We always strive for evidence based drug policies and balanced between supply and demand reduction.
CND day 3 – Plenary, demand reduction and related measures: The Netherlands and Czech Republic
Netherlands Agrees with the EU statement. Reiterates the position on harm reduction, human rights, demand reduction, supply reduction. Check Republic Check Republic is complant with EU strategy and Policy fully; WHO and UNADS have amphacized the importance of harm reduction and positive results are seen and evidenced; Check Republic remains in line with these recommendations …
CND day 4 – Plenary statement of the Netherlands on drug demand reduction
Preventing drug use by pursuing discouragement is a key principle. Preventing drug use can also prevent the consequences of drug use among the population and young people. We must realise that prevention is key to the debate. We have common responsibility to adopt an humane approach and provide appropriate treatment. Addiction is a chronic by …
CND day 3 – Netherlands plenary statement on availability of narcotic drugs for medical and scientific purposes
The Netherlands appreciates the efforts of the INCB in efforts to improve access to essential medicines. The Netherlands is deeply concerned about the 87-million people lacking availability to drugs. A recent study has found that millions of people in Europe lacked adequate access to pain medicine. This is a breach of patients’ human rights and …
Dr. Bob Keizer, Trimbos Institute, the Netherlands Institute for Mental Health and Addiction on the importance of research and data collection
Data collection is the basis of good policy. Incomplete data leads to bad assessments and bad assessments lead to bad policies. There is a long way to go and there are a lot of problems that need solutions. The first is on capacity. Data collection is very expensive. There are two kinds of costs involved. …
CND Day 2 – Plenary statement by the Netherlands on effective drug treatment programmes
It is difficult to raise awareness about the risks of drugs to the point that it reduces use. There are several challenges. First, it is difficult to gauge the effect of universal prevention because state of the art evaluations are rare. Studies are expensive and may take years to produce reliable results. Not all drug …