This event was organised by Germany with the support of Peru, and the UNODC Sustainable Livelihoods Unit. Because it was run under Chatham House groups, no speakers will be quoted by name. In a series of expert meetings organised by Germany, Peru, Thailand and the UNODC, we have been discussing a series of key questions around …
CND 63rd Session Reconvened – Wednesday, 2 December 2020
Chair: Good morning distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen. It is a great honour for me as chair of the CND to welcome you to the reconvened 63rd session of the Commission. I would like to start our meeting today with a few organisational arrangements. As you are aware, the World Health Organisation has declared the …
Special event: Commemoration of the United Nations International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, launch of the 2020 World Drug Report, discussion on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the world drug situation
Special Event of the CND, Commemoration of the United Nations International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking and Launch of the 2020 World Drug Report followed by a Discussion on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the world drug situation, virtual event Chair: We are greatly honoured by the Austrian Federal Minister for …
Beijing + 25: Realising gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls – CND & CCPCJ joint event
Joint CND & CCPCJ Virtual Event commemorating the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women and the adoption of the Being Declaration and Platform for Action (1995) and discussing how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting women and girls From the event’s website: 2020 marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women …
Plenary- Item 12. Adoption of the report of the Commission on its sixty-third session
Dominka Krois (Vice Chair): We had very successful meetings. The session was closed yesterday before 6pm. We managed to adopt all 5 resolutions. Member states showed constructive spirit. Many thanks to all delegates. Chair: Thank you for your work. I request any comments relating to editorial and translation matters to provide these in writing directly …
Plenary: Item 6. Follow-up to the implementation at the national, regional and international levels of all commitments, as reflected in the Ministerial Declaration of 2019, to address and counter the world drug problem (Continued)
Chair: Good morning. Peru: It is with great grief that Peru regrets the loss of an important diplomat, a renowned Peruvian who gave his full career for international peace and security. He’s always been an example, we grieve his death and all diplomats will follow his leadership; he set exceptional standards. He lived to the age of …