On 5th November 2013, country delegations gathered once again in Vienna for more detailed negotiations on the Joint Ministerial Statement. The Peruvian Chair only circulated a revised draft of the Statement on 30th October, so many member states once again complained about not having enough time to formulate their comments. Importantly, however, the Chair’s new …
CND Intersessional Meeting – Wednesday 16th October 2013
The United Nations (UN) member states are currently working on a ‘Joint Ministerial Statement’ to review progress and challenges in international drug control since the agreement of a Political Declaration on drugs in 2009. The Statement will be released in March. This intersessional meeting was another opportunity for member state delegations to discuss and recommend …
Adoption of final report of CND
Chair of the CoW We had before us 16 draft proposals which have been approved by the Committee of the Whole. A full list of the resolutions is available at: http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/commissions/CND/session/56-draft-resolutions.html. There has been a request to consider the draft resolution on Afghanistan first. Resolution E/CN7/2013/L10/REF1 – Strengthening international cooperation in combating illicit opiates originating …
Side Event: Access to internationally controlled drugs for medical purposes – meeting a global challenge
Opening David Stuart – Permanent representative Australia: Access to these medicines globally is very unequal Single convention on narcotic drugs (1961) establishes framework to : 1. Ensure the availability of drugs for medical and scientific purposes. 2. Prevent diversion and abuse. High Income Countries account for 93% of all medical morphine yet 70% of deaths …
Plenary, Day 3. Drug demand reduction and treatment : Italy
Interventions must limit time of drug exposure especially in children and young people. We need a balanced approach and recovery should be the primary strategy taking into account the human rights of all to be treated properly
Committee of the Whole – Resolution L8: Promoting female-oriented strategies and interventions for women at risk of drug abuse and drug dependence
Costa Rica raises issues around women’s role in drug trafficking and enters addition regarding such concerns. Egypt wants services for women to be country specific. Russia accepts the general theme of the resolution but seems clarity over some of the wording Norway wants women’s greater vulnerability to HIV to be stated in resolutions title and …