the HLS, there’ll be a video transmission of the …
Side event: Innovative responses to promoting access to controlled medicines while preventing diversion and non-medical use: following up on the global “Access and Availability campaign by the chair of the 65th Commission on Narcotic Drugs”
Ambassador Vermuelen (Belgium): introduced the topic and the history of Belgium’s involvement including last year’s initiative, which was at the heart of Belgium’s Presidency of CND. Speakers: Dilkushi Poovendran (WHO), Ghislain D’Hoop, Carolyn Patterson (Assistant Secy Govt of Australia, Health and Aged Care) Jagit Pavadia, President, INCB: Thank you to the govt of Belgium and …