Chair: I see the title is agreed on informals. I see no objections therefore agreed CoW. We proceed with PP “Recalling the UN Youth Strategy 2030..” Russia: We propose deletion of “will guide” and replace with ”informs the efforts of… including UNODC” and add “efforts”. Chair: I see no objection therefore agreed CoW. We proceed …
Committee of the Whole (Wednesday afternoon) – L5 Promoting the involvement of youth in drug prevention efforts
OP1 Chair: We will commence with this, agreed in informals. Australia: We should include ‘scientific “and” evidence-based’. Chair: I imagine we can accept this? Indeed that’s the case, that’s agreed by the CoW. OP2 Chair: Also agreed in informals. Any comments? Then I take it’s acceptable for the Member States. And thus agreed in …
Committee of the Whole (Tuesday afternoon) L5 Promoting the involvement of youth in drug prevention efforts
The title Russia: Our preference would be to use the original title of the draft resolution. During informals, it was stated that we would use the world ‘use’. We also had discussions on abuse vs use and misuse, but in our view, it would be best and simplest in the heading to keep it as it was. Other …
Side Event: Beyond Prevention: Empowering Youth to Build Up Their Future
Organized by Italy, and Drug Free America Foundation, EURAD, Movendi International, San Patrignano Foundation, Turkish Green Crescent Society and World Federation Against Drugs. Stig Erik Sorheim, Europe Against Drugs (EURAD): We make choices within our available options. Prevention aims to reduce exposure to risk factors and equip youth to handle risks they are exposed to. …
Committee of the Whole – Tuesday Morning
L3: Chair: Adjourned yesterday stating we’d talk about L2 – but in meantime they’ve gone to informals. So we’ll start with L3, then L6, then we’ll see how we go. L5 informals in M5 now, L4 informals M4 now, L2 this afternoon at 2pm in M4. USA: We’re actually doing informals at 1pm. Rm reserved …
Opening of the 63rd Session of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
*** MORNING SESSION *** Chair: Welcome to CND63. I welcome Chief of UNODC Medical Service to talk about coronavirus. Dr: WHO has introduced guidelines on COVID19 outbreak. Measures to make and keep up safe. Latest numbers: quite a big number of people affected – mainly in China. Now more in other countries than China alone. Main …