Supports limiting number of questions on the UN questionnaires and suggested making sure these are ‘vital’ questions. There should be a harmonious format and perhaps also a secured Internet connection that will allow for the pooling of counter-narcotics information. This could allow for more transparency and analytical and statistical techniques. Perhaps it at least could …
CND Day 2 – Plenary statement by Lebanon on regional and interregional cooperation
There is a need to create a control centre on the regional level that would be responsible for control of trafficking in narcotic drugs and exchange of information. Prevention at the borders is required to prevent trafficking. Lebanon would also like to see a measure of harmony in the tools used and those used to …
Lebanon statement on drug demand reduction
Drug demand reduction is very important. In Lebanon, we prioritise preventive education to raise awareness so that people do not use drugs. We target schools and wider society through media, press and direct communication. The second stage in education is to target drug users who cannot stop using drugs. We encourage them to go to …
Lebanon National Speech to HLM
Once again we find ourselves at this annual session to assess the state of drugs in the world and draw plans capable of circumscribing the scourge that besets all of mankind. Lebanon is deeply committed to implement the conventions and we are concerned that only cooperation amongst states can achieve this. This is why Lebanon …
Committee of the Whole – Consideration of resolutions
Delegation want to support Argentina cannot accpt chanbge to 1 and 2 Mexico delegation agrees with previous countries teaxt has been painfully China supports what was said by Sudan and other delegation Pakistan minimum agreed upon the previous speakers Colombia ab lib Russian Fed supoorts aht was the agreed text Indonesia agree withe the resolution …