On 5th November 2013, country delegations gathered once again in Vienna for more detailed negotiations on the Joint Ministerial Statement. The Peruvian Chair only circulated a revised draft of the Statement on 30th October, so many member states once again complained about not having enough time to formulate their comments. Importantly, however, the Chair’s new …
Supply reduction round table
Chief of sustainable livelihood- UNODC The concept of ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT was recognised in the 1988 convention of the UN article 3. This was reaffirmed 10 yrs later in 1998 during the UN special assembly . And the 2009 political declaration plan of action went further building on the 1988 and 1998 agenda. In 2009 member …
Round Table A: Statement from Morocco
Morocco since 2005 has pursued a strategy focused on 3 pillars: • Fighting cannabis cultivation • Fighting trafficking • Demand reduction Morocco has reduced cannabis cultivation by 65% and every year Morocco is detaining more individuals for trafficking offences. Shared Responsibility must be something that involves respect for ideologies specific to individual international countries. Morocco …
Plenary Day 4. Supply Reduction
Thailand The Thai delegation state that unsustainable alternative development can serve as a way to combat the cultivation of illicit crops and that law enforcement alone cannot solve the problem. To achieve long-term success they state it is important to create infrastructure. Venezuela The Venezuelan delegation is of the view that despite the stepped up …
Round Table A: Statement from Morocco
Morocco since 2005 has pursued a strategy focused on 3 pillars: • Fighting cannabis cultivation • Fighting trafficking • Demand reduction Morocco has reduced cannabis cultivation by 65% and every year Morocco is detaining more individuals for trafficking offences. Shared Responsibility must be something that involves respect for ideologies specific to individual international countries. Morocco …
Committee of the whole – Resolution L10 continued
After an angry vivid 25 minute discussion, the meeting reconvenes. Kenya: The consensus that is emerging is to take the proposal of south africa. It is in the last line, is to use “all drugs” including “cannabis” in particular Morocco: We are not happy with the cannabis inclusion. there is a lot of political issues …