Item 9. Contributions by the Commission to the work of the Economic and Social Council, including follow-up to and review and implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Secretary: As you were saying, Mr. Chair, the ECOSOC coordination session was held in february and we supported the chair of the CND in his presentation …
Opening of the 68th Session of the CND
Item 1. Election of officers CND Chair. It’s an honour to welcome you to the 68th session of the CND. I thank all my colleagues at the extended bureau and secretariat. With over 2,000 participants, this is one of the largest CNDs. The CND can be followed in Boardroom A and UN Web TV. The …
Committee of the Whole (Thursday Afternoon Session)
Resolution L.4. Chair: We had a successful morning and hopefully we will be able to continue in this way. I would like to open this afternoon with our resolution L4 of Belgium. The title is being negotiated in informals but I will give the floor to Belgium to inform us of developments Belgium: Thank you …
Item 7. Inter-agency cooperation and coordination of efforts in addressing and countering the world drug problem
Chair: In the political declaration and plan of action of 2009 member states encouraged int agencies, UNODC, WHO UNDP UNAIDs & INCB to engage in dialogue in order to strengthen interagency coordination for a more effective response… Members states reaffirmed the principle rule of the commission as the policy making body of the Un as …
Item 3. High-level segment (Friday morning)

Canada: Esteemed Chair, Ministers, Heads of Delegation, Distinguished Delegates, and Civil Society Representatives: Canada is experiencing one of the most serious public health crises in our country’s history: an unrelenting toxic drug and overdose crisis. The impact and scope of the toxic drug crisis is devastating and more complex than ever. Tragically, we have seen …
Round Table – Taking Stock: Work Undertaken Since 2019

UN Web TV recording ;Bangladesh/Chair: Discuss the work done around the globe to implement drug control commitments – identify progress, identify challenges. This will consist of a panel of interventions followed by interactive discussions. Mexico/Co-Chair: Delegations wishing to take the floor can raise their panels to nominate themselves. Please bear with me if I call …