Colombia and Peru: Problems with translations from Spanish to English mentioned The principle of “common and shared responsibility” should replace “joint and shared responsibility. We want tot delete “legality” as well as “being a threat too” OP2 We want to replace “resolves” with call upon OP5 we want to add “continue to explore” instead of …
Committee of the whole – Resolution L5: strengthening cooperation on controlling pre-cursors
CND day 4 – Committee of the whole: L5 continued Peru: We have come up with compromised language and we have a new OP11. “Member states to continue to submit to the unodc, through the anrq, information related to questions related to cases of illicit traffic in their jurisdiction…” EU: I would like to refer …
CND day 4 – Plenary: Peru
Firm committment fighting the global problem of drugs, producer and consumer countries need to sit down and arrange sialoues. Entaiils dewstruction of the environmrny and the consumer needs to understand this. Making available new resources in the fight against drugs. Receive $100 million for eradication and they replanted goods such as coffee. Farmers are not …
CND day 3 – Plenary, Availability of controlled substances for medical and scientific purposes : Peru
In public health, we have established an early monitoring system for related drug problems. we have also targeted specific types of addiction and raised awareness among the population of drug abuse. Financial materials have been provided for this including treatment centres throughout the country. We have also developed primary family care and community based services …
Committee of the whole – Efficient measures to improve participation of civil society in the Commission on Narcotic Drugs
Uruguay: We would like the CND to pay active attention to the participation of civil society organisations, such as NGO’s, trade unions and so on… In the previous paragraph we think “religious organisations” should be added to the list of civil society organisations. The following should also be addedas well as “access to internationally controlled …
Committee of the Whole – Proposal to organise a conference on alternative development
Peruvian delegation presents resolution with Thailand to have a conference this year on alternative development.This issue is important for emerging countries and would be a south-south cooperation. Colombia: Express interest in the proposal for the conference