Event co-sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Norway to the International Organisations in Vienna, the Permanent Mission of Mexico to the International Organisations based in Vienna and the International Drug Policy Consortium. Ambassador Kjersti E. Andersen (Norway). I welcome our four speakers to this side event to welcome the Civil Society Shadow Report. I want …
International Network of People Who Use Drugs (INPUD)
The urgent need for harm reduction funding: Scaling-up evidence-based interventions for people who use drugs

Organised by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime HIV/AIDS Section and the Strategic Advisory Group to the United Nations on HIV and Drug Use. Anne Skjelmerud, Norway (Chair) Norway is in between ambassadors at the moment, so I have been asked to Chair here today. I work for the Norwegian development agency, NORAD, …
Side Event: Saving Lives by Ending the Drug War
Panel: Ann Fordham, Brun González, Jane Slater, Jindřich Vobořil, Mary Catherine Alvarez, Maricela Orozco Montalvo, Suzanne Sharkey, Peter Muyshondt Jindřich Vobořil: Welcome to our event. I am the National Drug Coordinator for the Czech Republic. We combined different ways of approaching this issue. We will start with some real life stories first of all. Jane …
Side event – The world drug perception problem
Organized by the Governments of Portugal, Switzerland and Uruguay, and the Global Commission on Drug Policy. Pavel Bém,Commissioner, Global Commission on Drug Policy: The Global Commission on Drug Policy aims to bring to the international level science-based discussions. Humane ways and interventions to reduce the harmful consequences of the use of drugs, and of enforced drug policies …
Plenary – Agenda item 6: Follow-up to the special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem held in 2016, including the seven thematic areas of the outcome document of the special session (Friday, March 17, 2017 – Morning)
Chair: It is my great pleasure to start this morning. Everyone who has worked so hard in the COW, congratulations – especially congratulations to the chair. We will continue our consideration of item 6. Uruguay: Thank you. We believe it is of utmost importance that we carry out the right follow up to these suggestions, to …
UNODC-WHO Special Launch Event – The SOS Initiative – Stop Overdose Safely: Emergency Community Management of Opioid Overdose including interim Naloxone
Rein Oidekevi, Estonia. Serious topic, require strong action, PWID experience most severe health risks, high risk of OD and premature death, lack of action can lead to unacceptable loss of life, important to review drug policy to place stronger emphasis on human rights, naloxone programs can immediately reverse the effect of opioid overdose, national program …