Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar Deputy Minister of Home Affairs – Associate with China, drugs serious threat to Malaysia. Compromises security of the nation. 1983 declared threat to national security. Severe punishment including death penalty. Tourists using social passes and tourist visas have become drug mules. Plan to intensify treatment and rehabilitation of drug users. Police …
IDPC Side Event – Diversion from custody
This side event, organised by the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC), took place on Tuesday at lunchtime to discuss several examples of diversion of drug offenders from custody into treatment and other health services. During his introductory remarks, the chairman of IDPC discussed the reasons why diversion was necessary for drug offences, especially when it …
Statement of Malaysia at HLM
ATS is a growing problem in the country, more so than heroin. It noted that there were 6,000 people on OST in national programmes and another 18,000 receiving it from private clinics. There are 10,500 regular users of NEP. There were 12,350 drug dependent people recorded in 2008.