Post-UNGASS Facilitator. Before we start, I want to give word to the Secretariat to deal with the issues of yesterday’s afternoon session. CND Secretary. Thank you, let me give you an opportunity to make an appendix to yesterday’s session. You will recall that there is a specific reference in Chapter 6 to the work of …
UNGASS: Thirtieth special session of the General Assembly on the world drug problem (6th plenary meeting)
General debate [item 7] (continued) The full statements delivered by member states during the UNGASS general debate are available here. Nepal – Established national coordination committee for drug abuse control with separate district level committees in the country. Doing our best to address drug problems. Look to international community for enhanced cooperation, including in coordination with …
UNGASS roundtable 4: New challenges, threats and realities
Co-chair 1: Good morning, we will start. Let me call the 4th round table on the world drug problem. Let me take this opportunity to cordially welcome all of you to the deliberation today. The round-table is entitled: Cross-cutting issues, new challenges, threats and realities. I read Forbes magazine last night, it was stressed last …
Side event – A coordinated regional response to drug production, trafficking and use in the Mekong
Moderator – Jeremy Douglas, UNODC in Southeast Asia Deputy Minister of Vietnam: I will introduce the challenges faced in tackling drugs in the Mekong region, on behalf of the six countries involved in this project. Starting in 1993, it has been two decades since the UNODC and sub-Mekong countries started suppressing drugs. The MOU in …
Special Event, 26th June – Launch of World Drug Report 2015 in New York
The launch of the World Drug Report was also held in New York on June 26. Simone Monasabien, Director of UNODC’s New York Office, moderated, opened with introductory remarks focusing on Deputy Secretary General Jan Eliasson’s commitment to the drugs issue and his comments that we must take the opportunity of UNGASS to “consolidate our …
Committee of the Whole – Resolutions discussed on Monday afternoon
Two resolutions (L2 and L3) were considered. Final language agreed for only some paragraphs. Others bracketed and the Chair directed Member states to go to informals to finalize. What follows is a transcript of the debate between member states. Final language will be posted as soon as it is available. Committee of the Whole Dronabinol …