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International Network of People Who Use Drugs (INPUD)

Special Event Blog: Leaving No-One Behind: People at the centre of a harm reduction, human rights and public health approach to drug use

Organised by the Governments of the Netherlands and Norway, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the United Nations Development Programme, UNAIDS, the World Health Organization, the International Drug Policy Consortium, AFEW International, Harm Reduction International, the International Network of People who Use Drugs, Open Society Foundation, Aidsfonds, and Frontline AIDS. HE Marco Hennis, …

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Side event: Réformes politiques et lois sur les drogues en Afrique de l’Ouest

Cisse Mariama Mohamed, Union Africaine. Je voudrais remercier les organisateurs du side-event qui nous réunit aujourd’hui. Le phénomène de la drogue n’épargne aucun continent et l’Afrique est devenu aujourd’hui un lieu de prédilection des trafiquants mais aussi du crime organisé tirant profit du trafic. Les conséquences sont énormes, non seulement sur le plan économique mais aussi de …

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Side event: From abstract principles to concrete guidance: International Guidelines on Human Rights and Drug Policy

Organized by the Governments of Canada, Germany, Mexico and Switzerland, UNAIDS and the World Health Organization. The International Guidelines on Human Rights and Drug Policy can be accessed online here. H.E. Ambassador Claude Wild, Switzerland: Celebration of a milestone. Today we launch the International Guidelines on Human Rights and Drug Policy. Fruitful collaboration between International …

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Side event: Voices from the left behind: Protecting the human rights of women who use drugs

Side event organised at the Reconvened 61st Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs, by the International Drug Policy Consortium, the International Network of People Who Use Drugs, the Women and Harm Reduction International Network, Canada, Mexico, Norway and Uruguay. Ambassador Alicia Buenrostro Massieu, Mexico (Moderator): Welcome to this side event. A couple of years …

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CND Intersessional Meeting, 8 November 2018: Taking stock of the implementation of the commitments made to jointly address and counter the world drug problem

Chair: We focus now on the 2019 target date. (panel) Statistical Committee / Angela Me: Our five targets are, as you know, eliminate or reduce significantly and measurably (1) illicit cultivation of opium, coca and cannabis (2) illicit demand of drugs and drug-related health and social risks (3) illicit market of synthetic drugs (4) diversion …

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